"Let us not love in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth (in practice and in sincerity)." - 1 John 3:18
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Update for the season!
Being that most of the LTN team fellowships at Horizon anyways, it was no surprise running into some of our friends from PB at this years Thanksgiving outreach. It was neat to see some familiar faces.
I've held back on mentioning what exactly we are aiming towards for a few reasons. The biggest is that Gods ways are not always what we have planned, so things may change if we say "This is what we'll be doing."
For now I can share what things we've been praying about and we are confident that if that's what God will is, the doors will be opened wide...
From experience, we are well aware that the biggest need for the homeless community is at the me of the month. That's being said, we plan to establish ourselves at a park in the heart of Clairemont Mesa on the last Friday of each month. Flyer distribution to inform the locals of our Ministry will start at the beginning of January 2013.
With the last Friday taken care of, we have at least 3 other weeks available for Ministry opportunities. This is where the changes are taking place. I know that not everybody shares the same heart to reach out to the homeless population and that is perfect understandable...
What about sharing some love with the elderly in our communities? Whether that be cooking meals, doing yard work, doing small repairs at somebody's home, walking around and praying in convalescent homes, etc... That's an area that's heavy upon our hearts.
It's undeniable that San Diego is a huge Military town. How can we not love those who willingly risk to lay down their lives for our freedom, including our freedom of religion? In what capacity can our team of servants for Jesus Christ reach out to love on the Military families? Door to door prayer? Teams of people maybe help do the grocery shopping for mothers while their spouse is deployed? There's so much potential to share Jesus is such actions!
The other week is somewhat undetermined still. Originally we were thinking helping in orphanages and loving on the children Jesus talks so much about loving the kids and not preventing them from coming to Him. The only issue is that I have yet to locate any orphanages in San Diego. Our heart is still for children but we are seeking direction and guidance where to go and what to do.
That's all I have to update for now, so please remember us in your prayers. May GOD grant each of you blessings upon blessings, peace, love and joy in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
A new season!
Our time serving the community of Pacific Beach has come to an end as if last Friday, so tomorrow will feel awkward for most of us when we don't do our normal routine.
We gave ample notice to our neighbors before leaving them. The last thing any of us wanted to do was leave our dinner guests with the feeling of abandonment or guilt. It was God's calling for us to relocate for a new season, after several months if diligent prayer. Most of them understood what that meant.
Our last night (last week) was monumental. I believe that the word got out that our team was packing up and moving out. We had the largest gathering ever! There was close to 300 people who came out to say their good-byes to us. We would've normally ran out of food for such a large group, but in God's perfect planning, He supplied and met our needs before we knew what was going on. A food donation came to us in addition to what Amanda usually cooks, which left us with just one single plate left after it was all said and done. "God trips me out!" I love the fact that I'm clueless most of the time, because its exciting to see what He's going to do next.
As our friends said their good-byes, they greeted us with warm heartfelt hugs and lots of thankful handshakes. There was even some shedding of tears. I shared the vision God gave us along with the new location we will be setting up in January. Several of our regulars promised to commute to stay in touch with us and continue in their spiritual growth. I am so blessed at the relationships built over our time spent in PB.
This past week, I was given the privilege to share about LTN during chapel at Horizon Christian Academy. Some of the students recalled my visit last school year. We included a sign up sheet for those desiring to become involved... I was blown away at the positive response from the youth.t In addition to volunteers signing up, we received an abundant donation of needed items to continue the work of the gospel through the love of Christ.
It's late and I'm exhausted, so that's all for now folks. Be blessed and please be praying for us.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Proverbs 20:24
This week our team had a meeting in which we discussed what GOD was leading us to do. A decision was made and we will be headed in a new direction as He leads us.
Tonight I made the announcement to our dinner guests, which I anticipated negative remarks, but to my surprise came blessings and words of encouragement! Those who 'have the ears to hear' asked that we keep them up to date with our movements because they would like to go where is necessary for fellowship and continual growth in their walk.
Our entire team is excited about this new seasons that He has planned for us, and although we are unsure what it's going to look like exactly, but we walk by faith and not by sight... Right?
The LTN team will finish out October and then we will be spending the rest of this year getting organized and figuring out how to be more productive for the sake of the Gospel. (As we proceed in certain areas of our planning, I will update on here.)
What I will say for now is... "This new venture will give much more opportunity for others to get involved, if they have a heart to serve."
