The message tonight was from Proverbs 22:1 - "A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold."
Prayerfully, the living word of GOD penetrated the core of the hearts of our neighbors. I sure hope that our presence thus far has been successful in representing the 'name' of Jesus Christ... I testify that we have seen people who we may not have ever expected to, be moved.
I'm so thankful for the team of friends the Lord has given us! All of us have different angles of Love to share. Marci (bless her heart) had it on her heart to make things a bit more family orientated, by celebrating birthdays from now on. She and Carl bought a giant cake and we all sang Happy Birthday to the crowd for those who's birthdays fall in July, including myself. It was fun!
Unfortunately we ran out of food this week. It's really hard for us to cope with the fact that homeless or the 'down & out' are traveling to where we are, just so they can have a hot, filling meal.... and then to get to the front of the line, only to see an empty pan. That was the case for an elderly woman named Eva. She took a 1.5hr bus ride, had to transfer at least twice. Broken-hearted Amanda, offered to buy her dinner but all Eva did was gently say 'No, it's okay. I could use the fresh ocean breeze.' It's really sad!
I'm asking for some prayer personally, because there are often times where I'm at a lose for words, when I see people taking advantage of all this. A good handful of the guys have started helping with unloading and set-up, and most are grateful for our help, but there are a few who blatantly express a sense of entitlement... and that's really hard for me to deal with. So please... if you remember to... pray for GOD's gentleness and patience to fill me in such trials.
For the most part things are well in Pacific Beach. There is now Light shining where there was once darkness. All glory to The Father, The Host of Heaven, and His Son The Lord Jesus Christ!
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