GOD is faithful to provide. GOD uses people as vessels for His Holy purpose and that is exactly what Amanda and I experienced this past 2 weeks. Loving Thy Neighbor, now has a brand new stove top to continue cooking hot meals for the people of Pacific Beach. With the new stove top, we're actually able to cook faster and now have the capability to cook more if necessary. I am genuinely in awe at the goodness of GOD and so very thankful for the people He channeled through to make this happen.... from the most deepest, bottom part of my heart... I THANK YOU!!!!
Soooooo, to the point....
It doesn't matter how long we've been doing this, or how many times I've spoken to the numbers of people.... I still get butterflies in my stomach as we pull up near Crystal Pier, because I'm confident that something positive is going to happen, and I'm excited to be able to participate. I'm only speaking for myself of course, but if I had to take a guess, I'd say that some of our team may feel the same way. I've said this over & over, and I'll continue to say it... because it's the truth - I'm strongly encouraged by the strength & support from so many people who have joined LTN and become part of the Ministry. Ultimately yes.... Glory be to GOD, but my wife and I could not have gone this long without all of the help from so many people who have given up themselves and their own time on Friday nights, to be a part of what GOD is doing. (I'm man enough to admit this... so here it is... as I sit and consider everything that has gone on and all the love we've been shown, I sit here crying with tears of joy!)
Our friends Marci & Carl arrived with a huge bag of brand new socks to pass out for the guys. Danna & Ruben arrived with their enormous and delicious salads. John & Benni brought the awesome chocolate chip cookies that everybody raves about. My buddy Ray came and made himself available to serve. Our good friends John and Lamarr joined us and helped with one-on-one ministering.
There is absolutely no room for any doubt, that the Love of Jesus Christ is being poured out week after week to so many in PB. As summer time thickens around us, it brings alot of hungry youth through our line.
I was inspired by GOD to share a message on the topic of faithfulness this week. In the message was a story of a young man, who'd lost his entire family, who had no income. As he passed near a bakery, he smelled something good. A old woman noticed the young man, paid him some attention, showed him a Love offering and shared her fresh bread with him. She than, began to open the door to share who Jesus was, referring to Himself as the Bread of Life.
As always, I do what I can to study the faces and eyes when I share. (It was so much easier to do this week because we only had about 40-50 people). I felt a few connections that may have struck a nerve with the visual story. My prayer is that these people start to hunger for Righteousness above all else. All we can do is continue to be faithful to our own callings, by showing up and love our neighbors, as they are.
I was informed of something rather strange that happened, that I did not notice early on in the evening. At the same moment I'd started to share the message, a flock of pigeons formed into an attack pattern and started diving at the crowd. Although people wailed their arms and tried to scare the birds away, the birds continued to come back with a vengeance. I'm not sure how I missed that activity, but I'm glad I did, because there's not a doubt in my mind that it was a distraction sent by the enemy. Do you recall Mark 5 or Matthew 8 involving the herd of pigs???
Jeremy is nowhere to be found again. I'd heard that he was trying to get back into a program but I'm not positively sure. I pray that he is in good hands wherever he may is. Ron is another guy that I'd consider a friend, and nobody seems to know of his where-abouts either. It's really sad when you think of the possibilities where somebody who has no place to call "home", might be. I pray that GOD would shield him and keep him healthy & safe.
I know that GOD is faithful and will never leave us, nor forsake us... and that He is our strength & refuge. I can't help but wonder when the crowd will see that for themselves.