I received a phone call last night just before 7:30. It was Jeremy! He was unable to get into a recovery home due to lack of money... and returned to the streets, only in a new city with no friends, no hope, and liquor stores on every corner. He fell off the wagon hard this time.
The good news is that he called me for a reason. He's reaching out and I did not hesitate to make the 1.5hr drive to bring him back to San Diego. The smell of alcohol on him filled my car as we drove back, but he admitted this life is not what he wants. He sincerely wants deliverance from this heavy bondage, and after ministering to him, he realizes the ONLY way for that to happen is by surrendering his all to Jesus Christ.
Back in town, he did not want to go anywhere near his old crowd of dangerous drunks, and asked where a safe place to sleep is near my home. We went to a nearby park and I helped him scout for a 'good spot' to sleep. Before I left him alone, we prayed together and I encouraged him to trust the promises of GOD.
Now my goal is to locate a sober living home that will be able to take him in quickly. I'm asking all of you that belong to The Body to please pray continually for Jeremy and the situation he's facing right now. It has become emotionally draining for me to care so much for this man, whom I consider a brother, and not have the guidance and/or proper assistance for such a painful problem. Right now I feel as though I'm the one that's lost, not knowing what to do.
I'll bring you a handout tomorrow for the Sober Living Network of SD County. The only thing is finding an opening and finding one affordable. I don't have any knowledge of free programs besides crisis housing which is only 2 weeks. I suppose I'll get you that too... Keep up the faithful work you two..you have faith in God but God has faith in you as well. Otherwise He would hand the task to someone else..