Thursday, October 8, 2015

Raising funds through Yard Sales

I can not recall whether this was mentioned before or not, but this started happening years ago. We would often come home and find random items sitting either in our driveway or on our doorstep. These items were donations towards the ministry, although with good intentions, somebody without a home might not have any use for a microwave. The donations kept coming and soon we started to fill our garage to its limits. We started doing yard sales to raise funds. This has become our best resource over time. It is certainly a full days work, as any of our team members can testify to that. The start time to set up is usually between 5-5:30am. We can hear the roar of the early bird customers creeping through the neighborhood by 6am, but we try to keep them off the property until 7am as we are still setting up. Manning the hoards of walk ups while setting up is far too overwhelming to take on both at the same time. Because these have become a regular thing, we have repeat customers and through this, we have had wonderful opportunities to build relationships with our clients. We've prayed with people, encouraged others and on a few occasions even had the privilege to lead some to salvation in Christ. What a blessing these tedious and tiresome yard sales have become. They are dreaded each time but they are so worth it in the end. October 17th, 2015 (Next Saturday) is the next. We still seek volunteers to help us. Please pray that God will provide the help.

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