Friday, January 28, 2011

Motivated by Love...

This entire week, GOD has used different things in my life to encourage me... whether it was something a friend said, an inspirational picture, or a sermon on the radio. As mentioned before, this whole experience is a learning process for all of us involved in the Ministry. In our own special individual ways, GOD has spoken to each of us... showing us things, only to build us up. I am so grateful that I am not perfect, but my Creator is!

We had a really strong fellowship of support tonight. Some new friends joined us for the first time. I trust that they will never forget their experience. This Ministry is awesome, because it allows people to get involved without the rules & regulations that other organizations might have, that would prevent willing people from participating. We've established our purpose and why we are there. We see no reason to stop somebody from experiencing GOD's presence and seeing His love in action, simply because they do not "go to church". It's all about Jesus Christ and serving others. (That's my train of thought for what it's worth)

The message tonight was based on love, based off of Psalm 116... GOD's love for His creation, our love for Him, and the motivation behind it.

Our new friend, John blessed us with a bunch of beverages, which were a really big hit for the crowd. Who can pass up a Coca~Cola with Spaghetti and meatballs?

The 2 new ladies to join us were Sine and Carlee, who handled the clothing table with Ray. The crowd has seriously gotten so big that it literally takes 3 people on that particular table, to keep things from getting chaotic.

Besides the complaints of those that showed up late (and didn't get to eat) there wasn't too much negativity in the air. It would seem that GOD has yet again, heard our prayers and honored them. A few people showed interest in finding a home church to get plugged into. I gave what information I could about my church, promising that I'd keep an eye out for them... but who really knows? It would be great to actually see more people taking steps to further their walk and take it seriously.

Our buddy Pocketz, was sober again. He said it'd been a few days since he'd last taken a drink. It's depressing to see the roller coaster ride that so many of these men & women experience when they have 'their highs and their lows'. All we can do is continually pray for them and love them unconditionally.

Tomorrow morning, starting at 6am (just a few short hours from right now) we will be having a yard sale to raise funds for Loving Thy Neighbor Ministry. Lots of generous people have donated items for the cause. It will be good to clear some room in our garage, to just fill it again with Ministry stuff... but all joking aside, I really look forward to the fellowship of those coming to help run it.

I whole-heartedly appreciate the friendships that have grown from this Ministry. Never in a million years, would I have ever thought that ex-gang members, ex-drug addicts, Holocaust survivors, and Military Officers... would all be working together to help show somebody that they are loved.

GOD is such a trip, but I love watching Him work!

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