Tonight something really rad happened while in PB... With our Worship Leader unable to join us (due to calendar conflict) our nights have been somewhat hectic. The sound of worship music has a special supernatural power that has kept the area mellow over the years. Most of the fellow musicians have grown an appreciation for Jason's faithfulness and have taken notice of his recent absence, so tonight... Although these two men did not play 'Christian music', they did what they could and did a peaceful jam session with an acoustic guitar and bongo for us while we served everyone dinner. It was pretty sweet!!!
I know we are going to miss the friendships of those we've grown to know during this season, but we understand what it means to follow in obedience when The Lord says to move.
"No fisherman ever stays in the same pond for too long."
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Putting things into perspective...
As I gave the message, I'd asked by a show of hands, who believes the statement Jesus said in John 14:6. There was a significant number of hands raised... (somewhere around 30 if I had to guess a number)... but what was revealed to me at that moment wasn't how many people were saved, it was the number of those with hardened hearts and deaf ears unwilling to change even after so many years of hearing the Good News that will save their life.
Months ago, there was an issue with a woman who comes through our line. This time she was so out of control and disrespectful that I had to ask her to leave. She refused and became even more belligerent that I ended up calling the SDPD to handle the situation. Some of her friends, became angry at me and could not understand why I made such a decision, but those of sound mind understood. There has been a great and damaging sense if disrespect for what we are doing in PB. It breaks my heart to see so many people unwilling to receive the goodness of God. Some of our regular guests have shown that they feel they are entitled to something, which I'm afraid is not the case at all. There's. fine line between friendship and ministry. Personally speaking, I feel that if ever there comes a time when somebody after investing so much into their lives, they feel comfortable enough to be your friend and stay in that previous state, rather than change and be fruitful.... one must evaluate and figure if it's time to move on.
We all know that Jesus is bold, direct, and speaks with clarity. He didn't beat around the bush in Luke 9:3-5.
There's no doubt there's a spiritual battle going on, just as the Bible says. One of my brothers in Christ told me after the outraged woman left told me something that really ministered to me: "Thank GOD that's the only thing that happens tonight!" I'm pretty sure the devil wasn't too pleased to see so many people raise their hands without any shame that Jesus Christ is their LORD and confess that He is the only way to salvation.
Here I am Wednesday morning still with a heavy heart, but encouraged in the LORD by my brothers, and seeking direction from our Father. Please join me in prayer what to do.
Thank you and GOD bless you all.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Some thoughts to think about....
Here we are now 42 months (183 weeks) later and we still see most of the same people in the same position we met them in. Sure... now they listen to the sermons and are thankful and some are actually truly grateful for our kind acts, but it breaks my heart that except for a very few, there has been no change.
There have been several people who have prayed to accept Christ during an invitation, but there hasn't really been any real growth. There are times like tonight, that I wonder if we're spinning our wheels. Should we move to plant seeds elsewhere?
I had a conversation with one of our guests this evening and he'd been around for about 2 years now. He shared with me the perspective from a 'homeless person' towards us and what we do. "As good as the food is, and as nice as you guys are to us, it gets old hearing the same thing and eating the same food over and over again." When I heard that, I was at a lose for words... What does one say to that and still remain walking in the Spirit? I respect his brutal honesty, but it got me thinking about the balance in the fruit we've produced in Pacific Beach and whether or not it's time we relocate to start a new work.
I'm feeling a little defeated... Maybe just discouraged.... But I know this feeling will not last, because I have the promises of a Comforter who will always lift me up when I'm low and He will direct me where He wants us to go.
Earlier this week, some women from our church mentioned that they're starting a women's Bible Study in PB, very close to where we meet on Fridays. They asked me to mention an open invitation to the women that attend the dinner... None of the women were interested.
Don't get me wrong, there are genuinely nice and grateful people who we are helping, but are we now enabling them? There is a difference from a hand-out and a hand-up... so which is it that we are doing?
Tonight I watched people take full advantage of our teams generosity. It was a restless night and there was lots going on: bike theft right behind me while I'm preaching... People barking demands at our team for clothing... Folks cutting in line to help themselves, rather than wait... People changing clothes they just receive from us, only to walk back thru to get more items despite our limitation policy... Cursing towards us when we ask for cooperation... Grumbles when we tell them we don't have an item like razors....
That's not the majority but only a few, but as I said earlier, where is the fruit of our labors?
The one thing I'm asking prayer for myself at the moment, is for wisdom. With wisdom comes clarity. I do not want to make a move without the direction of God, especially of it's based on emotion.
