Well.... to start off I should mention that our team was smaller this week. Amanda, myself, and Randy. (I feel it's necessary to mention the sacrifices that Randy endures for the sake of the ministry. Tonight he sat in traffic for 1hr 45mins just to partake and help us out.) Randy is such a huge blessing to have on our team. Randy has a huge heart and it shows by his genuine acts of kindness. Since our team was so much smaller this week, and will be for the next month or so... positioning myself to speak with others on a more intimate level will have to wait. I certainly don't mind serving. It's a great honor to be serving in the name of The Almighty One, The King of Kings & Lord of Lords!
We arrived on time, and yes we had lots of people waiting. It's heartwarming to know that the men & women can now count on us being there like clockwork. We had numerous men assist with unloading the truck and setting up.
My mind was more focused tonight on being a server and not an evangelist, so I was somewhat one-track minded. I didn't see a number in the multitudes, just alot of hungry men & women. If I had to place a number on the crowd tonight... I'd guess something close to 30.
I wasn't able to give the bible study I had prepared to give tonight, but that's okay. Jesus allowed His light to shine and His message of Love was definately preached without so many words. Most faces were the familiar crowd, with a few newbies mixed in the bunch. We also had our fair share of looky-lou's asking what we're doing. I shared the sole purpose for our ministry with love and kindness. I soon stood face to face with a man named Peter. He came down and told me that because of what he had just heard me say.... he needed to come break bread with his brother. I was moved by that statement. It reminds me that GOD's love overflows far beyond the walls that surround us on the boardwalk.
Our food was gone before 7pm. It's becoming a regular occurance and now that we're prepared for it, it's okay. We regulated the food portions to be safe. The guys helped us with clean up and loading everything back in the truck. We still hung out until around 9pm though. It's nice to sit and talk with the people. Our awesome photographer friend was snapping shots again tonight and blessed me with a photo she'd taken the week before.
Just before we were about to leave, Joshua shows up. He demanded some food and ordered us to find him some. I explained to him that he needs to arrive on time because the guests are multiplying and food is running out so much faster. He asked if we had anything left over. I looked around for chips or anything of such.... with no luck. He was smoking a cigarette on the boardwalk (which is illegal) and the police pull up on their bikes, ask him some questions and inform him that it's illegal to smoke there. While they were speaking to him I decide to start picking up any left over trash in our area. I do not know how to explain this, but all of a sudden I noticed a submarine style sandwich wrapped up laying on the wall that I was just sitting on. I can't explain how it got there because I don't know.... I can assume and share what I believe, but for those who follow along and don't quite share the same beliefs might think I'm making this part up. I'm not!! I politely interrupt the cops & Joshua to let him know that I have a sandwich for him. He looked even more puzzled than I was when I gave it to him. Jehovahjireh
All in all tonight was another phenomenal night full of GOD and a miracle to dwell on. I love this ministry and thank The Lord Jesus for my salvation, giving me a new heart, and the tongue to confess of His goodness.
"Let us not love in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth (in practice and in sincerity)." - 1 John 3:18
Friday, July 31, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Week 13 (Sunday)
I drove back to PB and picked Steven up again.
Amanda was still at home getting ready, so we came to pick her up before heading to church. Her giant heart was already preparing a hot breakfast for Steven and I. Scrambled eggs & buttered toast. It was funny to see Steven do a little dance when he saw what was brought out to the truck.
As we sat for service, Steven acknowledged that having helped set up the chairs it really does give you a better appreciation for the hard work put into it every week. He asked if I wouldn't mind picking him up every Saturday. No problems for me.
Amanda was still at home getting ready, so we came to pick her up before heading to church. Her giant heart was already preparing a hot breakfast for Steven and I. Scrambled eggs & buttered toast. It was funny to see Steven do a little dance when he saw what was brought out to the truck.
As we sat for service, Steven acknowledged that having helped set up the chairs it really does give you a better appreciation for the hard work put into it every week. He asked if I wouldn't mind picking him up every Saturday. No problems for me.
Week 13 (Saturday)
Bright and early Steven was sitting on the wall reading yesterdays edition of Union Tribune, waiting for me to pick him up.
We set up the chairs in the main sanctuary. It was fun seeing him hustle and smile as he worked. He shared that it felt good to give back and do something for GOD. I agreed.
Afterwards I dropped him off and wished him well. He said that he planned to read his bible under his umbrella and enjoy the beautiful day.
We set up the chairs in the main sanctuary. It was fun seeing him hustle and smile as he worked. He shared that it felt good to give back and do something for GOD. I agreed.
Afterwards I dropped him off and wished him well. He said that he planned to read his bible under his umbrella and enjoy the beautiful day.
Week 13
GOD always knows best! In our eyes, the budget gets harder as the ministry grows each week, yet He continues to provide through people. Amanda's co-worker, blessed us with enough resources to provide for the next 2 weeks. (I shall leave the person's name out for privacy, until permitted.) I do thank you from the bottom of my heart though!! Our ministry was blessed with 30+ backpacks (brand new) to hand out as needed, thanks to the tremendous help of Randy.
We were shocked to see the large crowd waiting for us. We did things a little differant this night. Our team was myself, Amanda, Jerrica, Joey, Randy, and Christina (another friend from home fellowship). Once the food was set up, we invited our guests to join us in prayer as we opened up shop. About 6 of them came forward to bless the food and give thanks to GOD.
