Saturday, July 3, 2010

Love is a powerful thing! (Friday)

We had to do another bar-b-que, due to our stove top still being broken. Using this method for the meal adds up nearly tripling the cost it takes to do the pasta dishes, and yet GOD provided again this week. Using the word "amazing" doesn't even come close to describing our GOD and His love for us all.

Our team was strong in numbers this week. We all came prepared to feed another small army of hungry people. We just forgot one thing... it's the first week or the month, which tremendously cuts down the size of the group, as they receive their SSI or welfare checks. We've discovered this to be a routine thing as they get whatever income they can, it's used to get a hotel for a few nights and maybe some not-so-healthy things to consume before they're back on the streets.

The only hiccup throughout the night, occurred at the very beginning while we were setting up. (To the unbelieving readers, this might sound strange.) I'm pretty sure I stood face to face with a demon! I'd forgotten to bring a lighter for the food, and this person loaned us his. The man came and stood next to me while we were getting arranged and started saying he was hungry and demanded chips and water. I'd asked him to please wait while we finished setting up and blessed the meal. His attitude immediately changed, and started cussing at me, calling me names, barked orders at Amanda to return his lighter, and rode away on his bicycle. I was baffled at his response and studied his eyes while he was speaking. The best way to describe what I saw would be to say 'he looked unhuman-like'. I don't think I'm going to forget that hostile look anytime soon.

Moving right along... I felt almost guilty having so much help & food and not nearly enough people to serve & Minister to. The good news is that for those that did show up, they had the opportunity to eat as much as they wanted. I'd guess there was maybe 40 people (if that). We'd prepared 100 hot dogs, 72 hamburgers, and tons of side dish items to compliment everything. We ended up giving one of the men an entire pan of 50 hot dogs & buns to take with him to another place he knew of that could use the extra food. Later in the evening he gave me a call to report how the food did not go to waste and was greatly appreciated by the other Ministry.

The best part about this Ministry, is that it is not tied down or labeled as a Homeless Ministry. Our primary guests might fall into that category, but we'd never turn anyone down who stumbles across our path. Jesus commands us to 'Love your neighbors as yourself' and the way we see it is that everyone down there is our neighbor... even the tourists. A small group of college-aged girls stopped by and joined us for some food. Some of our team had an opportunity to speak with them a little bit. They approved of our Ministry and even contributed donations to help support us. Whether or not we shared the Gospel with them, they saw Love in action while visiting San Diego.

There was a flag vendor booth just a few feet from our set up, so I took the opportunity to give them some food, which they were very happy to receive from us. Spencer came with me to break the ice and speak with them. After a few minutes, I slipped away, leaving Spencer to converse with the man and his wife. Before Spencer was finished talking to the guy, the man asked to come to our church. It's exciting to see Jesus work through acts of kindness and a little bit of conversation!

My highlight of the evening was while we were packing up to leave. I was carrying some items towards the truck, when Simon offered to help. As we set some items down waiting for the truck to pull up (it was a few blocks away), he started some small talk, which lead to a very encouraging compliment. Simon is ex-military, where 'talk is cheap'. He's been coming for over a year, and confessed that he's been studying us. He knows the Bible and has met lots of Christians from different denominations who've invited him to church. He said there's something different about our Ministry that has caught his interest. The Love that we pour out week after week, match what we talk about. That Love can only come from one place and he wants to explore that for himself. He mentioned something specific that he needs prayer on, and as I prayed for him... I was lead to share scripture in my prayer, and a particular verse struck him while we prayed. Although our eyes were closed, it was very visible due to his shaking. When we were done praying, he had goosebumps all over and shared what hit him. He was shocked that I said what I'd said in my prayer was something he'd just read earlier. I told him that there was absolutely no way that I could know what he's going through and that whatever was said was from GOD through me directly to him for that very moment. I gave Simon my cell number, and he'll be meeting us at church Sunday morning.

I'm so encouraged to see what effect this Ministry has on all of us. I'd guarantee that for everyone one of our team members, this has been a positive impact on each of them, and it's all because of the Love that is found through Jesus Christ. I thank our Beautiful Lord for the work He's doing through the lives of everyone who's willing to step outside of their comfort zone and into His call.