Right now I feel like Peter when he said to Jesus "We've fished all night and have caught NOTHING!"
Off my soapbox and going to sleep now. Maybe God will speak to me in my sleep.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
The angels dance...
We were blessed with a food donation, so we had a change of menu, which I believe is needed every once in awhile. We served cheeseburgers, hot dogs, Mac & cheese, and baked beans. Something happened that I think impacted one of our guests in more of a way than we would suspect. This particular man has lots of health issues and is very selective as to what he eats. Amanda (being well aware of his condition) made this man a special plate of spaghetti, packaged just for him in a container to-go. When he came through the line, he was blown away that Amanda did something out of her way, specifically for him.. And because of that, he was able to join us for dinner.
It was a good fruitful night and it's those times far and few between that make this Ministry so rewarding.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Sunday, August 19, 2012
More love, more power...
Due to the approach that GOD has given us to use to our neighbors, we are witnessing hearts becoming softened. More of our neighbors are wanting to join us in opening prayer, and more are listening intently to the sermon shared. One of the first things that changed, that has been a huge blessing for Amanda and I.... (and my back...) was the amount of men who help unload our truck and set things up with us. We are in this Ministry to give without the expectation of getting anything in return, especially from a group as our neighbors in need, yet they give what they can through serving with their hands. I appreciate them more than words could ever explain.
This week, we had the company of our high school youth group join us. It was beautiful to see young brothers & sisters sharing His ultimate love, with pure hearts and genuine smiles. There is something very special about seeing young people having a heart for others. I hope and pray those are the events in life that will catch the heart of somebody else who maybe doesn't know Jesus, and seeing that will win them over. There was the laying of hands for physical healing this evening and we're excited to see GOD do the healing.
Our church has a very simple, yet very profound vision statement: Win, Disciple, Send. Tonight, as I'm writing this entry, I feel like GOD has shown me how we can apply that vision to our MInistry. We don't know what HOF has planned for any of us... for any of our houseless neighbors... or anything, but we can win the hearts of people (always pointing to Christ). That is something we know we can do if we keep doing what we're doing in love. We can disciple in the sense of biblical discipleship to our neighbors but we can also disciple volunteers in the sense of education of this culture and how to show the way it's best been effective for 'us'. In that same token, we have also send those that have caught the vision, to other parts of the community to do the exact same thing.... Share the love of Jesus Christ in truth and action.
I was surprised to learn that Amanda and I have earned somewhat of a reputation within the community. People from afar talk about the Christians that feed people pasta on Friday nights by the pier. Perhaps we're not known by name (which is fine by me) but there is undeniable doubt that word on the streets is we are feeding Physically & Spiritually.
I mention that because my heart broke when I first heard that although plenty of churches or facilities will hand out some food, not too many places or people are sharing the Word of GOD to such a crowd as these. I thank my Heavenly Father for calling me to this Ministry and gifting me with a way that I'm able to reach my neighbors without cramming the Bible down their throats and scaring them off... They actually keep coming back, knowing they will hear about Jesus. It's awesome!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
We keep truckin' along....
We met a couple of passer Byers who were drawn to our gathering by their curiosity. Once they discovered what we were about, they asked how to help and get involved. It's an open invite to all who want to watch what GOD does, because those who are present can't deny He is with us.
As for this past Friday, out regular Worship Leader couldn't make it, so my buddy, Toyo, came out to give a hand. (There is something supernatural about the presence of worship & praise songs!)
Mid-evening, a young gal and guy approached me about participating in a documentary they're working on. We had about a 10 minute interview of questions on why we do what we do and for whom we do it for. I can't wait to see the worldwide web hear about the work that GOD is doing through LTN. I'll keep everyone up to date once I get a copy of the film.
Praise Him!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
A new season of growth...
The hot topic at the moment is the excitement built up for our Neighbors getting FREE dental work done next week. I can only imagine what some of them must be feeling, knowing this opportunity is nothing short of a miracle for them. I'm still having a hard time believing it myself... But GOD is that good to being forth a solution to such a need, to show His love.
Last week, we had a group from our church come to our side and help serve with us. To our amazement, that same group returned this week and some asked if they could continue to be a part of what is doing with us.
It's so funny because it wasn't that long ago (just a few shirt weeks, at best) that we were short-handed, and now we have like another 5 or 6 sets of helping hands.
