Sharing the story of GOD's awesomeness with a friend named Teri, it was put on her heart to join us. Along came Teri's friend, Jen who felt compelled to come and bless us with help.
We decided to make the 6pm time frame official and set up. Again many people stopped by giving encouragement and thanks for helping out the community. Majority of those people were our own brothers & sisters in Christ Jesus.
Generosity comes in all shapes and sizes. Some of our new friends offered us things in return for blessing them. Simple things such as newspaper articles, spare change or leftover food they received from the afternoon. Of course I told them we're there to bless them and there was no way to accept their offerings. It's really opened my eyes to see things in a whole new perspective.
We've made an abundance of food, and there's been times where we've offered seconds or even thirds to some of the guys and yet they very humbly decline because they do not want to possibly take away from another in need who might show up later.
There seemed to be a dead period inbetween groups of people passing through. During one of those periods, a gentleman walking by himself came up to us and blessed us with a donation, again... enough to continue for the following week. We thanked him and assured him it will be put to good use.
I introduced myself to a young man named Gabe, who plays guitar on the boardwalk and invited him to have some food. His sign read: Music is good for the soul, Money is good for the pocket. He writes all his own songs and played his newest for me. I asked if he knew any Christian songs. He said not at the moment, but that he's a big Jars of Clay fan. I informed him that they are coming to our home church to perform in July and asked if he'd like to join us. He came over and endulged in the spaghetti. Men continued to gather for the food and commented on the garlic bread, which was an opportunity to share that Jesus Christ declared "I am the bread of life" (John 6:35). They were surprised to hear that I was sharing scripture and asked for me to read more with them. I read them chapter 6 of John. Gabe liked what he was hearing and decided to utilize what he was hearing and transform that into a melody to play for our small group singing scripture for us.
Again, GOD is awesome!!!
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