Friday, December 25, 2009


As I sit here collecting my thoughts, I can't help but wonder how truthful the men and women were being last week. We've begun to know and understand each other, and part of me feels guilty not being there to assure that everyone has a hot meal to eat on this day.

I'm told time and time again, that it's nearly impossible for the homeless to starve in the streets of Pacific Beach, so that gives me comfort, but I strongly feel that food alone is not good enough. The people need friendships, people to talk to when they have issues, people they can hug and be warmed by a genuine smile. The purpose of the ministry is not to give them food and walk away, but to share the Love that Jesus Christ has for people, yes including the homeless.

I can't think of a better way to start off the New Year, than to share it with the needy and telling them how they too can start the year fresh by abiding in GOD: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!- 2 Corinthians 5:17

Saturday, December 19, 2009

December 18, 2009

Well... if anything has come from the experience of last week, I'd call it a learning lesson. I'm not quite sure how to take that in, or how to seperate my own emotions from the ministry. We are fully aware that some of the people who come to eat, come just for a free meal ticket trying to get anything and everything they can from us, but then there are those who are genuine, thankful, appreciative, and sincerely enjoy the friendship that we've begun to build with them.

The latter group were the ones who stood up for us last week, while the angry crowd started bad talking us because we did not come. I knew there would be some negative feelings from our absence, and really wanted to use that to somehow get a message of GOD from it. I ended up with a decent message to share with the group, how to not rely on 'man' because man will fail you, but GOD will never fail you, as promised: "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." -Joshua 1:5

Upon arrival I was shocked to only see a handful of people waiting around, maybe 8-10 guys... actually worried that food would end up being wasted by the end of the night. But as the night set in, the more people rolled in. We ended up feeding about 1/3 of our usual size.

All our guests assured us that they have somewhere to eat during Christmas (next Friday) so they did not expect us to show up... in a way, giving us a "day off".

I was encouraged by a new person, who had just shown up in the area. Afterwards, we spent some time talking with Spike... getting to hear how The Lord has been working in his life. Lisa encountered a woman who'd been observing us week after week, and was moved to offer help for the future, because of our faithfullness. (GOD is too good and never ceases to amaze me when I hear such things!)

I'd consider it an over all good night.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

December 11, 2009 ~ RAINED OUT

We did not make it this week, due to the rainy weather. This was the first time it's rained on a Friday and we did not expect people to be standing around in the rain, waiting for a hot meal.

Unfortunately, we were wrong. I received a phone call from one of the regulars at 5:30pm asking where we were at. I explained to him that we figured nobody would be around because of the rain, and we did not want to risk wasting food if that were the case.

There is nothing we can do about that, other than take the experience and learn from it.
Rain or shine... from this day forward (Lord willing), I will be there to feed these men & women.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Week 32 ~ December 4, 2009

We may not be feeding 5,000 people anytime soon, but we shared the story of when Jesus did that very thing, with the five barley loaves of bread and two small fish. (John 6:1-14)

As we rolled into December, marking another month for the ministry... I felt it was necessary to let the people know that it's because of GOD's faithfullness, that we are able to continue being down there with enough food to feed everyone. The God of whom they heard about in that historical event, is the same GOD whom we serve today with joy.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever!" -Hebrews 13:8

I'm thankful for the many people that GOD has brought to this ministry. We would not have been able to find a decent parking spot if it wasn't for the faithful help of Randy standing in an empty parking stall, waiting for us to arrive. (That really helps us late-comers) As Amanda and Molly were setting up and preparing to serve, Joey and myself went above to speak to the crowd from an audible position. Of course the was crowd back to it's normal larger size again. As Joey shared from the book of John, I observed everyone and realized almost everyone was paying attention to the gospel of Jesus Christ and His goodness. When it came time to pray, EVERYONE bowed their heads to join in.

Again, we introduced ourselves to all of the new comers as we walked through the crowd to get in the make line. It's heart-warming to witness the gentler, softer, and thankful side of such people. To sit with them and hear things from their own hearts, letting us know how thankful they are that we're there, well.... words can't begin to describe that feeling! To see the smiles that are brought to so many faces, because they stand there waiting to receive a steaming hot home cooked meal... it's a wonderful thing to experience. Thinking back to the time when I was praying and heard GOD speak about this, never would I have guessed it'd grow into this. I can't imagine doing anything else now, and I thank GOD for pouring out His blessings.

I discovered that some of the men had volunteered their time on Thanksgiving, to our church and helped serve other homeless people during an outreach.

Kathleen, a sister in Christ, came down after work to bless a woman she'd met with last week while her home fellowship joined us.

Some men spoke of interest in attending church with us, and I gave them my contact number so we could keep in touch. I pray that GOD would speak to their hearts and that all distractions would be set aside so they would actually call me. (There's been numerous times where I've driven down because they've said they'd meet me and never showed... so I now figure by calling me, would save unnecessary wasted gas.)

I trust that Jehovah is working on their hearts, whether they display it or not. The respect shown is a sign, that there's already been a positive impact in their lives.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Week 31

Our team was blessed to have other believers come to our side and help serve wherever it was needed. Knowing this ahead of time, I took full advantage of it and brought plenty of things (such as clothes and hygiene materials) we've accumulated over a period of time. One of the women that came to serve had generosously donated some new blankets too.

It was really nice having an additonal 10 or so people. We even had worship music available... I love worship music! The only thing differant from all other times, was the crowd itself. I'd guess maybe 30-40 people joined us for dinner. Considering the way this ministry has grown, I believe GOD has heard our prayers and examined our hearts desires. He's all knowing, so I shouldn't be surprised when He gives us the smaller intimacy crowds, to give us the opportunity to sit with others and get to the personal talks. I'm so thankful that GOD is in control.

I'm somewhat bummed out a bit though. It was a wise move to change the time to 5pm because of the sunlight, but for those that may not have gotten the memo, they come at 6pm only to find scraps of food left (if they're lucky).

We did not do any sharing of the gospel before hand, nor did we do a bible study. We simply sat with people, and got to know them a little bit better, and share with them the love that Jesus has shared with us in our own lives. The people are very open to hear and receive the things of GOD. The people are spiritually hungry and it was awesome to have enough people with us to literally spend time with each that wanted to talk.

Again, none of this would have been possible if it wasn't for GOD. I'm thankful that He's blessed this ministry and for everything that has come out from it. I'm thankful for those who have been able to contribute in one way or another. I'm thankful for the people who have accepted us and now consider us their friends. My prayer is that the Light of Jesus would shine so brightly in our weekly interactions, that it would ultimately have an life changing impact on them, and a desire to seek GOD would grow from that...

But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation always say, "The LORD be exalted!" -Psalms 40:16

God looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. -Psalms 53:2

The poor will see and be glad you who seek God, may your hearts live!
The LORD hears the needy...
-Psalms 69:32,33a

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. -Matthew 6:33

For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. -Matthew 7:8

Monday, November 23, 2009

Week 30!

I can't believe we just passed through our 30th week. Time has gone by so fast and looking back, I see that GOD has done so much in that period of time..... great part is that GOD doesn't stop giving blessings.

It was good for my wife and I to be back with the team. We are very greatful for those who did a fine job taking care of things while we were away. It's not about us though.... it's always been about Jesus Christ and His love, so let's get to it. Shall we?

The change of time for dinner, really put Amanda and I into super speed work mode to get things cooked and ready with enough time to travel down there almost near 5pm. We'll work on that in the future. It's because of GOD's Love & Patience, that we're able to work together in a tight schedule... and it's for His glory.

Once we arrived, we recognized maybe 10 faces in the crowd of 117. The turn around of people will never cease to amaze me. For me this is bittersweet, I ultimately see it as a good thing because it's an opportunity for other new people to hear the Gospel and see the Love of Jesus in works. We welcome all to come... On the other hand, because people are coming and going, we lose the intimacy of building relationships with each person with the one-on-one level, as in the beginning. Thankully the Lord was faithful in providing enough people to assist in this ministry and continues to provide and meet the needs of the needy, week by week.

I shared a small story that I read from a daily devotion awhile back. The purpose of the story was to have the men & women really dwell on the sacrifice that GOD made for all of us, and the suffering that Jesus Christ went through for our sake. I sincerely look forward to next Friday to see what some of them have to say. I pray that GOD has been speaking to them, and of course that they have been seeking GOD.

As the line passed by, person by person, I served and observed... it was awesome to hear the things people were speaking of. The major topic of the night throughtout the crowd was GOD! One of our regulars was standing in line singing worship songs the whole time; another group was discussing the blessings that GOD has given them during these colds nights; Steven was asking when we'd see him at church; others were asking for prayer. There is no doubt that GOD has revealed Himself to this crowd that so many neglect to consider.

Everyone was able to eat some hot food, but the most important thing is that all the people heard the message of Jesus, whether it was through speaking or acts of kindness. I believe everyone went away happy for the evening.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Wonderful spiritually Filled but chilly night...

