Friday, November 19, 2010

Making a difference one life at a time...

The highlight of the evening was definately Alyse!

The dinner went by in a flash, and yeah there was alot of people saying encouraging words, but I can honestly say that the best part was hearing that our friend, Alyse enjoys listening when I share from the gospel according to John.

It's strange, because the 3 verses that I taught from tonight, was clearly from John, but not once, did I give referrence to the scripture address. Next week I'll attempt to offer her a small pocket-sized gospel of John.

It's pretty obvious that God is doing some work in this woman's life! Amanda and I are just so blessed to be a part of it and get a front row seat in seeing how God works.

I gave a reminder about the Thanksgiving outreach that our church is putting on next week, and got a total head count of 34 people this week who want to go. We'll see what happens!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Personal Perspective (From Danna)

It has been a few weeks now since Beau asked me if I’d like to share anything God has taught me while serving in Pacific Beach with “Loving Thy Neighbor” ministry. First of all, it has brought my husband, Ruben and I closer because we serve together. We used to think (use excuses) that we couldn't serve in a capacity like this because we wouldn't have the time or money. We both work full time and have a teenage son and a college aged son still living at home with us. First thing God taught me right away is that He is in control of time and money and He can (and will) multiply both right before your very eyes and if you aren’t careful to look for Him; you’ll miss it. I think in my life, He does that so I will know that it is He who is beside me every day. He wants fellowship with me but will not force it upon me. So it is with the friendships we’ve developed on the beach. It takes patience to develop trust with those we serve because of the lies pain has told them.

I’ve never seen Christians work so well together. I don’t see anyone trying to force their own agenda, be in charge, etc. We just seem to work so easily together. Prior to this experience, I had a saying... "It would be so much easier to serve Jesus if I didn’t have to deal with my brothers and sisters." Looking back, I can’t believe I honestly felt this way! God does have a sense of humor. Ruben and I have been helping since last March. We find that God has always provided the money and energy/time to help. It really surprises me sometimes the money He provides because I would have never have thought we could help but it seems like there isn’t a hole in budget when it comes to the ministry. All of our needs are met. I know that it is His economy, budget and calculator so I just go with the flow and it seems so easy.

One of the biggest lessons and most appreciated that I’ve learned is just to love people where they are at in life. I think Amanda was the person I first noticed it in. It is so easy to emulate when you have another sister or brother who is so authentic and make it easy to follow their example. I’ve learned it doesn’t matter who shows up drunk, high, mean spirited, mentally ill; I can honestly love them because Jesus has put them in my path and His love seems so natural pouring out of me. I don’t think I’d ever experience prior to helping serve at the beach. I’ve volunteered for different events in the past but this is different and maybe because we’ve sensed God’s calling to be faithful on a weekly basis. It is so much easier for me to talk to homeless people now because God opened my heart to see them as people not as homeless. They have stories, lives, family, struggles, dreams and heart breaks... they all need Jesus. It is amazing how many have faith or know of Jesus but addiction or mental illness has lied to them for so long that they now believe that perhaps nothing will change. Jesus does change people though! It is so exciting to see people show up after being missing for weeks and they show up sober and with a job! That makes Ruben and I want to make more salad and serve more meatballs!

I’ve also learned to let go and let God work. One young man really stole our heart and we so wanted to help him, but he really wasn’t ready and I wonder sometimes if he just wasn’t ready to be loved. He hasn’t been back since we reached out to him. I know Beau and Amanda also reached out to him so my prayer is that whatever path He is on in life; it leads him to Jesus.

This has been one of the best experiences in my life. I watch the volunteers grow and wonder what is going to happen to our ministry and where God will lead us but in the meantime, I am enjoying the ride. I’ve made friends there and some Friday nights I’ve hated walking away from them to go home but I trust Jesus for the whole experience and every aspect of it. I’ve often gone down on Friday night just absolutely exhausted or feeling spiritually dry but during the short amount of time it takes to serve Jesus’ children; I find my heart lifted and my energy level return.