A neat thing that I notice is how much our dinner guests pay attention to us. What I mean is, some ask "Where's so and so?" or say things like "I miss blah blah blah."
I don't ever want to be in such a place where I stop caring for our guests that I see them as faces that I forget about when we drive away. An important tool that I'm confident our entire team agrees on, is the importance to remember as many people as we can by name, calling then by name, and remembering to keep them in our prayers as individuals and not as a whole packaged group.
Our team may not be the most organized, if at all, but we remain place where GOD has set each one of us, and through that faithfulness comes learning. When passer-byers stop to inquire, most think that we're very organized and most of us laugh about it, because we are soooo not that. It's literally walking the waters by faith.
This Friday I noticed that more people passing on the boardwalk are stopping to listen to the sermon. I believe that GOD is definitely doing something bigger in Pacific Beach, than what we can see with our eyes.
I was having a discussion with Amanda last night and she reminded me that although the group we serve might have issues and perhaps not everyone pays attention or even believes what I preach, they still return each week, and that GOD has chosen to give me this flock. I am thankful like never before.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Way behind on the updates.....
Honestly, at this point I don't even remember what events happened which week, so I'll share the highlights of what I do remember.
God used a negative situation into an encouraging one, which of course glorified Him in the outcome of it all.
Summer is here and so are the crowds of people migrating tro the sandy beaches of sunny San Diego. From my perspective, the more people that come to the beach, is an opportunity for more people to hear the Gospel
preached. I've noticed a lot more tourists stopping in their tracks to either listen to a message from the Bible...... or to join us for a free meal.
Looking back at what differences there have been since Amanda and I first arrived that night in April of 2009, I'm thankful that GOD has allowed us to be a part of something so rewarding.
Has everyone gotten saved? Of course not! But we have seen lives transformed. We've witnessed alcoholics near death, accept the grace of the One and only Savior... Letting Him do the work in their lives. We've seen a handful of people find jobs and pick themselves back up off the streets,.. Because of the hope and love that we've given them, through the hope that we've found in our GOD. We've seen some of the hardest hearts, crumble before our very eyes and they now can't help but smile when they see us coming. None of that is "us"... It's all the work of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we get a front row seat.
I'm excited to announce something that I never would have dreamed of, but this too is only the power of our King, who has no bounds or limits to what He can do.....
There's a Dental Office who has contacted us, and is offering 100% FREE service to 15 of our neighbors.
This past Friday I gathered a few people that are in serious dental need and let them know what is taking place. This will be taking place on Aug 4th in Santee, CA. It is my duty to transport these individuals to their appointment, but I could use your prayers an maybe even some help with the transportation from PB to Santee and back... Or possibly help with funding to purchase bus/trolley tickets for their return to the beach.
On another note, the LTN team has been blessed recently with extra friends coming to our side to help with the serving and ministering the love of Jesus to our neighbors. This is an exciting thing for me, because it's allowing other people to put into action what we read about. I've learned that there are several people who have a desire to do something, to maybe share the Gospel or evangelize, but they lack the experience or maybe are held back by the fear of not knowing what to do. Our Ministry is very unique in that sense. It's simple. We show or love through food and showing kindness to everyone without regards to race, age, sexuality, or financial ranks. In short, our Ministry is perfect because it's very non-threatening and casual.
I am still praying how we can be more productive and I'm open to ideas, so if you're reading this and you have something in mind..... Please send us an email and somebody will get back to you.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Good Friday
It's GOD's provision, that allows this Ministry to continue each week. This week, He did something extremely special that I think will be spoken of for years to come... Amanda was able to obtain a 4 pack of tickets to the Padres vs Dodgers game (GO PADRES!!!) We thought it would be so awesome to use the 2 remaining tickets to bless some of our 'neighbors'. More of that later...
The message shared tonight was well received, and 2 of our team members took the opportunity to speak & pray with those that showed an interest in giving their hearts to Jesus. That was really cool to see! Our volunteer numbers have grown in the past few weeks, so it was great to have the men be able to go among those the crowd. That has always been the hard part for me, because there are just so many people, and I can't get to everybody at once, so it's really nice to have that assistance available from time to time.
Everything went smoothly as far as the dinner went. We brought down a large bag of the awesome hats that we were gifted with last weakened. It seemed like most people were appreciative of them. It's always a blessing for us to see how something like a beanie can bring such a beautiful smile to somebody. (Please take this moment to consider, even the small things in your life, and never take them for granted.)