Hello Again, Everyone,Randy again. Yes, Beau and Amanda are still "out" with Personal Family Issue, And, please keep them in Prayer !! and, again, my apologies for such a "late" entry to the Blog. BUT..It is so, so worth waiting for, as this Friday was such a wonderful, spiritually filled evening, it was "Pizza Night" as our wonderful friends, Beau and Amanda had so generously arranged for "Papa Johns" to donate 20 plus pizzas ! Everyone had plenty to eat, as God always promises to always provide our needs, and he does !! There were many "New" faces among the crowd tonight, and everyone was a bit chilled with the coastal breeze that was among us. Ray and Joey were there to guide things along, along with Lisa, armed with her famous cookies and camera in hand ! ALSO, another follower was there, a student from a local college, and SHE also came with her awesome chocolate topped cookies, too !! As the evening went along, we spoke with a few local people who are seeing the difference of what "Neighborly Love" is doing among the ones wondering the streets and local area without a warm place to sleep. God always comes through, and provides, and what I have been hearing is more money being given to area homeless shelters! AMEN! Some choose to not take up the opportunity to have a warm bed, while others jump at the chance. What ever their decision is, we, as Loving Brothers and sisters, will be there to do what we can to help them with their everyday needs, physically and spiritually. Overall, this was just a great night to see God working in so many lives, and some wonderful NEW friends we met there ! Again, Myself, I look forward to coming and meeting with them all this coming Friday ! AND, REMEMBER....Time change to 5 PM. Due to getting dark so soon, now !! Help spread the word..(and..That can be BOTH ways..GODS word, and The Word about the time change for the "Feed". God Bless, everyone have a wonderful week...!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

...A Change for A short time...

..Hello Everyone...Randy here, and, I must ssay I am so sorry for this "Late" entry. I had some trouble remembering how to get back and add to the Blog ! I have some news for all, that Myself, Ray and Joey will be taking on the Blessing of the weekly feed, As Beau and Amanda have some Very difficult times they are dealing with a Family Emergency . PLEASE...Pray for them, they have given themselfs to the ministry!! We will all surely miss them, during thier absence !! However, the TIME will be changing for awhile, to 5 PM, Instead of 6 PM, as it was dark serving this last week, so spread the word...and, speaking of "spreading the word", that is something we would really like to do for everyone, is to spend some time in God's word. We have a God who loves us and does provide everything to us, each and everyday !! Has God done something in your life, and you would like to share it ?? Let us know ! We always love to hear what God has done, or is doing in your life !! Have a problem, and want to give it to God ?? Again, LET US KNOW !! That is what we are here for, mainly..."LOVING THY NEIGHBOR" !! By "Loving thy Neighbor", we can give spirtual food, right along with "physical food", also !! Don't be shy..step up, and speak ! We all would love to help, all of you, at Good times, and at bad times.
Well, as far as the "Feed" goes, have some patience as we work to provide the meals, as most of you did Friday night, it did take us a bit to get going, but, God bless all 100 plus that were there !! Yes, I am sure it was a record breaking crowd. A Suprise will be there for everyone this coming Friday...(you wont need a fork, is all I will say) ... Have a Blessed week, everyone.. PLEASE...again..pray for our Dear Friends, Amanda and Beau !!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Another week strong...

Well.... there went another week, but it wasn't the same as in the past. Upon arrival, I was greeted by some friendly faces who wanted to help serve. Amanda was not able to join us but we had enough manpower to handle the tasks for the evening.

The couple that volunteered to serve with us tonight was very nice and I remember the woman from last week as she had passed through the line mentioning that she'd like to contribute in the future. It was neat to see somebody actually keep to their word.... as I'd said before, 'their word is all they have'. The gentleman asked if he could open us up for prayer and say grace for the meal. I gave him the opportunity and almost instantly as he prayed I felt completely at peace, like I knew it was going to be a good night.

There was alot of people, as we've grown accustomed to, but never have we seen so many sad & intoxicated people. The nights are getting colder and colder as we push towards winter... One of the ways these people keep warm is by numbing themselves with booze and passing out before their body realizes how cold it really is. I did rather well hiding my broken heart as each person passed, but the drive home was rather emotional. Thankfully it doesn't snow in San Diego!

I met a man who's observed us from a distance for a few weeks. He'd spoken with Randy before coming down to meet with me. He shared that he'd like to get involved in the future. The Lord knows what we need, when we need it..... I welcome this guy to participate with us. It's encouraging to see GOD bring people to us who are willing to help keep this ministry alive. It constantly reminds me that He's still in control and confirms that we're in His will.

The 30-40 minutes that we spent serving went by so fast and the best part was that nobody went away hungry this week. Hopefully by next week, I can get back on track and feed these guys some Spiritual food again.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Week 26

Where do I even begin? As Randy had previously mentioned last week....
Amanda and I missed the opportunity to partake due to personal family matters.

I was able to make it this week, however Amanda wasn't. Bless her heart though! She left the hospital for a short time just to come home and prepare the meal for everyone, then returned to the hospital.

The night started off good, finding a front row parking spot, and just gradually got better & better. As expected, I was greeted by an army of hungry men who were all more than willing to help with whatever was needed. Being short handed, I had one of the guys make a quick trip to Smart & Final for ice, while others helped unload the truck and wipe down the tables. It's so nice to see others show some appreciation and the willingness to assist when they can.

Most of the regulars asked how our 'family matter' is going with sincere concern and compassion in their voices, which really moved my heart. I'm confident that the Love of Jesus Christ through this ministry has had a positive effect on these people and the fruit of that has shown itself by those very actions. Yet again, the rotational sea of new faces started to flow in as they heard of 'free food'.

We were definitely understaffed and there was no denying the truth. Lisa, our photographer friend, was now back from Germany. Her smile is always warming to my soul and she offered her assistance with serving. I took the opportunity and showed her the appropriate serving size we give. It's been so long since she's been back that the large group really took her by surprise. There was well over 100 people! I asked Lisa to position herself 2nd in line as I took the 1st spot handling the plates and alfredo. One of our regular guests took the initiative to handle the cheesing, bread, fruit and waters. Randy was up top taking care of the prayer & information table. GOD orchestrated things perfectly.

Nobody went away unfed. I didn't push Jesus upon anyone... I didn't have to. His love was very present, as people passed by giving their condolences and prayers to me regarding our family. It was incredible to see that kind of love coming from such people.

All of that happened from 6:00-6:25pm. It was another early night.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Amazing Day it was.....!!

Good Day, all ! Well, first of all, This is "Randy" as I am filling in this weeks feed and blog, for Our wonderful friends, Beau and Amanda. Beau and Amanda suffered a "Family Emergency" today, and we are keeping them in prayer. Meanwhile, Here I am, with God's grace and love. I must say, God showed us his love and ability to answer prayer, today !! With short Notice, we were able to provide all our Friends in Pacific Beach who depend on us for that meal every Friday ! We were able to aquire 12 Large pizzas, and Ray brought a big box of Fuji apples, also ! There was enough to go around, and God provided just the right amount ! (again) Our normal gathering was somewhat smaller tonight, but there were a few of the regulars, and after speaking with some of them, I was able to see that God has been working in many of thier lifes, and seeing spiritual growth in them, just Inspires myself to do more within the ministry !! Thus being said, it was a real blessing to actually have some of them open the Meal with Prayer from them ! What a awesome sign of growth and devotion ! We were all real Happy to see our Dear friend, Lisa there, tonight, also. She has just returned from Germany, and she didn't miss the chance to snap up more photos of tonight's feed ! She even took the time to bring more cookies, which is always a welcome and tasty delight for all to enjoy !! Many of us all missed the presence of Beau and Amanda, as many asked about thier whereabouts. Our wonderful and devoted friends will be back,I assure you. Even during this difficult time they are going through, they were concerned and worried about making sure that there was food for those who depend on it. Again, it brings my thougts back to Glory to God, as HE is the one who controls what the outcome of all things that we do, have done, and will do. Amazing that we have such a wonderful, Loving God who just loves us all so unconditionally !!
God Bless and have a wonderful week...........

Monday, October 12, 2009

Week 24

Well... it was a night that surprised us. As we arrived, the road was blocked off due to some event the following day, so we drove through the alley and "luckily" found an open parking spot.
Patrick, one of the regulars, came to assist with the unloading, as did others. He explained to me about the giant PB event that was being set up. The event coordinator actually set tables in the area we normally used, but he befriended her and made sure we were still able to set up without any disturbance.

We had about 1/3 of our normal attendance at the beginning of the night. The crowd seemed restless and I was worried about trying to share anything and fight for undivided attention. I felt defeated before we even started. I gathered with Amanda, Ray, and Patrick for prayer for the evening. I could still hear the loud rour of the crowd in the background as we were praying.... just before I finished, there was a very noticable silence that gave me the goosebumps. Amanda gently urged me to share scripture because I now had their attention.

