The past 2 weeks have been really sweet for the Ministry.
The hot topic at the moment is the excitement built up for our Neighbors getting FREE dental work done next week. I can only imagine what some of them must be feeling, knowing this opportunity is nothing short of a miracle for them. I'm still having a hard time believing it myself... But GOD is that good to being forth a solution to such a need, to show His love.
Last week, we had a group from our church come to our side and help serve with us. To our amazement, that same group returned this week and some asked if they could continue to be a part of what is doing with us.
It's so funny because it wasn't that long ago (just a few shirt weeks, at best) that we were short-handed, and now we have like another 5 or 6 sets of helping hands.
A neat thing that I notice is how much our dinner guests pay attention to us. What I mean is, some ask "Where's so and so?" or say things like "I miss blah blah blah."
I don't ever want to be in such a place where I stop caring for our guests that I see them as faces that I forget about when we drive away. An important tool that I'm confident our entire team agrees on, is the importance to remember as many people as we can by name, calling then by name, and remembering to keep them in our prayers as individuals and not as a whole packaged group.
Our team may not be the most organized, if at all, but we remain place where GOD has set each one of us, and through that faithfulness comes learning. When passer-byers stop to inquire, most think that we're very organized and most of us laugh about it, because we are soooo not that. It's literally walking the waters by faith.
This Friday I noticed that more people passing on the boardwalk are stopping to listen to the sermon. I believe that GOD is definitely doing something bigger in Pacific Beach, than what we can see with our eyes.
I was having a discussion with Amanda last night and she reminded me that although the group we serve might have issues and perhaps not everyone pays attention or even believes what I preach, they still return each week, and that GOD has chosen to give me this flock. I am thankful like never before.