Saturday, July 10, 2010

Love is patient, Love is kind... (Friday)

I'll openly admit that there are times that I find it harder to love certain people, but GOD knows what He's doing... and I'm thankful that He's the one in control.

We're nearly settled with getting our new stove top issue, but we're not there yet. We took our neighbors up on their generous offer in allowing us to use their kitchen for the meal this week.

Our team arrived on time as normal, and a message was given, like normal... but I found myself getting distracted because of a few people in the crowd. One 'trouble maker' in particular, stood directly in front of me and downed a few shots of whiskey and then started a conversation with others... (which I found out afterwards, was all to get a reaction out of me. Those are the types that I find harder to love, not for lack of respect, but because they have a personal issue with me, and hope that they can be the cause to stir something up to see if what I preach, is that of the same that I practice.

It's really encouraging for me to see how this Ministry has grown. Specifically with the Servants that have been touched by the Holy Spirit, and have made a decision to join our team. I'm very thankful for each and every one who has been a part of this Ministry!

Besides the previously mentioned distraction, all went well for us. We had our opportunities to spend one-on-one time with a few people. One guy named Mikey stands out most to me. I'd never met him before, so I didn't want to pry much. As we sat talking by the sand, he mentioned that he'd appreciate some prayer, so I took that chance and lifted his needs to GOD.

Amanda was able to speak with her buddy, Alyce for nearly an hour. She is like a delicate person that will need alot of gentleness & time to break through her walls, but it's been working over the past year. Alyce, now greets us with warm hugs.

There's so much more to share, but due to complications with my home computer... I'm keeping the next few posts short and direct, because I'm on a borrowed pc.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Salvation is a sweet thing... (Sunday)

We met with our buddy, Simon this morning for service. I'm proud to announce that everyone greeted him well with open arms, as he waited for me to arrive. It's such a beautiful thing to know with confidence that I need not worry how others from our congregation will treat guests.

Simon enjoyed the service and shared with me that the sermon message had a lot of things in it, that really spoke to his heart and made a promise to return for further services with me.

After service, Amanda and I seized the opportunity to spend a little bit more time with Simon, over some lunch. The entire time we waited the 20 minutes for our seats and during the meal, it was complete Q & A, followed with Biblical responses. He kept referring to Jesus as 'The Prophet' and Amanda took the open door asking him his own personal belief of who Jesus was to him. He admitted that he wasn't completely sure about that, but confessed he realized there was something very special about Him and His impact on this world. Before we parted ways, I took the risk of asking Simon what was stopping him from putting his trust in Jesus according to what the Bible says. He was honest and said nothing was stopping him.

In the parking lot of IHOP, we stood there and prayed with Simon, where he confessed Christ as his Lord & Savior, asking for his sins to be forgiven and to start his relationship with Jesus from this very memorable day. GOD is sooooo good!