I did not want to bore anybody, so I simply said that I wanted to tell them a story before we got started serving. Everyone likes stories!! I then shared about 3 men who had 'Unshakable Faith' from Daniel 3. I had everyone very interested in hearing about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and how they boldly stood up for what they believed in... and of course that allowed me to finish the story with the Hero who walked with them through the fire. Majority of them have never heard this before, and said they'd like to hear more another time. By golly... I think I may have actually found a way to get through to them!

Amanda handled both pasta dishes, I took care of the bread and cheesing, while Ray manned the fruit and water distribution. Randy was up top stationed at the information table getting his fair share of people. It's so great to see his idea turn into a great ministry of it's own (in a sense). I thank GOD for the people He's put in our path to keep this ministry going. This ministry has been alive for 6 months now.... every week, same time and yet we still have people who show up an hour or two late in the evening expecting there to be food. It was the first time we were unable to assure all guests were fed. I mentioned the crowd looked smaller in the beginning, but people continued to trickle in, so the food kept going and going. Some were able to get second plates, but by the time the late people showed up there was nothing left. My stomach dropped because I felt so bad allowing men to leave with an empty stomach. I know it's not my fault, but it still bothers me, when I see the sadness in their eyes before they walk away hanging their heads low.

About 20 of the guys stuck around after dinner just hanging out with us. It felt like it used to in the beginning when we had the intimacy. It was real nice to be able to sit one on one with a few of them.

I spent a good amount of time speaking with a guy known as 'Vista'. He's probably in his late 20's/early 30's. I see so much of my old self in him. He truly wants a relationship with Christ, but struggles with alcoholism. As we talked, he kept hugging me and crying on my shoulder. We prayed and prayed. He's been through some of the addiction programs and feels like there is no hope for him. I shared with him a piece of my own testimony, only to show him that YES, there is hope for anybody, because Jesus can do anything, but it is up to us to fully surrender our all to Him first. I told him a saying I had once heard: "GOD doesn't catch clean fish, He catches them first, then He cleans them." Vista wants his life to improve. He wants to be back in his daughters life. Everytime I see Vista, I can see his soul crying out for help through his glossy eyes. Please pray for Vista!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Week 23... The Rainbow!

Genesis 9:12-17 And God said: “This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” And God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.”

So, as I came home from work and started preparing the meal for my friends, it had been sprinkling on and off. My first reaction was to start worrying (which I do quite well) but then I remembered... In the very 1st few weeks of our ministry I prayed that it would not rain on us during our Friday night feeds. I stepped out of the kitchen and walked to the backyard and took a look out side. I noticed a faint rainbow in the distance, my heart was settled instantly! I felt that GOD was reminding me that I can trust HIM and he does hear my prayers. By the time we got down to the boardwalk, it was beautiful...

The evening went well. We had plenty of food for everybody and enough help to serve (thanks to Randy and Ray). We had a special guest early on in the evening. Lisa, our photographer friend, has been in Germany for some weeks now (we really miss her). Beau was approached by a gentleman asking if he was Beau. The man identified himself as Lisa's husband. Lisa had called her husband and asked him to come down and bring us cookies and check on Chicago for her. We are continually amazed by this woman. Her creative ability, gentleness and generosity are inspiring. It was a pleasure and honor to meet her husband and although Lisa was not there physically we knew that she was there with us in spirit.

Prior to serving the food, Joey went over Psalm 23 and concluded with a prayer emphasizing that the LORD is capable of taking care of us and that we can trust HIM with our lives.
Randy sat post at the "prayer table" up top. He was able to speak to some people and explain our ministry as they passed by. This idea of Randy's to set up this table where people can drop off prayer request, get information on our ministry or just hear some words of encouragement is ingenious. This idea was partially inspired by an unfortunate event that happened 2 weeks ago, when a man passing by wanted to contribute a financial donation to our ministry and mistakenly gave the money to a man that was an attendee of the feed. This person planned to keep all of the money but after being gently nudged to do the right thing, gave some of the money to Randy for the ministry. It reminds me of a great promise written in Romans 8:28-And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

After everyone ate, Beau taught a bible study (John 4:1-26). The study went well, 6 guys stayed to listen.

Afterward, Beau made plans to pick up some of the guys for chair set up at our church as well as to attend service on Sunday morning. We stayed for a little while talking and praying for our friends. It was another great night where the presence of God was undeniably evident!
In conclusion, I would like to express our gratitude.

To all the people who read along and pray for us, Thank You! Without your prayers it would be very difficult to pull this off week by week. Through the power of prayer we have seen- a powerful presence of the Lord in a place that is normally spiritually dark, favor and encouragement from law enforcement and financial support to keep the food, clothes and hygienic supplies coming.

To all of the people who donate to the ministry financially or through the donation of your time, Thank You! You help keep me sane! Your help and donations to this ministry are invaluable to us. One of the biggest blessings for me is to see how GOD uses my brothers and sisters with their gifts and talents for His name.

Thank you all, we love you!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 22 (Sunday)

While investing so much time with the men of PB, I've learned a thing or two. These guys realize they don't have much and accept that sad truth, but there is one thing they holdfast... and that is their 'word'. You're word is something that nobody can ever take away from you, it's something that you have the ability to keep or allow to freely let go of, leading to disappointment.

Steven and James both kept their word. Both were sitting along the wall in the cul-de-sac. James told a new friend of his about going to church, and that guy wanted to go too. So... into the truck, piled James, John and Steven. We arrived early, as the norm, grabbed out seats and just started small talk with each other. As James was speaking, he started to weep. He said he had this overwhelming sensation inside and he wasn't sure why. I reminded him that the decision he made 2 weeks ago, was indeed a 'life changer' and it was possible that The Holy Spirit was working in him right then. I discovered that John was very fresh to the street life, as of 2 days ago. I sat and listened to James explain to John how to survive: where to go for free meals; what areas are dangerous to sleep, and where to take showers, and what times. It's definately an eye opener to see how they take care of their own.

After service, Steven went over to the sign up tables and verified that he was still enrolled for the upcoming Christians Foundation Class. CFC is a class designed for new believers, the curious, or those who want a refresher in the basics of Christianity. It's a joy to see how much Steven has grown. In the time he's come to church with us, he's learned where to park his giant luggage bag. (He does not feel comfortable leaving it at the car/truck) Steven is a people person, and has no problem walking up to people during greetings, even those who as far as 10 rows away! I'm excited to hear how his classes go.

Later in the afternoon, having dropped the guys off. I found myself in PB again, this time to have lunch with my younger cousin. I was sharing with him, all that's happened with the ministry. As soon as we turn the corner, we run into 3 people.... all of whom have accepted Christ 2 weeks ago. It was Ryan's 25th birthday, and he was just sitting in front of Ralphs on a bench. I asked if he'd eaten yet, he hadn't. I invited him to lunch with us as a gift. He shared that he was hoping to make it back home to Cincinatti within the week and thanked me for everything. We prayed together and encouraged him to keep seeking GOD. I reminded him that his baptism wasn't to be taken lightly and to get rooted in a bible teaching church when he made it home. He said he'd like to try and make it at least once to our church before he leaves. Weds is that perfect opportunity, and I told him where to meet me and the others in the cul-de-sac.

It was an awesome day!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Week 22

It was another night full of encouragement & blessings and for the most part... respect. I mention respect, simply because it's something that I realize all the people in Pacific Beach have for us, or at least while they're in line waiting for a hot meal. I'll explain further into this.

Today, the smaller things for preperation seemed chaotic. The store was completely out of ice, which meant going to another store and spending more for less ice... then I stood behind the most absurb customer at yet a differant store, so we could get a new pan for the bread, which took over 20mins. I thought we'd be running late when it came to crunch time, but somehow-someway we still ended up arriving in PB about 15 mins ahead of schedule.

Upon arrival we noticed familiar faces waiting curbside to assist with the unloading. Ray, one of our brothers from church, blessed us with his presence and helping hands... and boy did we need the extra hands tonight! It's so enlightening to see how GOD speaks to others and gets them involved one way or another.

Our brother, Randy sat post at the prayer table (which was a great idea, NOT MINE, by the way) on the upper level boardwalk. Loving Thy Neighbor Ministries now has an awesome flyer for others to read as they stroll on by.

I shared a message of hope, the only true hope that can be found in our Lord Jesus Christ. It seemed alot easier tonight, then it did last week. I didn't have the butterflies in my stomach or the shaking of my knees. There was a very captive audience of about 100 people, who *respectfully stood quiet as I started to share. They trust us and that means a great deal to me. They may not all share our beliefs but they do have enough respect to not interrupt when I'm sharing GOD's word. As I spoke, I looked around in the crowd and could almost see the men & women soaking up the verses and evaulating what was said.

A man who had been walking by, over heard the closing prayer and came by to share some encouraging words. He's a believer too, and just moved to town. He said that he'd like to possibly start assisting us and promised to come by next week. The good Lord knows as this thing grows, we can sure use the extra help! Another guy who was getting food, told me he had written a song about our ministry and wanted to share it next week. I'm somewhat cautious about that one... we certainly do not wish to take any credit for anything that has happened here in the past 5 months, but it would be nice to hear how others perceive the changes in peoples lives through the Love that has been poured out.

