Friday, March 26, 2010

A solid and sad truth ~ Friday

Please allow me to start by reminding everyone that we (Most people) are truly blessed beyond what we can ever imagine!

We have our health and if we're sick or have a cough, we can conveniently go to the local store, get some cough drops or make an appointment to see our physician. Chances are if you're reading this, you have the luxury of electricity and are in the confines of 4 walls with a roof over your head and most likely a warm room with a bed to sleep in during the cold nights.

This is not written as a guilt trip of any sort... this is to simply remind all of us to be thankful for the things we do have. Most, if not all, of the men and women that we meet with on a weekly basis do not share the same luxuries that I just mentioned. I'm sure you already knew that though. I make mention of the health issue, because my heart is burdened with grief with what I've experienced within the last week or so.

When we first started this Ministry, Amanda and I had our fair share of "homeless people" that we knew, but it was just in passing or because we usually saw them in front of the local gas station. My heart has grown to love all of these people... as hard as that may be at times and I genuinely care for each of them that let me get close enough to know them. What I'm sharing is that some of these people have grown on me and I personally know them in one way or another. Whether it be in PB on Friday, or driving down the street anywhere else, I now see somebody in need completely different than I did before.

An astonishing and heartbreaking number that most would consider a "lucky" number- 7... A total of 7 people, whom all were "without shelter", whom I've personally known (one way or another) have passed away within the last week. Of those 7, my Friend & Brother in Christ, Kenneth, who I had the privilege to meet through this Ministry, has went to the mansion that our Heavenly Father has prepared for him. May his warm, gentle smile forever be remembered.
Some of these 7 passed while sleeping in the cold, some from drug overdoses, and some from neglecting their health. The entire point of all this, is to encourage others to pray. Next time you're at a stop light in your car, or walking into Starbucks and see somebody in need... you don't need to give them anything.... but you can always lift them up in prayer. Tomorrow is promised to no one! I'm learning that this Ministry is only getting harder as I meet more people. It's tugging at my heart because I'm aware of the health issues they have, the addictions they struggle with and where they call home.

Now that I've shared what's on my heart, I'll get onto sharing about the evening...

It's always so encouraging to be greeted upon arrival from others waiting to serve and carry items down for us. My friend Rob, from home fellowhip, was able to join us for the night. Lamarr made the journey down on his bicycle to help Minister to everyone. Dana and Ruben blessed us with their giant salads and helping hands. We had a good number of volunteers to help distribute the clothing because the crowd is growing again.

I started the evening by sharing the scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:9.

About 30mins into the night, I noticed some of our team just hanging out and Ministering love to individuals all around us. It was beautiful! I was asked to pray for a man named Larry (a regular) by his friend Jane (another regular). Larry was rushed to the hospital due to Liver failure early Friday afternoon. Booze is his weakness. Please keep his health and salvation in your prayers.

To my knowledge, only 1 person was unable to eat because the food had run out by the time he'd arrived. We ended fairly early even with a larger group. Some of our team decided to go hang out afterwards. In all of the excitement, one of us had accidentally forgotten something down there. It wasn't until about 15mins later that we realized this, so we turned around. I would like to think that the power of GOD has impacted the lives of the individuals in PB, because in the past... this item would have be lonnnnnnggggg gone, but of course it was still sitting in the same place, untouched, undisturbed. That in itself is a true miracle!

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