Last night Joey and I started a small bible study with Steven, sitting in front of Starbucks, which we plan to continue every Thursday night from now on.
Tonight was the best night we've had so far!!!!! Amanda, Teri, and Jason came. We decided to BBQ for a change. We brought 2 grills, hot dogs & hamburgers, home-made potatoe salad. No sooner then the smoke starts raising from the grills do the police show up. The told me that the same lady reported us again. This time it was for the BBQ. We even moved to a differant location on the lower level, to keep the peace between neighbors but apperantly that didn't help any. The cops asked what organization we were with and I told them the same thing I tell everyone... "We're here representing Jesus Christ and GOD's love, although we go to church, we're not here representing our church." I shared which church we are part of and ironically enough.... the officer knows our pastor very well and was part of our church from the beginning. The officer took the time to go through the legal mumbo-jumbo fine lines of the laws in PB with me. The officer was very encouraging and I thanked him.
We now have a home and a stronghold backing for our ministry. GOD is good all the time and all the time GOD is good! During my discussion with the officers, there was some disappointing commotion coming from one of the guys joining us for dinner. He was obnoxious and way out of line. He received a citation for Disorderly Conduct because of his behaviour. Steven started praying by himself and tried to gather the believers together for prayer, for the Holy Spirit to ease the ordeal. That was awesome to see him take upon himself. Afterwards I asked the man if he and I could talk, and he flipped out on me. I let him vent and go on his way. About 45 minutes later he returns and tries to join our group again. Now that he was calm, I asked if I could finish saying what I wanted to say in the first place. He agreed to listen. I explained to him why it was out of line and how timing is everything. I opened his eyes to see the damage his actions may have caused to our ministry just by doing the things he did and claiming to be part of our group. He asked if I wanted him to leave and that allowed me to share GOD's grace & mercy and my own self conviction. There's no way I could rightfully call myself Christ-like if I turned my back on somebody because they fell into sin. I explained that our ministry is all about Love and it's times like that, that it counts most. He began to cry and I felt what I could only describe as the Holy Spirit fall down and blanket over us.
We met a man named Dave tonight. He knows his scripture, it's only a shame that he's not walking the narrow path.
Mike asked for a bible and promised to study it. I invited him to join us for Thursday night study at Starbucks. He said he'd check it out.
Tomorrow I'm taking Steven to the swap meet to get a few things...
Sunday I'm picking up Jeremy & Andy for 1st service, and they'll be volunteering in the cafe during 2nd service. I advised Jeremy that it's not in the best interest to come to church while intoxicated because it can be a distraction at moments and agreed to be sober from now on.
I sit in awe of our LORD and His mightiness!!!!!!!!!
We met a man named Dave tonight. He knows his scripture, it's only a shame that he's not walking the narrow path.
Mike asked for a bible and promised to study it. I invited him to join us for Thursday night study at Starbucks. He said he'd check it out.
Tomorrow I'm taking Steven to the swap meet to get a few things...
Sunday I'm picking up Jeremy & Andy for 1st service, and they'll be volunteering in the cafe during 2nd service. I advised Jeremy that it's not in the best interest to come to church while intoxicated because it can be a distraction at moments and agreed to be sober from now on.
I sit in awe of our LORD and His mightiness!!!!!!!!!