For the first time ever... we nearly turned somebody away without a bite to eat. As the last person stood before us, staring down at the empty trays, with despair in his eyes... all I had left to offer was a single apple. Spike, another brother in the Body, saw what went on and sacrificially handed the guy his own plate of food. It broke my heart to see such humility from one who's in need himself. The Lord takes care of His own and Spike knows that. We prayed with confidence that Spike's needs be met.

A few more guys showed interest in coming to church and hearing more about Jesus. Soon I'll be needing a bus to transport the group. Thankfully others from our church have generously offered assistance if transportation ever became a fitment issue.

GOD's love is amazing! GOD's love is abundant! GOD's love is overflowing onto the boardwalk of Pacific Beach and it's only going to grow!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Week 21 (Sunday)

Steven accompanied me for service this morning. We decided to stay for both services, where we eventually met up with Amanda. He shared with me how much he enjoys coming to our church and meeting new friendly people, but most importantly he hears the Lord speak to him through the message each week.

After service, we met with some of the Missionaries that are in town for "The Huddle", and I was able to introduce Steven to some of my friends. It was a real pleasant day today.

Steven explained that he was unaware of the baptism that had occurred on Friday and was disappointed that he'd missed it. I quickly offered the chance to do it today, again without a change of clothes for either of us. He took me up on the offer and at 4:15pm this afternoon, the old Steven was washed away and the new Steven rose from the water.

I'm so thankful to be used by GOD as a positive influence in somebody's life.

Friday, September 18, 2009

By faith ~ Week 21

I must be honest from the start. It was 3 weeks ago tonight, that I heard GOD calling for a baptism in Pacific Beach. I questioned why I was repeatedly hearing this over and over in my head, but I knew it was something GOD was planning, so I agreed with Him and asked to be given 3 weeks. Tonight was the night!

Building up to this day, I wanted to make sure I was hearing Him clearly, so I did what was needed to be spiritually ready for whatever He had planned. By mere faith, I was faithful... not fully understanding how or why, but eager to see what was in store.

As Amanda and I drove down, my stomach was knotting up. I was very nervous, about to take a large leap of faith. What if I was wrong? What if I didn't hear GOD correctly? I prayed en route and by the time we'd arrived I was completely at peace. I knew GOD has already sent His Spirit and prepared the way.

When our team was done with setting up and while the food was heating up to serving temperature, I died to myself and allowed GOD to take control. I soon found myself standing atop the wall, as if on stage, in front of 70 people, which soon grew closer to 100 people, sharing The Romans Road and offering prayer. The gospel was preached and an opportunity was given to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord & Savior. I should mention that everyone was already in line waiting to be served. I asked for those who wanted GOD's gift of salvation to step aside so Joey and I could pray for them. 8 people came forward! I could not believe what I was witnessing. We prayed and explained the life changing decision so that they'd understand what the next step would be. Then came the baptism. Mind you, it was a very cold evening tonight, with lots of ugly marine layer. The water did not look inviting at all...

I mentioned that I felt GOD was calling for a baptism, and asked for those who wanted it to make that courageous step onto the sand with me. 3 of the 8 came down and we walked waist deep into the brisk Pacific Ocean. As each man fell backwards, trusting me to catch them, the waves crashed over them, we said good bye to the 'old man' and asked The Holy Spirit to wash them new. It's so hard for me to keep typing, because as I replay all that's happened tonight I can't help but sit in utter shock that GOD just did that!

Now here's the rest...

Randy and his family contributed to the feed by making a giant pot of hot soup. It smelled and looked delicious! Just the perfect thing to warm up those that were now soaking wet standing in line. Amanda had prepared her usually spaghetti, fettuccine Alfredo and garlic bread. Through out this week's donations, we obtained many blankets and more clothes to pass out. (Again we thank those that have given.)

A gentleman walked by and GOD put it on his heart to give a large financial donation towards the ministry. He handed it to one of the men standing near by, and that individual decided to keep half for himself. Needless to say that I was discouraged when I found out. It's not my place to judge that man for his actions. He'll have to face judgment with GOD one day. He wasn't stealing from us... rather he just stole from GOD!

The food lasted longer than usual this time. Some of our guests were even able to have second plates. Our friend Chicago stopped by to visit for some fellowship. He looked great and was still not drinking. His head was clearminded and he now has a possibility for work at a nearby market. Praise GOD! He mentioned that he'd like to attend C&V with us, instead of Sunday service... which should work out well since I only have so much room in our vehicle and we now have the 3 men from earlier who all asked if I could pick them up for Sunday, plus Steven, which makes a full load. I really enjoy being a part of what GOD is doing in Pacific Beach.

It's a blessing to see what a differance a little love makes. If only everyone else lived by that commandment too, right? We have upcoming plans to get these men & women involved to love their neighbors, who don't do the same.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Week 20

The people have multiplied each week and last night was certainly no different. I know I've said that I try to not keep track of numbers, but I couldn't help myself last night. Amanda and I were short handed, so it was just the 2 of us and I wanted to see what we where up against before we got started, so I kinda looked down the platform and was slightly overwhelmed with what I saw. The Lord fed somewhere between 80-90 hungry people and used us to serve them.

We did our best to familiarize with the faces as they passed down the make line. I made it a point to recognize who we'd missed the previous week and ask about others who haven't shown up, only to show that we do care about all them as individuals. We try to remember all the names of the men & women down there, but as it grows it gets harder and harder. The one thing that saddens both Amanda and I is that as it grows, the intimacy of speaking with each person slowly evaporates because we become too busy to stop and just talk.

Most of the people are sincere and show their appreciation for what we're doing. Our response is always to give thanks to GOD, not us. Be thankful to Him for making this happen. This has nothing to do with us. We're merely His workers doing as we're told, and we love it!

On 2 separate occasions last night, we had passer-byers ask which church was putting this on, which ironically both attend church at The Rock, but we told them the situation and they were both blown away at what they'd heard. One of the women, made a comment that struck me like nothing before. She said 'This shows me that I need to step out and just do something too.' I'd never really thought about it before, but by my wife and I being obedient to GOD, He's also using us to encourage other believers who maybe need to see such a thing, to possibly "ignite their own fire".

I regret that I wasn't able to share a bible study. Although every single noodle and every single crumb from the brownies and Lisa's cookies were gone in 30 minutes, everyone still seemed to vanish when it came time for The Word. I feel something inside when that happens. I can't seem to find the correct word to describe the feeling either. I'm not disappointed, because it's not about me... Pity maybe? Sorrowful? These men & women are missing out on the opportunity to hear GOD's love and promises. They are the ones missing out! I feel sorry for them, not because they're homeless, but because they're all choosing to seek something on their own. I'm there to feed them physically and spiritually. I will never be one to push anything upon anyone. GOD's gift of Salvation is free, and I'm there to help show people how to obtain that.

Friday, September 4, 2009

In His arms of Love ~ Week 19

Tonight was incredible! I'll do my best to share everything I can remember about tonight.

Amanda and I arrived around 5:30pm (just to be safe due to the Labor Day weekend chaos) and GOD hooked us up with a great parking spot right off the bat.

We had the honor of another home fellowship joining us for the evening, which was a tremendous help and blessing.

The spread of food itself was an amazing sight to see! The usual spaghetti, chicken alfredo, and garlic bread... but our brothers & sisters also brought a giant salad w/dressing, and tons of desserts, and also an additional package of bottled waters. Lisa, our sweet hearted photographer, donated another batch of her delicious cookies for all to enjoy.

Our brother Randy was able to make it down from Vista as well, along with his family, which is always a treat to have around. We had enough man-power to take on whatever was thrown our way.

Before we got started, we opened in prayer and I felt confident that GOD was going to do something special tonight. This was the first time we'd been blessed to have some worship music! Everybody manned their stations: from the serving food, passing out waters, dispensing hygiene necessities

A lot of new faces made their way down the make line. One of those was a man with an electric guitar and amplifier. When it was time, he joined in the worship and played along rather well. Worship was AMAZING!! It was so cool to see GOD use that for His glory. I'm learning to not pay much attention to numbers anymore, but for the sake of curiosity for those missing out, I'd say we served close to 60 men & women. GOD's presence was with us tonight and I'm sure all of us felt it. Things went so smoothly, almost as if He had Angels positioned at each end of the pathway. No problems for any of us.

One of our regular buddies was kind enough to use his craft and bless the women in our ministry with roses made from palm leaves. (I'll post pics when I get them) They are really neat! There is so much talent hidden in some of these men down on their luck. The world is against them because of their current residential status and it's sad.

I think it's important to mention that through this ministry GOD is using each of us not only on Friday nights, but during the entire week too. GOD is faithful to use those who are willing to step out of their comfort zone for a change. So much more has been going on in this past week with others who have joined in the ministry, but I'll leave it up to them to share or not. All I can say is GOD is doing things!

