Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bearing Fruit ~ Friday (March 5th)

It is so refreshing to see others commit to this Ministry! My wife and I are thankful to GOD for answering our prayers. There are 2 particular verses that come to mind when we reflect on what GOD has done through the love of others at our side.

"We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing." (2 Thessalonians 1:3)

"They honored us in many ways and when we were ready to sail, they furnished us with the supplies we needed." (Acts 28:10)

Last night was another blessed night for everyone. The previous week I'd been introduced to a Sister in Christ, who'd been jogging by and happened to see the love that was being poured out. She'd asked if there was anything she could do to help out. I'd told that we'd find something she could do. She was the first person I ran into when we pulled up last night, and not only her, but she brought along 2 friends as well. I asked them to handle the distribution of clothing and blankets.

As we were setting up, Reuben and his wife Dana arrived and blessed us with 2 large dishes of fresh salads and helped finish setting up. It's amazing how GOD uses people to confirm His will for my life. To see the excitement and joy that this Ministry brings to others, confirms that we are called to be here and that He is moving!

Knowing in advance we'd have some of the HSE students returning, I'd brought the extra items back down. Jason, the worship leader, was one of the first students to arrive, we discussed when the praise music should begin.

I shared a devotion that I'd received recently, and while I was speaking, directly in front of me, sat a man set out to distract me. I prayed in my heart while I was sharing The Truth, and GOD helped me tune this mans distractions out and stay focused.

My soul weeped inside as I glanced at all the blank faces looking back at me. The next thing I know... I'm overcome with this boldness to let them know that if Jesus were have returned right then, some of them wouldn't make it to Heaven. (I was terrified! Afraid that this statement would upset some.) I realized then, at that very moment, I was no longer reading from my notes but The Spirit of GOD was speaking through me.

An invitation to accept the One and Only True Saviour was given and I'm pleased to say that Michael gave his heart to Jesus!

Because we had so much help, I was free to walk among the crowd and spend some one-on-one time with Michael. He was encouraged to get rooted into a Bible Believing, Bible Teaching church in the nearby area. I offered to pick him up and bring him to ours if he'd like. He declined a ride from a stranger and said he'd find one in PB.

The love of Jesus Christ was definitely poured out all over the boardwalk and I only see it spreading like a wildfire. It's a beautiful thing to look around and see many people wearing the beanies that were made in love specifically for this Ministry. GOD is good friends!

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