Tonight was very special. It reminded me of the beginning stages of this Ministry, when we used to hang out and just fellowship with a few of the guys. After all the hustle & bustle of the evening, it was just some sweet down to earth conversations and getting to know each other on a personal level.
With word spreading about out gatherings, churches and other organizations have included us on a list, without our consent and that has been drawing the larger crowds more regularly. Those large crowds keep us from having that intimate time building relationships with our neighbors.
There was a wave of new faces tonight. The way I've been looking at that is like this... I have no clue if those people will ever return, so this might be my one & only chance to share Jesus with them, so I go for it. I must take every opportunity that GOD puts before me, and use it for Him. It's too easy to get caught up in doing something nice or good, and forget the main goal. I do not want to be the one to let that slip.
The message came from Luke 14:24-35. I also shared a testimony of a martyred church group from North Korea. The story was from the book Jesus Freaks. I feel that story along with the message touched alot of people tonight. A handful of people asked where they can get the book. It's encouraging to see people taking a deeper interest in hearing about our faith.
The LORD has been so faithful to the Ministry... especially lately... actually He's never been any less faithful, but it is us who are now seeing His blessings from other angles. We serve a GOD who is far beyond greater than any of us could ever put into words. It is a true blessing for our team to represent Him through this Ministry of love. My prayer is that many more would come to know Him through it. So many lives have already, but there will always be more who do not yet know.