Last night was absolutely, positively, super naturally Awesome! There is so much to write about, that it's taken me longer to recap everything and find ways to put it into words. The love of GOD, The Father is so good!
Where do I even start? I suppose that I should begin with the tail end of last week...
We received numerous large garbage bags full of clothes that have been donated by friends. Last Sunday morning, Amanda and I were given the opportunity to share about the Ministry to a group from our church, which may have opened some doors for other avenues that people can get involved with Loving Thy Neighbor. That same night, we received two fairly large sized bags full of hygiene supplies, which couldn't have come at a better time, since we were pretty much out of everything.
A new semester of HSE has started up this week, which means tons of new students ready to follow the call of whatever the Lord has for them. Lamarr (one of my roomies, and HSE student) had shared with some of his classmates about the Ministry. Upon arrival last night, I was introduced to a HSE student who was ready to help serve and be used where he was needed. Lamarr and Spencer (our other roomie and HSE student) both came down to Minister with us. I felt relieved to have the extra help. GOD answered yet another prayer! We have tons of help serving the meal (and I'm so grateful for all that are involved!) but I've noticed a gap that still needed to be filled when it came to having enough people for one-on-one time and prayer.
As we were setting up, Danna noticed two young boys (maybe 10 or 11 y/o) on the upper level observing us. The boys asked what we were doing. Danna explained to them why we were there, and they desired to help out! I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. These kids were in San Diego, on vacation from out of state, and wanted to help the needy. GOD was using these young gentlemen, to minister His love to all of us. We learned of their names: Joseph & Brayon. There's no doubt that these guys were brought up in a home with incredible values and a love for others. (I'm still in shock as I sit back and dwell on that.) Wow!
Danna kindly put them behind the table to help pass the food right along the makeline. The best part is something I discovered after they'd left... as each plate was passed, Joseph said: "Enjoy your meal sir/ma'am." It was said with such sincerity, that everyone present could see that GOD was pouring out His love on the people of Pacific Beach.
As I've been freed up to move/walk around to speak with everyone, I ran into a Pastor from another church that the crowd is familiar with on Weds nights. The Pastor informed me that their church has a generous amount of toiletries and wanted to know if we could use some for our Ministry. I took him up on the offer, and plan to see him next week.
Daniel. Two weeks ago he was in horrible shape and I feared the worst when he nor his brother showed last week. Well, they were both there last night... and Daniel looked like a completely different man! He was 100% sober, he was smiling, he was happy, and he was proud to let us know that shortly after Amanda and I'd prayed for him, GOD started working on him. He ran into a Pastor from another local San Diego church, who's been helping them out in more ways than one. Daniel gave the credit to GOD, because of the interceding prayers. (There is more to this story)
I ran into another man named Kieth. He also gave credit to GOD, The Father, for Him placing us to be used to speak to him and help encourage him. He now is working full time, has an apartment, and offered his availability to speak to the group and give his own personal testimony, to share what GOD has done in his life. Kieth and I plan to meet up for service at church on Sunday morning.
There was a gentleman who'd stopped by to give us encouragement. Before leaving, he gave a donation, which (I did not look at) and thanked him. I continued to hang out and love on the people, taking their trash for them... about 10 minutes later, that same guy comes back again. He said: "As I was leaving, I heard GOD tell me to come back because I did not give enough, so please take this too." This time, I had Lamarr and another guy with me, and we all looked at each other utterly amazed at what GOD just did. He doubled his original donation, to cover the entire cost the following week.
Things like that, remind me just how little faith we (I) have in GOD sometimes. Speaking for myself, I don't mean to but I often find myself guilty of putting GOD in a box when it comes to certain things. It's recently been a struggle to figure out where we're going to come up with the resources for the next weeks meal, because of low funding. (I mean really, how often does some random stranger just come up and do that?)
Amanda shared a neat story with me, about one of the elderly ladies who wanted to share a verse from Psalms with her. It was full of encouragement and blessed Amanda.
Amanda was also able to spent some good quality time with her favorite lady, Alyse. Those of us who were still hanging out at this time, all sang Happy Birthday and presented a slice of cheesecake to her. Before we left for the evening, we promised to return in the morning with a blanket.
Earlier this afternoon, Amanda and I went to Walmart to grab a blanket for Alyse, as promised.
As we were walking out, I noticed a familiar face sitting in the Vision Center Dept of the store. It was Daniel and his brother Kieth!
With them, was their new Pastor friend. We were introduced to one another. It was so neat to see the smile on Daniel's face. Their friend was getting him the glasses that he needs. He's also generously put them in a hotel for the week. Together we agreed that GOD was definitely showing those brothers that He loves them and wants what is best for them.
I took that opportunity to invite them to church with us. We've made plans for next Sunday, because they've already made plans with somebody else for this Sunday. I'm so relieved to see that they are seeking the face of GOD, and that He has put people in their lives for a very specific reason. GOD has their full attention and I trust that one day, Daniel will have a very powerful testimony to share with others.
Once we returned to PB, we did not exactly know where to find Alyse. We know of her hang out spots, but nothing is ever a for sure thing down there. Oddly enough, we found her immediately and she was so happy to see us. We were introduced to one of her buddies, who welcomed us into their circle with an offer of some beers... twice!
The powerful thing about it, was that before either of us could even turn him down, Alyse proudly turned him down and said: "Hey no, they're Christians!" Amanda and I both agreed that her statement alone was so rewarding to be recognized by others as Followers of Jesus Christ and that we are set apart from the worldly things.
In closing....
I realize this is by far my longest post ever, but I'm sure now you might understand why. To sum it all up, I pray that the things shared, are an encouragement for all to put your Hope in GOD, because His love is unfailing and will never cease.