Wednesday, August 3, 2011

On rare occasions....

This entire week GOD has been revealing things to me like never before: Fresh Fruit, the Humility in others, Love, Rapid Growth... and yes, it's a trip!

I don't typically share during the week on here (as most of you can tell) but after reading this morning's devotional from an awesome book titled 'Breakfast with God', I was really blessed by what I read and wanted to share this with others.

The following is exactly what I read-

Feeding the Poor

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3 NASB

One day a young executive was asked to share with his fellowees employees how he felt about participating in the company's voluntary "feeding the poor" program. He took one early-morning slot each week to ladle soup and pass out sandwiches to nearly 400 homeless and street people in his city. The young man said:

"I go on Tuesdays to feed those we call poor, and in fact, they are poor in material things. Some of them are poor in many ways, and we also try to help them with encouragement, advice, and on occasion, a word of prayer. But in many ways, these hungry and poor men and women have nurtured something in me - they have made me more aware of the pritual side of my life and they have led me to be aware that we all 'feed' each other in many ways every day - either good nourishment for the sould, or poison.

"I have a new understanding that when I go home and genuinely compliment my wife, or sit down to read a story to my daughter, or toss a ball with my son, I am feeding something inside them. I no longer see myself as part of the Tuesday-morning feeding team, but as a 24-hour-a-day feeding volunteer."

Who will you feed today?
And what will you feed them?

Mother Teresa wrote in A Gift for God, "People are hungry for something more beautiful, for something greater than people round about can give. There is a great hunger for God in the world today. Everywhere there is much suffering, but there is also great hunger for God and love for each other."

Today you will encounter people who are hungry - outwardly and inwardly. God has equipped you in unique ways to "feed" them with natural food as well as His Word, His love, and His presence. He invites you to volunteer to participate in His feeding program.

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