Peaceful is the only word that I can use to best describe tonight.
Not only was there peace, in the sense of no violent outbreaks or loud foul mouthed slander, but a genuine peace was present that only GOD could provide, as if He came down from Heaven and was sitting among us. I can't think of any other way to put it.
Both Amanda and myself were somewhat frazzled in route to PB, because we knew ahead of time that our team was going to be short handed at least 6 people this week. (Every helping hand really counts here.) But of course, that was our stupid flesh thinking inside a small box...
Upon arrival, we saw some familiar faces who decided to come down to help out. The Lord used my mistake, to bring somebody else to the Ministry to drop off a utensil, and she was led to help serve with us once she saw what was going on.
There are many news faces in the crowd these days. It seems that if you're going to be in a season of living on the streets, San Diego is the ideal place to do so. Lots of folks come from out of state just to enjoy this weather.
I met a fellow brother in Christ, named Charles. He walked here from (I think) Tennessee! He knew the only reason he was able to survive the journey was because Jesus was with him. I'm going to enjoy getting to know Charles more throughout time.
A few of the guys are interested in coming to church with us. I sincerely pray that GOD would not allow the enemy to hinder that from happening. It has been awhile since anyone has come with us.
There is some fruit bearing from the Ministry, although we would love to see more, we will gladly accept what we have so far. GOD is still working in PB and we have no plans to go anywhere until He decides to move us.
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