This week rolls us into our 5th month in PB and looking back at when things started, GOD's love has come along way. People have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord & Savior; People are attending church on a regular basis; Men are volunteering for service set up; Others have broken free from years of addiction; People are allowing their walls to be broken down and learning to trust us because we've shown GOD's love and not our own.

Of course there's still plenty of work to be done. There's so much pain to be healed and broken lives still need to be touched in an incredible way. Rest assured Satan is not happy with what's been going on, and Lord willing... I'll continue to throw my Holy jabs in his face (in Love of course).

We were able to complete John 3 in tonight's study. It was encouraging to see the home fellowship stick around for that. I was nervous at first but GOD helped settle my nerves as He poured out the message. Sitting there in that circle with the group, I felt a deep sorrow because I knew some of the people I've been ministering to just aren't getting it yet. The Spirit of GOD did stir up Lee though, which gave me hope. For those that have followed this blog, Lee was one of the first guys who accepted Jesus as our ministry was just getting started months ago. I hardly see him around, as he usually just passes through like the wind, but last week he said he'd join us and he kept his word. I know that was GOD speaking to him and I'm glad he showed up and stayed for the study.

Afterwards I was able to pray with Chicago. He definitely needs prayer as he's going through depression right now. When we first arrived and were setting up, somebody had walked over and started beating on him. He was angry about that and asked why GOD would do that to him. Randy and I ministered to him and informed him that GOD didn't do that, although He may allow things like that to happen because of a thing called "sin", but it wasn't GOD who did it. We prayed together before I left asking Jesus Christ to reveal Himself to Chicago. He needs to be set free from the liquor bottles. I wish I could just give him a good shake and all would be fixed, but in reality.... I know it's only the Blood of Jesus that will cleanse him.

I want to say a special THANK YOU to all that have contributed to this ministry. We appreciate it and just know that your Heavenly account is growing. Tonight I really feel GODS embracing arms of Love wrapping around me. It's nice to feel in tune with Him for a change.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 18 (Sat-Sun)

This weekend went by too fast. It was an eventful roller coaster ride full of emotions with it's ups & downs. It had it's disappointments, but better yet it also had it's highs and that's what I'm focusing on most.

Saturday morning I picked up Andy and Jeremy from around the corner. They stayed the night in Clairemont around the corner from us. We made our way to PB to pick up Steven and Anthony. We had hoped for Chicago as well, but seeing the shape he was in Friday night I doubted he'd be making it with us.

We were able to help out the staff at Horizon with the set up again and things went along really quick. Brian was generous enough to kindly buy bagels for everyone, and as it was super hot we also had a large tub full of bottled ice waters to keep us hydrated. Once the set up was complete, Brian hired the helping hands of Jeremy for some work at his home. Jeremy was excited to earn his money for a change. Though this was the first few hours of knowing Anthony, he's a likable guy and very encouraging. He recently moved to San Diego from Virginia to break free from personal issues. I tried to listen and give the best advice I could to him. He knows the bible well.

As we dropped off Steven & Anthony, they both agreed to meet up for church on Sunday.
Amanda, Andy, and I were able to link back up with Jeremy before heading to Vista for a friendly time of fellowship & BBQ at Randy's place. (He makes an awesome steak!) It was a perfect place to relax and enjoy a swim in the pool.

After that, we dropped Amanda off and headed to Horizon Park Chapel, in downtown San Diego to support our friend & brother in Christ while he was doing some live art. The environment was live. The church had many talented people performing: break dancing, choreographed group dancing, poetry, musicians, and a pretty good dj. I believe it was a good thing for Andy to see that there are so many ways to use your talents for The Heavenly Kingdom. I realized that this scene wasn't something Andy would normally put himself in, but he seemed to enjoy it for a short time. Jeremy and I had a blast. As an artist myself, I really enjoyed witnessing a new masterpiece evolve from the hands of Joe and his friend. Being around Joe and seeing how GOD has blessed him with his talents, rekindles my passion for art, yet I'm too nervous to make any attempts to step out and display my own work.

We headed down to PB at Andy's request. He tried really hard to get Jeremy to stay down there with him, but Jeremy held his ground and knew it wasn't a good idea if he'd done that. I could sense a spiritual battle happening right before us, and it upset me to see how crafty Satan is using people to set others up for downfall. As Jeremy and I headed back up to Clairemont, I let him know I understood how hard it must've been to decline a night of possible partying especially since he now had a pocket full of money from working earlier in the day. I wasn't afraid to let him know how proud of him I was. We made arrangements for church in the morning and went on our separate ways for the night.

The following morning the first person I spotted was Anthony, as he waited patiently... then Steven popped up with his large luggage bag and umbrella... then Andy came cruising around the corner with his giant smile and long blond hair. We picked our seats and waited for Amanda and Jeremy to arrive.

I then got a call that Jeremy had been drinking when Amanda went to pick him up, so I made the wiser decision to not bring him. I know he would've been a distraction during service, as he had many times before. His choosing to drink, also voided out his opportunity of me helping him get into the San Diego Rescue Mission. (He and I had an agreement that it was time he pulled his weight and proved that he really wanted help by remaining sober for 24hrs)

Pancho Juarez was our guest Pastor for the weekend. As always, The Lord spoke to each of us in our own ways, but at the end of the sermon... it was Anthony who made that personal commitment to step forward and receive Jesus Christ as his Lord & Savior. Praise GOD!!! After service I waited in the backroom for Anthony, there I ran into Brian. He wanted to bless Anthony and offered to take him out for lunch and drive him back down to PB. Though Anthony knew scripture before, his soul was now settled with what he'd faced back home. Looking at him, he glowed of peace & joy.

Steven asked if he could join us during the week for C&V from now on, which we agreed to. Even if the ratio is 1/100 to those we minister to, it's still worth it. I encourage others to never give up hope. I encourage others to run the race as Paul put it. Jesus told us about the parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23), so we should not be surprised that some fall to the side, but we should not be discouraged about that... it should push us to work harder to share the good news with everyone we encounter.

Friday, August 28, 2009

And His presence was known ~ Week 18

There was something special about tonight. Maybe it was the fact that we had some long lost friends join us again, or perhaps it was because we were blessed with another brother from church joining us tonight to help serve, or even perhaps the fact that Joey was back with us.

It all started off with GOD hooking us up with the most awesome parking spot and Randy being available to make sure we got that particular spot upon our late arrival. As expected, we had plenty of men willing to help us unload the materials. Those are the ones with a servants heart, even if they don't yet know it.

I was shocked when I noticed a very likable gentleman from our home church show up to help us out. GOD knows exactly what we need, and when we need it. I need to stop worrying so much about the small things and remember that He is in control of all that goes on anyways. Jesus said: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (Matthew 6:25-27)

Our makeline ran well with: Amanda on the alfredo, me at the spaghetti, Brian with the bread and cheese, while Jeremy handled the fruits & waters. Food lasted about 30 minutes with almost everyone getting 2nds. Lisa spoiled us with her delicious cookies again! After dinner, Brian and I handed out hygiene packs as needed.

As new faces made their way through the line, I was able to ask their names and introduce myself to make things a bit more personal, rather than slopping pasta on the plates as they do in cafeteria's. I do my best to remember names with faces, although I admit it sometimes takes a few attempts.

7pm sharp a small group of us sat on the ground in a tight circle to read through chapter 3 of John's gospel. New faces joined in and all gave good insight. The ministry is going really well!!!
As the ocean started to swallow up the sunlight, I thought it would be best to end our study for the night, with plans to pick up next week. It's so nice to have Joey back on the scene. He was wise in closing our study with the sinners prayer. As we sat and prayed, I could feel what I'd describe as a mist showering down upon us, but without water... almost as if our small group was washed clean by the Holy Spirit as He came down upon us tonight. I know some readers will think I'm crazy as they read this, but I trust that one day, you too will know exactly what I'm referring to. An amazing feeling of comfort came over me as we wrapped things up.

About 10 of us sat in fellowship afterwards, just hanging out. In just a few hours we'll be doing our weekly service for GOD's house. There is so much more I could share but I enjoy leaving the readers on their seats until next week. I do ask to please pray that all goes well for Jeremy on Monday, as I'm taking him to a sober living facility. As of right now, he's agreed to the 1yr commitment they require, but Monday is still sooooooooo far away.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Week 17

Where do I even start? There is so much to share this week!!

Jeremy has been under my wing everyday since his return to San Diego, and he's been making a lot of changes... or shall I say he's finally allowing GOD to take control and have The Holy Spirit make those changes in his life day by day. Tonight he helped serve for the second week.

My father, mother, and cousin all contributed to the ministry tonight. All of them worked together and made some of the most amazing chili I've ever tasted. They came out and brought 2 giant pots. It was really nice having my family participate in the ministry.