Onto the game we went: Amanda, myself, Sid, and David. Neither of the guys had ever been to Petco Park. It was a treat for all of us. The LORD hooked us up with a fantastic parking spot through another brother in the LORD. Although the Padres got stomped, we all had a blast!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Love covers a multitude of sin....
This past Saturday (March 31, 2012)... Hearts & Hands held a ceremony for the Ministries that have been impacted by the love of this group. I'm pleased to announce that Loving Thy Neighbor (LTN) was one of honored Ministries, that spoke on behalf of everyone whose received a knitted gift from this group.
Before Amanda and I left the ceremony, they presented us with a very large donation of freshly knitted beanies! I'm not talking about a few or a grocery bag full either... there was an entire table filled with stacks & stacks of beautiful, hand-knit hats for our cold friends down at the beach.
I wanted to give a shout out to the wonderful ladies that GOD has called to Hearts & Hands, and honor them by asking all readers of this blog to please pray for them and the supplies they continually need to keep this awesome and unique Ministry going.
They are currently working on filling an order of 40+ blankets for an orphanage in Romania.
Again, all I ask is that you please pray for them and if it's on your heart to help in any way you can contact them through their website: http://heartsnhands.webs.com/
Friday, March 30, 2012
There were a few factors that made it extremely busy for us...
1) It's the end of the month, which brings more people to the free meals because all the their SSI finds come been used up.
2) Our team was short-handed by a few members, while other volunteers were running late or fighting to find street parking.
3) Due to an abundant and blessed food donation, we switched up the menu and gave our dinner guests an option of cuisine to choose from, which in turn created more work for all of us.
I was humbly reminded that our ways are not always in the perfect plans of GOD...
I'd arranged for one of our brothers to share his powerful testimony with our neighbors today, which would have given me an opportunity to find some rest for a change. (It can be difficult at times not having an assistant that I can turn to when I need a break.) Anyways, our guest speaker fell through last minute due to his work schedule, and I was unprepared to give a sermon. The LORD reminded me of what He showed me yesterday from the book of Daniel, so I shared about the second dream of King Nebuchadnezzar. It was pretty amazing to fully rely on GOD to use that story to reach the crowd tonight.
We gave some of our neighbors the opportunity to participate in serving their friends and helping us out at the same time. I feel that this hands-on experience is something that those men will not soon forget. It amazes me how the few that actually want to help, express their desire so strongly and are willing to 'give back' in any capacity.
Thanks to our recent connection with CVS Pharmacy, through the network of a friend, we have been getting our cases of water for free every week. Being short-handed allowed others to go pick those cases up for us. It's only 1 short block in walking distance, but the fact that these guys are willing to do something for somebody other than themselves is certainly a big improvement!
I love watching GOD work and down there you can literally see Him doing something to the lives of each person that comes across our Ministry, whether it's our own team members, people passing by, or those that join us for dinner.... something happens, that only GOD will one day be able to make clear to all of us.
Praise Him!
Friday, March 23, 2012
This is our mission field and the ground is fresh...
There is tremendous testimony is His provision alone. For the past several weeks now, GOD has been using people, who have absolutely no times to 'church', to provide for this Ministry... I find that miraculous in itself.
It reminds me of a story I'd heard regarding one of our Festival of Life events that our church took part in. In an immigrant community where Spanish is the only spoken language, GOD used a drug dealer, to be the translator for His servants sent out to preach His Good News... long story short, that drug dealer ended up giving his life to Jesus Christ by the end of the day. I'm sure that man did not wake up that morning and think 'Gee, today I'm going to talk about GOD while translating to the people that fear me, and then turn me life over to Jesus as my Savior.'
Anyways, back on topic- Upon arrival, both Amanda and I thought it was going to be an adventure serving as we looked at the lack of teammates tonight. O' we of little faith! Not even 5 minutes go by, and our entire area is flooded with people who have come to serve and love our neighbors by our side.
Then, a brother named Brian, and I were observing all that GOD has provided, from the food to the hygiene, to the heaping stacks of clothing. As Brian was giving GOD praise.... (before he could even finish his sentence) another family comes with bags & bags of more clothes and stacks of blankets! Brian and I both just started laughing and thanking our Heavenly Father.
