Saturday, April 24, 2010

Greater is He who is in us... (Friday)

The best way I could describe this entire week, would be to say that it's felt like everything around me was under a thick, dark cloud of Spiritual Attack. Tonight was no different! There was a minor bump in the road, just to get down to PB tonight, but we managed to pull it off regardless of the circumstances.

As the beautiful San Diego weather starts to settle in, it brings drawls more people to our meals. The crowd is growing like crazy and there are so many new faces. One of our new guests was acting a bit obnoxious while we were setting up. I did my best to lovingly explain to him how we do things down there. (It's always a task to get an unsober person to comprehend formalities.) It eventually worked itself out though and we started the night off in prayer before a message was given on Aninias & Sapphira, and lying to The Holy Spirit.

This Ministry is hard... I'm asking for more prayer support.
Where I am weak, He is strong!

I was given a helpful gift by one of our regulars, Reggie. I laughed inside when the gift was presented to me... not because it was funny nor was I being rude, but because awhile back I had joked around (to myself) about this very item. Reggie explained that he enjoys hearing the weekly messages, but finds it hard to hear what is being said most of the time. He went to the swap meet and bought me a Mega-Phone, so that everyone could hear me loud & clear from now on. (To be honest... I'm nervous about using it and drawing attention in the wrong manner.) I did not use my new toy tonight because I had to figure out how to turn it on first... which I've discovered my dogs absolutely do not like.

Our amigo, Vista was back on the boardwalk after spending nearly another week at the hospital due to his horrible drinking problems. While he was away, what little possessions he did have, were stolen, so again he stood empty handed with only the clothes on his back to his name. I've learned over the course of a year, that this is one vicious cycle most of the people go through on a regular basis. It crushes me! Vista is tip-toeing at 'deaths door' and I certainly do not want to see another man perish. Please join us in prayer for his salvation and deliverance from such wicked bondage.

The food went so fast again this week! I will start looking into other resources for donations and support from agencies. I trust that GOD will continue to provide, but it's also required that we don't just sit & wait for opportunities to fall in our laps. "Faith without works is dead."

Before we left, I met a guy from another Ministry, from another church, who was meeting with a group of Believers in the very spot we were leaving from. I shared with him what GOD has been doing in PB through our Ministry, and even introduced some of the guys to him.

In a sense, I felt as though GOD was putting in a relief pitcher for the evening. I look forward to hearing testimonies from that group in the future.