Randy was able to bring along some guests as well. Merry has been a blessing to our ministry for a few weeks and tonight I had the honors of finally meeting this special woman and her delightful children. Tonight Merry made a very large bowl of salad for everyone, of course with a variety of dressings to choose from.

Lisa, our spectacular photographer, blessed us with a large platter of fresh baked cookies. I felt it was necessary (for everyones safety, hehe) to try the cookies before anyone else did. Oh man!

Amanda made the usual Chicken Alfredo and Spaghetti dishes, with Garlic Bread. We could have used another table because our spread was so extreme for a change. The kitchen from our home church donated a couple containers of potato salad. It was a real blessing to offer these men & women a 3-course meal for once. A bowl of chili & salad, Pasta & Bread, then some fresh cookies. As we served, I stood and observed the crowd.... just thanking GOD Almighty for placing it in everyones heart to give what they could to help those down on their luck.

It saddens me, when describing this ministry to others, to see the reactions from some people. The homeless?!?!? Yes, the homeless. GOD touched my heart and has given me compassion for such people and I thank Him everyday for doing so, because I've gotten to know the ones the public does not love. Jesus Christ, himself was homeless: Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." (Matthew 8:20)
I've come to realize that this ministry isn't for everyone and it's increased my thankfulness towards God more so because He's still in control and has chosen us to do His work in this dept.
I certainly didn't ask for this to happen, but GOD knows best, so for now.... here I am.

It was great to be fully staffed tonight with helping hands from my family and Jeremy, which enabled me to move around and speak with people as The Spirit led. I spoke with a troubled young man named Rocco. He's weighed down with severe depression. There's a lot of pain in his soul and is searching for comfort. I shared about the unfailing and everlasting comfort that ONLY Jesus can provide. We prayed together and he joined The Body of Christ tonight. Praise be to Jesus!

Thankfully Spike came early enough to enjoy some food. He was persistent on hearing The Word of GOD spoken tonight through bible study, so after the majority left we sat down in a small circle with Spike, Jeremy, Chicago, and Geoff. We were able to finally wrap up John 2 from weeks ago. Our cities finest did a quick walk through and shared encouraging words with our small group and went on their way to keep the streets safe another night. I ask those reading to please stop and pray for the safety of the Police Officers.

Tonight was a great night! It's 1:06am as I write this. I'm so full of joy seeing what GOD is doing with this ministry that I can't even sleep!!! GOD is so good.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Week 16 (Sunday)

As Jeremy and I pulled upin PB, we saw Chicago and Steven waiting on the wall. We said our good mornings as they enjoyed their hot coffees. I was happy to see Chicago and assumed that he was joining us for service this morning... he held an almost empty garbage bag containing maybe 3 or 4 aluminum cans. He sat and waited on the wall with Steven until I arrived, just to tell me face to face that he wasn't going to make it as he had promised because he needed to try and earn his income for the day. Talk about respect for one another! By 8am, for a homeless man, that's a good 4hrs wasted with a potential of $15 in collecting cans.

We arrived at church early enough to grab our regular seats. I went outside to meet with Amanda, who was still on her way, while the two sat inside. I ran into the brother who promised Jeremy some clothes and he blessed Jeremy with a nice backpack stuffed with all kinds of goodies. Jeremy was blown away later in the afternoon as he discovered how generous the Good Lord had been to him thru this kind man.

The message spoke to all of us. It was our home fellowships turn to assist in the cafe, so I informed Jeremy and Steven that they'd have to wait around until we were thru before I could take them back. Steve opted to walk back down to PB instead of waiting, so we walked to the vehicle so he could retrieve his belongings. He told me how deep the message hit home for him and how he's tired of living the street life. I offered prayer and advised him to pray about the situation.

After cafe duty, we met up with Jeremy... who had plenty of adventurous stories to share in the 3hrs he's had to himself. It is never a dull moment with Jeremy around. We decided to attend the 7pm service at The Rock. That was a powerful message and it was there that Jeremy gave his soul 100% to Jesus Christ during alter call. I informed him that he made an amazing choice and a life changing decision. GOD our Father promises: "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." (Deut. 31:6)

Week 16 (Saturday)

With the back up of Chicago, Jeremy, and Steven we were able to bless our Campus Service brethren with setting up for service. Things went smoothly, it was great. All was rather organized and friendly with each other. I had the opportunity to continually share scripture in conversations throughout our time in passing. In GOD's perfect timing, Charlie (campus service staff) walked into the room and was able to give his input which validated what was being said. I picked up on the golden moment... and so did Charlie as we both shared that Holy Spirit smile. It feels so good inside knowing that our simple acts of love and giving a hand for a few hours, really takes a load off of someone's back. This day opened my eyes to a whole new perspective... not only were we blessing the staff at Horizon, but also the home fellwoships who come in obediance. Now they too have extra time to fellowship with one another before they go on their seperate ways. It's encouraging to see 'the fruits spring forth' as my group gives back to GOD with whatever it is they do have. We were able to meet with the home fellowship that came to assist and talk about what's been going on.

After dropping Chicago & Steven back off, back on campus I was able to get Jeremy a well needed shower. One of the men from the home fellowship we had met earlier, said he had some clothes he could contribute to Jeremy.

Jeremy hung out with us the entire day. My heart knots with sorrow and pity as I drop these men off to sleep in a bush while we both know I'm on my way to a home and bed. It kills me! Having dropped Jeremy off a hour earlier, I couldn't handle it, so I came back out and picked him up to hang out. I showed him around town and went up to Mt. Soledad where we prayed together and I felt the presence of GOD among us as we talked. I stayed out until I could tell he was too tired to stay up any longer.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Week 16

There's not a single ounce of doubt in my mind that the Holy Spirit of GOD is doing mighty things in the souls of the people in Pacific Beach. I'll tell you why towards the end of this entry....

It's a giant weight lifted off my shoulders when we make the u-turn in the cul-de-sac and I notice the group of men sitting on the wall anxiously waiting to help unload and set up when I arrive. They trust us to be there, and (Lord willing) I will not be the one guy to let any of them down. I know for alot of these men & women this is the ONLY hot meal they get to eat.

Steven was helpful in cleaning up and wiping down the tables before serving. Tonight with Jeremy back on the scene, he wanted to be part of the ministry to bless others instead of being in the multitude, hanging out and getting drunk. I asked him to pass out the waters as needed. Randy was a big help tonight as well and took the task of dispersing the (delicious!) potatoe salad that my mother & cousin had prepared and dropped off.

We had about 35 guests or so, and we were wise with our portions. The food lasted almost 2hrs this time, and everyone was able to get 2nds if they wanted. There wasn't a single person turned away and it felt really good inside. Again, the majority ate and immediately took off, but there were some new comers and they stuck around until the end. I was saddened to find out that 2 of our regulars had moved on to venture in another state... so long Mohawk Mike & Ray, you will be missed. I did not have the opportunity to sit down for an actual 'bible study' but I took full advantage of sharing about the bible when the door opened during conversation.
Our photographer friend, Lisa arrived and blessed us with some more photographs she had taken weeks ago. She is such a kind and soft spoken woman that wears her heart on the outside. She has been a blessing to all of us. (Some of the shots on the slideshow are from her.)

The power of GOD's love speaks so much louder than words! The man whom I've mentioned in the past, has now gained my trust. When I first met him, he snapped at me everytime I mentioned the bible to him. He was one of the men a few weeks back that stayed for the bible study when we changed nights. In conversation tonight, I suggestively asked when he was going to join us for church since I'm always picking somebody from PB up anyways. As it is right now, it looks as though he'll be waiting on Sunday for the ride with the other men. It's taken about 14wks for that barrier to crumble and now it's obvious that GOD has opened this man's eyes to see that it's about GOD's love and not religion. Anyone can put on the religious act for a few hours.

It was clear that Chicago may have had some drinks today, and he has happy to see his buddies show up like clockwork. He's got a big heart and I know he means well. Before we parted ways, he made sure to remind me to pick him up tomorrow for chair set up... so did Steven... and so did Jeremy. I almost feel bad knocking out the chairs so fast on Saturday with my hard-working crew because by the time home fellowships show up, everything's pretty much done. Praise the good Lord though. He's blessed us with healthy physical bodies and there's no reason why we shouldn't use that to give back to Him.

In 7hrs I'll be heading back to PB and picking up the crew. I pray that the men rest comfortably with a full stomach and a refreshed soul knowing that GOD loves them just as much as the next man. In Christ, there is no differance between rich or poor. We all have struggles and being Christian doesn't make us perfect, just forgiven. Please pray for my brothers that still fight with their daily alcoholic struggles and addictions. Jeremy had the strength tonight to pass up the opportunity to drink with his old friends and I can see it's important for him to hear that people like Amanda and I are proud of him.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lost... (Monday)

I received a phone call last night just before 7:30. It was Jeremy! He was unable to get into a recovery home due to lack of money... and returned to the streets, only in a new city with no friends, no hope, and liquor stores on every corner. He fell off the wagon hard this time.

