Friday, September 18, 2009

By faith ~ Week 21

I must be honest from the start. It was 3 weeks ago tonight, that I heard GOD calling for a baptism in Pacific Beach. I questioned why I was repeatedly hearing this over and over in my head, but I knew it was something GOD was planning, so I agreed with Him and asked to be given 3 weeks. Tonight was the night!

Building up to this day, I wanted to make sure I was hearing Him clearly, so I did what was needed to be spiritually ready for whatever He had planned. By mere faith, I was faithful... not fully understanding how or why, but eager to see what was in store.

As Amanda and I drove down, my stomach was knotting up. I was very nervous, about to take a large leap of faith. What if I was wrong? What if I didn't hear GOD correctly? I prayed en route and by the time we'd arrived I was completely at peace. I knew GOD has already sent His Spirit and prepared the way.

When our team was done with setting up and while the food was heating up to serving temperature, I died to myself and allowed GOD to take control. I soon found myself standing atop the wall, as if on stage, in front of 70 people, which soon grew closer to 100 people, sharing The Romans Road and offering prayer. The gospel was preached and an opportunity was given to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord & Savior. I should mention that everyone was already in line waiting to be served. I asked for those who wanted GOD's gift of salvation to step aside so Joey and I could pray for them. 8 people came forward! I could not believe what I was witnessing. We prayed and explained the life changing decision so that they'd understand what the next step would be. Then came the baptism. Mind you, it was a very cold evening tonight, with lots of ugly marine layer. The water did not look inviting at all...

I mentioned that I felt GOD was calling for a baptism, and asked for those who wanted it to make that courageous step onto the sand with me. 3 of the 8 came down and we walked waist deep into the brisk Pacific Ocean. As each man fell backwards, trusting me to catch them, the waves crashed over them, we said good bye to the 'old man' and asked The Holy Spirit to wash them new. It's so hard for me to keep typing, because as I replay all that's happened tonight I can't help but sit in utter shock that GOD just did that!

Now here's the rest...

Randy and his family contributed to the feed by making a giant pot of hot soup. It smelled and looked delicious! Just the perfect thing to warm up those that were now soaking wet standing in line. Amanda had prepared her usually spaghetti, fettuccine Alfredo and garlic bread. Through out this week's donations, we obtained many blankets and more clothes to pass out. (Again we thank those that have given.)

A gentleman walked by and GOD put it on his heart to give a large financial donation towards the ministry. He handed it to one of the men standing near by, and that individual decided to keep half for himself. Needless to say that I was discouraged when I found out. It's not my place to judge that man for his actions. He'll have to face judgment with GOD one day. He wasn't stealing from us... rather he just stole from GOD!

The food lasted longer than usual this time. Some of our guests were even able to have second plates. Our friend Chicago stopped by to visit for some fellowship. He looked great and was still not drinking. His head was clearminded and he now has a possibility for work at a nearby market. Praise GOD! He mentioned that he'd like to attend C&V with us, instead of Sunday service... which should work out well since I only have so much room in our vehicle and we now have the 3 men from earlier who all asked if I could pick them up for Sunday, plus Steven, which makes a full load. I really enjoy being a part of what GOD is doing in Pacific Beach.

It's a blessing to see what a differance a little love makes. If only everyone else lived by that commandment too, right? We have upcoming plans to get these men & women involved to love their neighbors, who don't do the same.