Earlier in the week, I'd been praying about the message I was supposed to share. I was led to return back to the Romans Road, which is exactly what I'd started off sharing with. It was a full circle for me, and it was rewarding to see how GOD stirred the hearts of at least 3 men that surrendered their hearts to Christ, our Lord.
The attendance was another large number and unfortunately we ran out of food before everyone could get a bite to eat. We're so blessed to have such a powerful source of support, which makes up the Loving Thy Neighbor "team". Although some of the people didn't get to have some dinner, they chose to stick around for the fellowship with us. I encouraged the new Believers to get plugged into a Bible Believing/Bible Teaching church before we parted ways. I informed them of our church and gave them directions, should they desire to go.
A guy standing in line, informed Amanda of some great news... he is currently staying in the SDRM, and brought a message that Jeremy has made it back into the SDRM as well!! Prayers have been answered and hopefully he has learned from his recent experience and he uses it to grow in his walk.
The night ended early.
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