An important belief that our Ministry team shares is giving people the opportunity to serve with us, regardless of their religious beliefs... or the lack of, for that matter. It's not up to any of us to say 'yes or no' when somebody wants to be involved, as long as their participation does not hinder or contradict the work that we are faithfully doing. That being said... we have seen a transformation in some of our volunteers. Yeah, some larger than others, but all for an improvement towards the morals that GOD expects of His children. Like I said, it's not up to us to deal with.... it's all His working. As a team, we get to see the reward first-hand, as lives are changed. It's a real blessing for me to look back and wonder what things would have been like if Amanda and I never took those small steps of faith... and then reflect on all the miracles that we've seen.
My writing will certainly never give justice to what GOD is doing in Pacific Beach. Some of these instances are something many will just have to experience for themselves.
More and more people are coming up to me throughout the evening with words of encouragement on how The LORD spoke to them through the message given that night. We acknowledge that we may never get to see all the fruits of our labor (on this side of Heaven) but we know without a doubt, that Pacific Beach is our mission field and we are called to Love our Neighbors. As time goes on and seasons pass, we see new faces come and go. For us, we are scattering the Seeds of Truth towards everyone who comes our way. In a sense, it's like preaching to all the world, because so many of our guests keep on traveling through.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Our team arrived like usual, but due to the rainy weather, we made the decision to not bring any clothing.... however, the rain was held back for the time, so in all honesty I suppose we could have brought some, but then it may have gotten ruined in transport when our team dispersed for the evening... so it was probably wisest to not bring it after all.
The message tonight was about being Obedient to GOD out of our love for Him. By the response of our neighbors, the message was well received. One man shared how refreshing it was to hear something other than the 'turn or burn' that other churches preach.
Our team was pleasantly surprised when a friend from another church showed up with 15 or 20 youth visiting from Kansas City. They asked how they could help, so I spoke the first thing that came to my mind when I thought of what we lack: Evangelism.
Our attendance was smaller than normal, probably due to the expected storm, so there was only about 75 guests, but they chose to stick around and eat dinner on the grassy areas. It was the perfect setting for the youth group to fellowship with our neighbors.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
The past 2 weeks...
Concerning the events for the evening of March 2nd-
The LORD showed His powerful strength during the most difficult time, during an incident with a man named Ivan. Ivan is one of our guests, who had previously been somewhat of a disturbance/distraction for me while trying to share with the group.
It would be best to compare Ivan, to the account of 'Legion' in the Gospels. He was throwing his arms, cursing, spitting, and very threatening. He had this glazed look in his eyes, as if nobody were going to control him.
Approaching him, I had no choice but to FROG (Fully Rely On GOD) for this to go right. Long story short... Ivan ended up crying, asking for forgiveness, and asked if I'd pray with him to overcome his anger issues. That was truly the power of Jesus Christ!
As for tonight- Nothing visually supernatural happened.
We did have an extraordinarally abundance of volunteers come down tonight though. It worked out well, since we were down a few of our regular team members, but we still had an extra 4 or 5 on hand. I feel guilty because so many people want to help serve, when there's a dire need for one-on-one counseling, but we lack the manpower for such.
Can't wait to see what GOD has in store for next week!
Friday, February 24, 2012
It's like a Reunion...
Tonight Daniel was back. His life has radically changed. He sadly informed Amanda and I of Kieth's passing last year, but that he is doing really well compared to the last time we saw each other. Daniel is 100% sober and doing side-work for a church on as-needed terms. He's befriended a Pastor and has given his heart to Jesus Christ. Word on the the streets got to him that our Ministry was still around, so he took the 1.5hr bus ride to pay us a visit and grab a bite to eat. It was totally an answered prayer to see this new man! It's very sad though, to hear of his brother.
Another long time buddy from the area is Justice. I'd last heard of some tragic incident happening to him but had no way of knowing whatever happened to him. Justice had come to church with us before and he's such an impressionable guy, there's no way anybody could ever forget him... He showed up tonight with great reports too! Justice has also since given his heart to Christ and is currently living at SDRM too! He's attending church services regularly and working on getting his license to be a hair stylist. He encouraged me so much, by mentioning the impact that our Ministry had on him and he recalls the moment that GOD started working on him. Glory be to the King of Kings!
All was well tonight. Alot of really cool things happened. I shared another verse that was from shared this morning from our Pastor, and I kinda included my own style into it so that our attendees would be able to apply it better to their own lives. It worked because 7 or 8 people confessed their sins and gave their hearts to Jesus Christ tonight!
