Friday, May 13, 2011

Where there is faith, hope is found...

Throughout the week I'd given alot of thought and consideration to what was said to me last Friday by one of the men. I prayed everyday asking GOD for direction... I found myself repeatedly coming back to Psalm 40 and there I found my answer.

We got a late start tonight due to parking. Thankfully the security guard at local parking structure is generous enough to allow us to park there while Ministering. Parking is always an issue when the summer is around.... it is the beach.

Before I started my message, I'd asked for a show of hands for all who call upon the Lord Jesus Christ. To my surprise, a little more than 1/3 of the group raised their hands. Now please keep in mind, this had to be one of the biggets crowds we've had in a very long time... so I'm talking about 40 or 50 people raising their hands. I was really taken back when I saw that, but GOD is so good and I realized that just because somebody doesn't bear as much fruit as the person next to them, doesn't make it any less authentic. I now know the direction in which to prepare my future messages. This is church!

It's so funny that the crowd was this large... (that might not actually be "funny" the more I think about it) But what I mean is this- My wife usually cooks the same amount fo food each week, and for the most part everyone gets to eat... unless they show up an hour later and others have had second plates or what have you. There was a ton of people waiting in line and I for sure thought we were going to disappoint alot of people and run out before they got to the front of the line. We had just enough pasta in the pans up to the last person, and for whatever reason, that individual passed on the opportunity to eat just in case another person was still hungry. Considerate, huh??

GOD is doing an amazing thing down here! We had a few extra people (who I deeply care about) show up to help out, one way or another. My mom helped out with the cheesing, while a good friend and brother in Christ stayed up top. He was able to see things from a different perspective, and share with those who were passing by when curiousity got the best of them. I'm thankful that we don't always see how GOD is working, because it allows room for us to figure things out while He works.

The dynamics have started to change and GOD is opening up new doors, so prayfully things will become better. All glory be to GOD!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Praise be to The King!

Arrival this week was a blessing. As we pulled up, we were greeted by our friends who were waiting in a parking spot, that they'd held for us. It's the small things that really help us out. Our truck was unloaded in record timing!

After I'd shared the message, one of the guys gave me some criticizing feedback. It was good to hear what he had to say, because it showed me that he was actually paying attention to what was said in the first place. I appreciate the fact that he came up to me and shared what was on his heart.

There is still so much sadness down in PB. We are still seeing some of the same faces from when we first started this. A few have moved on, some have passed away, and then we're always confronted with another sea of new faces... as it was this week. The homeless population is only growing. I'll be the first to admit that I'm far from a "homeless advocate". That is not my passion, nor my job. I am only called to share the Hope that my friends and I possess... and that is only found through Jesus Christ The LORD. Yes these people need help, and yes it sometimes feels overwhelming to be asked repeatedly if I can help get this or do that.

I've discovered that there are plenty of people down there who have an excuse for everything. I've given suggestions and offered ways to help when I can and unfortunately the majority don't want it. This Ministry gets harder and harder each week. That being said... we who continue to endure this each week must continue to look to the Scriptures for our strength and guidance:

"If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn't love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God's secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn't love others, I would be nothing." (1 Cor 13:1,2)

"With all gentle and quiet behaviour, taking whatever comes, putting up with one another in love..." (Eph 4:2)

May GOD, the gracious and merciful Redeemer of our souls grant us the Love & Patience that He has for us.