Saturday, December 5, 2009

Week 32 ~ December 4, 2009

We may not be feeding 5,000 people anytime soon, but we shared the story of when Jesus did that very thing, with the five barley loaves of bread and two small fish. (John 6:1-14)

As we rolled into December, marking another month for the ministry... I felt it was necessary to let the people know that it's because of GOD's faithfullness, that we are able to continue being down there with enough food to feed everyone. The God of whom they heard about in that historical event, is the same GOD whom we serve today with joy.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever!" -Hebrews 13:8

I'm thankful for the many people that GOD has brought to this ministry. We would not have been able to find a decent parking spot if it wasn't for the faithful help of Randy standing in an empty parking stall, waiting for us to arrive. (That really helps us late-comers) As Amanda and Molly were setting up and preparing to serve, Joey and myself went above to speak to the crowd from an audible position. Of course the was crowd back to it's normal larger size again. As Joey shared from the book of John, I observed everyone and realized almost everyone was paying attention to the gospel of Jesus Christ and His goodness. When it came time to pray, EVERYONE bowed their heads to join in.

Again, we introduced ourselves to all of the new comers as we walked through the crowd to get in the make line. It's heart-warming to witness the gentler, softer, and thankful side of such people. To sit with them and hear things from their own hearts, letting us know how thankful they are that we're there, well.... words can't begin to describe that feeling! To see the smiles that are brought to so many faces, because they stand there waiting to receive a steaming hot home cooked meal... it's a wonderful thing to experience. Thinking back to the time when I was praying and heard GOD speak about this, never would I have guessed it'd grow into this. I can't imagine doing anything else now, and I thank GOD for pouring out His blessings.

I discovered that some of the men had volunteered their time on Thanksgiving, to our church and helped serve other homeless people during an outreach.

Kathleen, a sister in Christ, came down after work to bless a woman she'd met with last week while her home fellowship joined us.

Some men spoke of interest in attending church with us, and I gave them my contact number so we could keep in touch. I pray that GOD would speak to their hearts and that all distractions would be set aside so they would actually call me. (There's been numerous times where I've driven down because they've said they'd meet me and never showed... so I now figure by calling me, would save unnecessary wasted gas.)

I trust that Jehovah is working on their hearts, whether they display it or not. The respect shown is a sign, that there's already been a positive impact in their lives.

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