I let everyone know that between 7-7:30pm, we'd be teaching a bible study and anyone was welcome to stay and participate. I was very surprised to see who it was that decided to stay when the time came.
We set a new time record! In all, I'd guess we had about 60 guests dining with us from the very start, which meant the food went alot faster than normal. We were completely out of food by 6:40pm. Almost everyone was able to get a bite to eat. We had a repeat customer from the week before, Spike. He showed up around 6:50 and was able to grab one of the garlic bread pieces that remained. I mentioned that I was about to start the bible study shortly. He respectfully said that he was going to leave in search of some meat because he was starving, but thanked us for the bread he was able to eat. He and I spoke for a few minutes and I did my best to lift his spirits up... all of a sudden I see Amy (from home fellowship) roll up on her beach cruiser, holding something wrapped in foil. It was a stack of kabobs, loaded with chicken & beef! That very moment Spike realized GOD had just provided specifically for him. I couldn't help but shed a tear of joy seeing him smile that way. He then opted to stay for the study and fellowship.
I sat with a woman who's been joining us for the past few weeks taking photographs of everything going on. She's not with our group but she enjoys being around us. She shared some of her work with me. Very good stuff I admit. She asked if there was something she could do to help out. I suggested that even something as simple as handing out the waters would be of great assistance to us. We exchanged information and emails. She promised to send me some of the photos she's taken to use for the blog.
Since the food was gone so fast, the women had alot of freetime on their hands. During the bible study I noticed all the women ministering to people, getting to spend some 1-on-1 time talking with them as individuals. I didn't get a chance to hear what they were saying, as us guys were going through chapter 2 of John. The study went well. Alot of insight from all the men that stuck around. One of those men being the guy I had called the paramedics for weeks earlier. He's doing much better now, I might add. I believe that because of that particular event, he now sees that I'm one that can be trusted.
After the study had finished, most people took off. I stuck around though, sitting next to the tables we set up. A man walked to the table out of curiousity, staring at the pile of bibles. He asked if I remembered him. I vaguely recognized his face but couldn't place it. A month earlier, I had seen him diggin in the trash cans on the sand for bottles. I walked down and had given him a bowl of spaghetti. Of course, now I remember! He thanked me for that act of kindess again. We sat and talked for 30 minutes or so. I invited him to church with us, and offered him my number. Jerrica spoke some spanish to him, so he'd understand what I was trying to communicate. Jerrica is such a blessing to have around!! He offered us help serving in the future. The hearts of these men & women are so giving... if only others can get past the outside and see them for who they really are!
We were shocked to see the large crowd waiting for us. We did things a little differant this night. Our team was myself, Amanda, Jerrica, Joey, Randy, and Christina (another friend from home fellowship). Once the food was set up, we invited our guests to join us in prayer as we opened up shop. About 6 of them came forward to bless the food and give thanks to GOD.
I let everyone know that between 7-7:30pm, we'd be teaching a bible study and anyone was welcome to stay and participate. I was very surprised to see who it was that decided to stay when the time came.
We set a new time record! In all, I'd guess we had about 60 guests dining with us from the very start, which meant the food went alot faster than normal. We were completely out of food by 6:40pm. Almost everyone was able to get a bite to eat. We had a repeat customer from the week before, Spike. He showed up around 6:50 and was able to grab one of the garlic bread pieces that remained. I mentioned that I was about to start the bible study shortly. He respectfully said that he was going to leave in search of some meat because he was starving, but thanked us for the bread he was able to eat. He and I spoke for a few minutes and I did my best to lift his spirits up... all of a sudden I see Amy (from home fellowship) roll up on her beach cruiser, holding something wrapped in foil. It was a stack of kabobs, loaded with chicken & beef! That very moment Spike realized GOD had just provided specifically for him. I couldn't help but shed a tear of joy seeing him smile that way. He then opted to stay for the study and fellowship.
I sat with a woman who's been joining us for the past few weeks taking photographs of everything going on. She's not with our group but she enjoys being around us. She shared some of her work with me. Very good stuff I admit. She asked if there was something she could do to help out. I suggested that even something as simple as handing out the waters would be of great assistance to us. We exchanged information and emails. She promised to send me some of the photos she's taken to use for the blog.
Since the food was gone so fast, the women had alot of freetime on their hands. During the bible study I noticed all the women ministering to people, getting to spend some 1-on-1 time talking with them as individuals. I didn't get a chance to hear what they were saying, as us guys were going through chapter 2 of John. The study went well. Alot of insight from all the men that stuck around. One of those men being the guy I had called the paramedics for weeks earlier. He's doing much better now, I might add. I believe that because of that particular event, he now sees that I'm one that can be trusted.
After the study had finished, most people took off. I stuck around though, sitting next to the tables we set up. A man walked to the table out of curiousity, staring at the pile of bibles. He asked if I remembered him. I vaguely recognized his face but couldn't place it. A month earlier, I had seen him diggin in the trash cans on the sand for bottles. I walked down and had given him a bowl of spaghetti. Of course, now I remember! He thanked me for that act of kindess again. We sat and talked for 30 minutes or so. I invited him to church with us, and offered him my number. Jerrica spoke some spanish to him, so he'd understand what I was trying to communicate. Jerrica is such a blessing to have around!! He offered us help serving in the future. The hearts of these men & women are so giving... if only others can get past the outside and see them for who they really are!
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