The good news is that he called me for a reason. He's reaching out and I did not hesitate to make the 1.5hr drive to bring him back to San Diego. The smell of alcohol on him filled my car as we drove back, but he admitted this life is not what he wants. He sincerely wants deliverance from this heavy bondage, and after ministering to him, he realizes the ONLY way for that to happen is by surrendering his all to Jesus Christ.

Back in town, he did not want to go anywhere near his old crowd of dangerous drunks, and asked where a safe place to sleep is near my home. We went to a nearby park and I helped him scout for a 'good spot' to sleep. Before I left him alone, we prayed together and I encouraged him to trust the promises of GOD.

Now my goal is to locate a sober living home that will be able to take him in quickly. I'm asking all of you that belong to The Body to please pray continually for Jeremy and the situation he's facing right now. It has become emotionally draining for me to care so much for this man, whom I consider a brother, and not have the guidance and/or proper assistance for such a painful problem. Right now I feel as though I'm the one that's lost, not knowing what to do.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Week 15 (Sunday)

8am sharp. Steven and Chicago were on the wall at the now infamous 'meeting spot'. Chicago was surprisingly clean shaven, which really emphasizes his deep creases when he smiles. He has a very gentle, warming smile.... with sad eyes, bearing a lifetime of pain.

We got to church early, like I always do. Reserved our places to sit in the still empty sanctuary, and walked outside to enjoy the fresh air. Amanda joined us shortly after.

The message today was powerful! Not only did GOD speak to me, but certain topics were hit and those touched Chicago in a way that could only be a GOD thing. Steve was pretty quiet throughout our time there.

After service back in PB, we stopped for lunch. While eating Chicago shared what he was feeling inside. He explained how GOD had spoken to him and he was again ready to give up his alcoholic bondage and realized some of the men he chooses to socialize with are the root of his problems. He acknowledges that: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippines 4:13) I encouraged him and Steven to both take time to pray for certain people in their lives who they see lacking a personal relationship with GOD. He is faithful to His word and sometimes we need to sit back and listen for His small still voice.

Week 15 (Saturday)

As planned, I picked up the 2 men that wanted to give back some service to our Lord Jesus Christ. We arrived close to 7:15am and met with the Campus Service crew. We showed our friends the very particular process in which we set up. There is a reason for everything when it comes to setting up for service. The mats are laid down with metrical precision, as is the carpets with their exact measurements. Then comes the many, many, many stacks of chairs.

It's a blessing to see that we are able to bless the staff with our assistance. Us 3 men doubled their manpower this day and things were moving along quite fast. From my past experience, we were breaking record times. We were blessed with bagels and coffee as a token of appreciation for the help. The gratitude of the hungry men radiated in the gymnasium. Again, it's another example of how The Lord Jesus Christ is faithful to take care of His faithful flock. The 2 men could have easily stayed in PB to hold signs asking for money or went canning, but they chose to give up those opportunities of money for the sake of serving The King of kings, and GOD honored that by providing.

On the way back to PB, I asked if they were going to be ready the following morning for church. They both agreed....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

El Hanne'eman ~ Week 15

"Know therefore that the Lord your GOD is God; he is the faithful GOD, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands." (Deut. 7:9)

Our victorious GOD is faithful and I encourage people to never forget that! The Hebrew title El Hanne'eman translates 'The Faithful God', describing His support, His nourishment.

This is now our 15th week in this ministry and I'm amazed at the things we've seen and experienced thus far. Things are coming along quite well. We are able to feed multitudes of people almost to an exact amount; The Holy Spirit is moving around amungst the people and it's starting to show in their lives, fruit is starting to bloom; The police dept has been very supportive and respectful; and GOD is placing people in our path who give financial donations to keep this going each week....

It's been an emotional week. I received a call from our photographer friend asking about one of the men. He was drinking and fell, split his head and was taken to the hospital. I called around and located here he was. The ER was releasing him by the time I found out what happened, they asked if I could pick him up. When I arrived, this particular man could not comprehend why I would sacrifice my sleep to pick him up. The explained that my love is genuine and the ministry that I lead extends far beyond just a Friday night feed. The drive back to PB was sad, as my friend revealed his emotional scars tearing at his soul. I did not want to just drop him off in the cold all alone, so we sat on the boardwalk for 2-3hrs just talking. I kept turning the conversation towards Jesus when I had the chance. This man was still in shock that I went out of my way to pick him up. I explained to him that the love of GOD is inside me and that is how I'm able to such things. I believe with all of my heart, that simple act will not be forgotten and all glory goes to GOD. I saw this same friend at the feed and he was again... very intoxicated. The police were just about to take him away because he was so drunk. I walked up to the scene and was welcomed by name from the group of officers. They asked me to please get some food into this guy, hoping it will sober him up some. They told me that because I was now there, they would not take him to away and entrusted him to us for the night. I'm astonished that they didn't take him just because I came, but very, very thankful at the same time. We were able to sober him up (a little) with garlic bread and a large plate of spaghetti.

We met some new faces this week who came for the food. We met some people who walking by, asked what we were doing and if we needed help. We could always use the help. Some said they'd return next week to help serve wherever needed.

A woman stopped by and blessed us with a generous donation to help with the cost of food.

The food continues to go so fast these days, and alot of the men immediately leave but there is a handful of people who stay for fellowship and have prayer requests, so we pray for their needs and hang out. It was a great night and 2 of the men are to help me with chair set up for church. Seeds are being spread in Pacific Beach! "A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. He who has ears, let him hear." (Matthew 13:1-9)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Week 14 (Saturday)

Chicago was sitting on the boardwalk wall when I came to get him. He was full of enthusiasm so early in the morning, anxious to help with chair set up. He had lots of interesting stories to tell throughout the morning, which made the time fly.

He explained how it was that he came to fall back off the wagon. He made it clear to me that he was only sticking to beer this time though. I kept tossing scripture his way, trusting that GOD's word would sink in. It breaks my heart to see the lives and hear the personal stories of these men & women who have no hope. I strongly feel it is my duty to share with them that there is hope in Jesus Christ.

We left the campus at 10am to help Randy with some moving. Chicago had plenty to say on our road trip. He reminds me of an uncle I have. I foresee he and I being friends for the rest of our lives.

As I dropped him off, I did my best to persue him to church the following morning. He promised that he'd join us next week, but had to pass this time. He needed to go "canning" for his daily income. We parted ways with a half hug/half tight gripped hand shake, and promised to meet up for dinner on Friday.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Joy ~ Week 14

Well.... to start off I should mention that our team was smaller this week. Amanda, myself, and Randy. (I feel it's necessary to mention the sacrifices that Randy endures for the sake of the ministry. Tonight he sat in traffic for 1hr 45mins just to partake and help us out.) Randy is such a huge blessing to have on our team. Randy has a huge heart and it shows by his genuine acts of kindness. Since our team was so much smaller this week, and will be for the next month or so... positioning myself to speak with others on a more intimate level will have to wait. I certainly don't mind serving. It's a great honor to be serving in the name of The Almighty One, The King of Kings & Lord of Lords!

We arrived on time, and yes we had lots of people waiting. It's heartwarming to know that the men & women can now count on us being there like clockwork. We had numerous men assist with unloading the truck and setting up.

My mind was more focused tonight on being a server and not an evangelist, so I was somewhat one-track minded. I didn't see a number in the multitudes, just alot of hungry men & women. If I had to place a number on the crowd tonight... I'd guess something close to 30.

I wasn't able to give the bible study I had prepared to give tonight, but that's okay. Jesus allowed His light to shine and His message of Love was definately preached without so many words. Most faces were the familiar crowd, with a few newbies mixed in the bunch. We also had our fair share of looky-lou's asking what we're doing. I shared the sole purpose for our ministry with love and kindness. I soon stood face to face with a man named Peter. He came down and told me that because of what he had just heard me say.... he needed to come break bread with his brother. I was moved by that statement. It reminds me that GOD's love overflows far beyond the walls that surround us on the boardwalk.

Our food was gone before 7pm. It's becoming a regular occurance and now that we're prepared for it, it's okay. We regulated the food portions to be safe. The guys helped us with clean up and loading everything back in the truck. We still hung out until around 9pm though. It's nice to sit and talk with the people. Our awesome photographer friend was snapping shots again tonight and blessed me with a photo she'd taken the week before.

Just before we were about to leave, Joshua shows up. He demanded some food and ordered us to find him some. I explained to him that he needs to arrive on time because the guests are multiplying and food is running out so much faster. He asked if we had anything left over. I looked around for chips or anything of such.... with no luck. He was smoking a cigarette on the boardwalk (which is illegal) and the police pull up on their bikes, ask him some questions and inform him that it's illegal to smoke there. While they were speaking to him I decide to start picking up any left over trash in our area. I do not know how to explain this, but all of a sudden I noticed a submarine style sandwich wrapped up laying on the wall that I was just sitting on. I can't explain how it got there because I don't know.... I can assume and share what I believe, but for those who follow along and don't quite share the same beliefs might think I'm making this part up. I'm not!! I politely interrupt the cops & Joshua to let him know that I have a sandwich for him. He looked even more puzzled than I was when I gave it to him. Jehovahjireh

All in all tonight was another phenomenal night full of GOD and a miracle to dwell on. I love this ministry and thank The Lord Jesus for my salvation, giving me a new heart, and the tongue to confess of His goodness.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 13 (Sunday)

I drove back to PB and picked Steven up again.