Two other guys who we've befriended are Sean and Drew. We noticed their absence almost 2 months ago. Tonight those two guys also came sharing good reports... no they haven't turned to Christ yet, but both of them have found work in this economy and are living in a hostel downtown, really close to the SDRM. They even made an attempt to visit Paul at the SDRM, and what I can only hope would turn into an extended visit that casually flows into a church service... but they were unsuccessful in visiting their friend.
The events of tonight have really re-kindled my fire and GOD has given me so much encouragement to see some of the fruit from our labor.
Friday, February 17, 2012
The Children!
A few children from the 2nd grade class at Horizon Christian Academy, joined our team for the evening with their own thoughtful touch. They (along with their teacher) made 80 bagged lunches: Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches, chips, bottled water, and scripture verses of GOD's love. The sandwiches were made with their own little hands and passed out personally to each guest that came through the line. It was really sweet to see the hearts of such young people, who have a desire to serve our LORD in simple acts of love.
The crowd, for the most part, was receptive to the message shared. It's encouraging to see that more and more are starting to pay attention to the sharing of GOD's Word. As for the attendance tonight, we had a larger crowd and unfortunately those who arrived later missed out on the meal.
It's cool to see how GOD works things out in His perfect planning. Some of our team members were out sick or had other obligations, which normally would've left us short-handed, but with those children, came their parents... which helped fill those empty spots. It worked out well because it gave those people new to our gatherings, an opportunity to serve and get hands-on experience getting to know some of our guests.
We also shared the celebration of some birthdays with singing and cake. I love that one of our team members had that loving act put on her heart by our Heavenly Father.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
This past Friday (2/10/12)
Our worship leader & friend, Jason shared the message from John 1. We can only trust that GOD's Word does not return void.
From what I was told, the evening went really good.
I thank The LORD for the faithful that continue to serve the King of Kings regardless of circumstances or how short-handed we might be.
GOD is still in control and doing His thing.
Friday, February 3, 2012
A gentleman and fellow follower of Christ, named Charles, informed us that he is making his way back to his hometown of Rhode Island. He'd been one of our dinner guests for some time now, and his friendly, encouraging words will be missed. Things are the things that make this Ministry a difficult one for me. I find myself making friends with our guests and then they disappear so often. I know that Charles is somebody that I will see on the other side someday.
The events of the night went smooth without complications or trouble. People were fed Spiritually & Physically. Some appreciated one over the other.
I still trip out how GOD has been so faithful in providing and meeting the needs to simply share His love through these dirty clay vessels. I thank The LORD Jesus Christ for His promises!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Fresh blossom...
We have a gentleman that has become our friend. I shall keep his name out of this...
He recently had a difficult time with his health, which ultimately resulted in Open Heart Surgery and nearly 3 weeks in the hospital. He is unlike the majority of our guests. He has a likableness about him that I can't quite explain, but for those of us that know him, understand what I mean. He is one that truly wants to get off the streets, and his new health condition make things all the more worse for him. By the grace of Jesus Christ, this friend was able to get a bed in the SDRM this past Monday morning. Against all the horror stories he's heard from those of the streets, he decided to give it a shot.
This morning, he shared a desire to participate in our Ministry from the other side of the tables. It turns out that he really enjoys the SDRM! I'm not one to toot the horn of another Ministry, but it sure sounds like this friend has went against the negative advice from his acquaintances and has truly seen the good side of things. It was really pleasant to see the joy this friend had tonight in serving his peers. This immediate change gave others hope about a way out, which points them to Jesus Christ. I can already see how GOD is going to use this man in mighty ways to reach those he associates with.
As for the events of the evening, all went well without any problems to mention. Everybody was fed physically and spiritually. More and more people are showing appreciation for the gospel of Jesus Christ. It still surprises me to know that although there are plenty of churches or facilities that give out meals to the needy, there are still people that attend those functions who claim to have never heard that Jesus died for them! As long as GOD is directing us in this location, there will never be a time when His Word is not preached or shared.
Friday, January 20, 2012
The community
To my knowledge, tonight went really well from all aspects of the Ministry. There were a few people who opened up with me and allowed prayer. There was plenty of food for everyone to enjoy the feast. Blankets were distributed accordingly to those in need. The clothing area has been very organized since being given over to Danna to oversee. (That has been a very big blessing for Amanda and I to let go of!)
One of our guests/friends was back at the beach, after a long period in the hospital for open heart surgery. Sadly enough, Paul is unable to find a shelter at the time, which I can only imagine to put him in a higher risk due to his health. I ask that the readers, please remember him in your prayers.
