There's no doubt that there's a spiritual battle going on around us, between good and evil. We caught a very small glimpse of it last night. We need more prayer support for this very reason.
We finally were able to run into Chicago, after a few months of repeated over night visits to the County Jail. He was in bad shape: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He stores so much pain inside and washes it down the any booze he can.
The group seems to like hearing Bible stories and give enough respect to gather together as we open the night in prayer and they listen silently (for the most part). I'm holding fast to the promise that GOD's word does not return void.
The food went quickly as everyone passed down the make-line. We had help from Joey, and Mary Clo, a friend from our home fellowship. The Ministry was blessed with salads from a local restaurant
We did not see the family that had attended last week, and others had asked about Jeremy because they'd heard he was alive and doing well. Many had presumed he'd passed away due to his alcoholism.
My current struggle is trying to figure out how to prepare for the big storm they say will hit San Diego next week, including Friday. All I can do is fall on my knees and pray that direction would be given as to our next step. (We have yet to obtain any EZ ups)