The Ministry is growing before our very eyes! We will soon need to invest in another table or two and also another freezer for the food donations that have been coming in. GOD is doing something really awesome and I'm excited to see what He's going to be doing in the near future. Our volunteer base seems to be growing as well. I think that tonight we had close to 15 people or so.
Friday, January 13, 2012
His love through our works of charity and willing hearts, has made an impact on people we would never have imagined. His ways are not our ways... and I thank GOD for that. Perhaps had any of us had the ability to look into the future of our past, we might have gotten in the way of what GOD had been planning from the beginning.
Our team was blessed to have some extra hands tonight. For those new friends, it was a completely new experience for them, which I can only trust to be a satisfying feeling at the end of the night.
Our team is currently going through a transition in the growth process where we are now starting to be at the point where leaders take ownership of their duties in whatever the LORD has called them to do in the Ministry.
This week we received a blessing of additional food, which is always a great help financially. That growth is leading us towards the purchase of more materials such as extra chaffing dishes and tables.
I often find myself, during my alone time with Him, asking things like: 'What next?' or 'Are you still leading or am I stepping over you?' My position in the Ministry has given the freedom to roam the area, pray with people, and to join Jason in worship. It seems like GOD always sends the right people in my path to be the right encouragement that I need at the exact time... Tonight, our of our long time guests, had mentioned her car was having mechanical problems. She asked if I would pray with her regarding the issue. Together we lifted it up to the LORD and by the time we were done, she was crying because of the love that she's been shown through GOD in our faithfulness.
It is soooo worth it, even if 1 more person comes to know the LORD!!
Friday, January 6, 2012
The truth must be told!
Shortly after the message was giving and the line started moving towards the dinner, then was some type of conflict between two of our guests. Loud words were exchanged, violent outbursts were witnessed, and episodes of spitting on anyone and anything in reach took place. Long story short... Satan used his ancient tactics to cause a distraction tonight. There seemed to be more drunkards present as well.
I think that both Jason and myself would agree that it was a bit frustrating while we were worshipping to our Father, the troubles that came along.
It's good though, because this was the exactly the type of lifestyle without Jesus, that people need to see from which they need to be saved. There is no hope, no peace, no love, no joy, no happiness, no sobriety, no purity, nor satisfaction apart from the saving grace of Jesus Christ. The episode tonight was an eye opening reminder for those present that there is an enemy out there roaming and seeking whom he may devour.
Monday, January 2, 2012
What a wonderful GOD...
The past few weeks, we've been blown away at His provision for this Ministry. Our home church, Horizon Christian Fellowship, was gracious enough to mention that our team was starting a Sleeping Bag Drive. Through that, we've obtained 10 new sleeping bags so far. I have a theory that will hopefully work out well if all goes as planned - There is alot of theft between the people on the streets, mostly blankets.... I figure if everyone gets a new warm sleeping bag, there won't be a need and hopefully they won't need to steal from each other. Unfortunately, we still have a long ways to go before we reach that goal... but GOD can do anything and we're trusting in Him.
Earlier this week, a sister in the LORD donated a freezer full of bread and 11 giant pies from Costco to help our Ministry share in His love. That bread is a huge relief and will save us money for awhile.
Now onto the evening at hand-
It was a mellow night. I can't tell if the gathering was smaller than normal or if less people desired eating a healthy salad, but we actually had left-overs. (Our team determines how many guests we serve by either how fast the food goes or by how much we serve and if we have left-overs.) Some of our volunteers we unable to make it down, so I was actually able to do something other than just share a message this week. It felt good to be back in the thick of the crowd, passing out waters. It had been such a long time since I've been able to help, due to the number of volunteers coming to serve.
It seems to me like more people are being encouraged through the messages that are shared. It's rewarding to see that we labor not in vain, that the LORD is touching people and giving them the ears to hear what He's saying to them.
One particular gentleman that comes to mind is a brother named Ron. I'd first met Ron during our annual Thanksgiving Outreach at church. He'd come to help wherever he could be used. He'd shared with me, that he'd been an attendee of our Ministry for several months at this point. Since that time, I've gotten to know him more & more. He truly has a heart to grow in the Good LORD and to live for Him. I now see Ron during service on Sundays.
It's just a cool thing to see that we are somehow helping to bring love, hope, and joy to our neighbors, simply by telling them the Truth.