Amanda was still at home getting ready, so we came to pick her up before heading to church. Her giant heart was already preparing a hot breakfast for Steven and I. Scrambled eggs & buttered toast. It was funny to see Steven do a little dance when he saw what was brought out to the truck.

As we sat for service, Steven acknowledged that having helped set up the chairs it really does give you a better appreciation for the hard work put into it every week. He asked if I wouldn't mind picking him up every Saturday. No problems for me.

Week 13 (Saturday)

Bright and early Steven was sitting on the wall reading yesterdays edition of Union Tribune, waiting for me to pick him up.

We set up the chairs in the main sanctuary. It was fun seeing him hustle and smile as he worked. He shared that it felt good to give back and do something for GOD. I agreed.

Afterwards I dropped him off and wished him well. He said that he planned to read his bible under his umbrella and enjoy the beautiful day.

Week 13

GOD always knows best! In our eyes, the budget gets harder as the ministry grows each week, yet He continues to provide through people. Amanda's co-worker, blessed us with enough resources to provide for the next 2 weeks. (I shall leave the person's name out for privacy, until permitted.) I do thank you from the bottom of my heart though!! Our ministry was blessed with 30+ backpacks (brand new) to hand out as needed, thanks to the tremendous help of Randy.

We were shocked to see the large crowd waiting for us. We did things a little differant this night. Our team was myself, Amanda, Jerrica, Joey, Randy, and Christina (another friend from home fellowship). Once the food was set up, we invited our guests to join us in prayer as we opened up shop. About 6 of them came forward to bless the food and give thanks to GOD.

I let everyone know that between 7-7:30pm, we'd be teaching a bible study and anyone was welcome to stay and participate. I was very surprised to see who it was that decided to stay when the time came.

We set a new time record! In all, I'd guess we had about 60 guests dining with us from the very start, which meant the food went alot faster than normal. We were completely out of food by 6:40pm. Almost everyone was able to get a bite to eat. We had a repeat customer from the week before, Spike. He showed up around 6:50 and was able to grab one of the garlic bread pieces that remained. I mentioned that I was about to start the bible study shortly. He respectfully said that he was going to leave in search of some meat because he was starving, but thanked us for the bread he was able to eat. He and I spoke for a few minutes and I did my best to lift his spirits up... all of a sudden I see Amy (from home fellowship) roll up on her beach cruiser, holding something wrapped in foil. It was a stack of kabobs, loaded with chicken & beef! That very moment Spike realized GOD had just provided specifically for him. I couldn't help but shed a tear of joy seeing him smile that way. He then opted to stay for the study and fellowship.

I sat with a woman who's been joining us for the past few weeks taking photographs of everything going on. She's not with our group but she enjoys being around us. She shared some of her work with me. Very good stuff I admit. She asked if there was something she could do to help out. I suggested that even something as simple as handing out the waters would be of great assistance to us. We exchanged information and emails. She promised to send me some of the photos she's taken to use for the blog.

Since the food was gone so fast, the women had alot of freetime on their hands. During the bible study I noticed all the women ministering to people, getting to spend some 1-on-1 time talking with them as individuals. I didn't get a chance to hear what they were saying, as us guys were going through chapter 2 of John. The study went well. Alot of insight from all the men that stuck around. One of those men being the guy I had called the paramedics for weeks earlier. He's doing much better now, I might add. I believe that because of that particular event, he now sees that I'm one that can be trusted.

After the study had finished, most people took off. I stuck around though, sitting next to the tables we set up. A man walked to the table out of curiousity, staring at the pile of bibles. He asked if I remembered him. I vaguely recognized his face but couldn't place it. A month earlier, I had seen him diggin in the trash cans on the sand for bottles. I walked down and had given him a bowl of spaghetti. Of course, now I remember! He thanked me for that act of kindess again. We sat and talked for 30 minutes or so. I invited him to church with us, and offered him my number. Jerrica spoke some spanish to him, so he'd understand what I was trying to communicate. Jerrica is such a blessing to have around!! He offered us help serving in the future. The hearts of these men & women are so giving... if only others can get past the outside and see them for who they really are!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Week 12 (Sunday)

As promised, I drove to our well-known meeting spot for church pick up and to my surprise stood Chicago and Steven (including his over-sized luggage bag) waiting patiently. I hadn't expected Steven, so I brought my car but we were able to make everything fit just fine.

We arrived to church early, as I normally do. Chicago was in awe at the size of our campus and sanctuary. We took our seats and enjoyed the delightful sounds of the worship team warming up for service. Steven was very quiet this morning, so that gave me an opportunity to converse with Chicago more. We discussed some more of the differances between Christianity and the Catholic church. I pointed out that we have no statues or idols to bow down to and he picked up what I was saying. I gave an analogy I had used before about a pilot flying with his coordinances off by just one degree and how after so long, you realize just how off track you are. I believe he understands where that one degree goes.

He told me about how he had spent the previous day walking to La Jolla. He told me how GOD has delivered him from any cravings of alcohol and how satan even tempted him. There were 2 full bottles of booze sitting near a bench he had passed and he admitted that it was very tempting but he knew in his heart it was wrong, so he kept on walking by and soon forgot all about the free booze he had passed up. I gave him a big hug and told him how proud I was. It was then that I realized I'm probably the only person thats told him such a thing in a very long time.

Sarah MacIntosh blessed us with her angelic vocals. (I get goosebumps everytime I hear her sing) Her new song "Come clean" hit the hurt soul of Chicago and the hair on the back of his neck stood up while the Holy Spirit spoke to him. Today's message struck both Chicago & Steven. On the way to church, I had shared that I've been volunteering for chair set up because I felt GOD speak to me. When Mike MacIntosh mentioned that very thing, they both looked directly at me with the same look on their faces. Chicago asked if he could come back, which of course I agreed to pick him up next week.

On the way back down the hill, both Steven & Chicago asked if I wouldn't mind picking them up Saturday to volunteer for chair set up. In short, it seems that GOD has spoken to another 2 men willing to help bless our church and make things a bit easier on our hard working Campus Service guys. My prayer for the week is that GOD will contimue to speak to them both, drawing them closer to Him each day.

As I drove away, I glanced in my mirrior and noticed Chicago clenching his new bible in one hand, while the other held a plastic bag of recyclables he'd kept in my trunk during service. There are certain moments in life where you wish you could capture that precise moment in a picture because 1,000 words wouldn't even be able to describe it... that was one of them!

Friday, July 17, 2009

and the Calvary came!!! ~ Week 12

I'll do my best to share what has been happening this past week. There's so much to tell and I'm shaking with excitement to write everything out!

First off, for those that have been following along... Jeremy is a completely differant person, by the grace of GOD. He's successfully completed his detox and has now made the transition into a 4 month sober living home in Costa Mesa. He's on the hunt for a job now and is looking forward to attending Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, as long as it's within walking distance from his new home. (I've yet to look up that small detail for him.) It's hard for me to comprehend that this new Jeremy has replaced the guy that first stepped onto the sandy beach in PB. GOD is sooooo good. I contacted his mother in Arizona awhile back and informed her where he was and that things are starting to look up now. It had been weeks since she'd last heard from him and she admitted that she was prepared to fly to San Diego only to discover her son... dead laying in some alley. It broke my heart as I tried to take this in. Hopefully she'll never have to worry about such nonsense again.

Again GOD has shown himself faithful and all-knowing, in His perfect timing. Work has been slow for me, which means alot less income to use on my behalf. Just this past week, we came to the end of our resources that we've been blessed with in support of this ministry. Less than 24hrs had gone by before I was approached by a brother who has been very supportive of this and again he graciously blessed us with enough to get us through another month. (Brother, from the bottom of my heart I THANK YOU!!)

My sister and her boyfriend donated tons of clothes; t-shirts, shorts, socks, and jackets for the cause. It always touches me when other donate for the sake of ministry, whether they know Jesus yet or not. "I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward." (Mark 9:41)

We had the honors of Jerrica joining us again, with her amazing baking skills and sincere heart of a servant. I know Amanda appreciates the extra help. Her cookies are to die for, yum! Randy, the man from Vista, brought down a sleeping bag for a gentleman who earlier in the week had requested one, as he's new to the streets.

Joey and I had planned on teaching a Bible study during dinner tonight because Thursdays have not been working out so well with the guys showing up, or the lack of.... it didn't work out so well though. My mom and cousin made the drive from El Cajon to join us, which was a real treat for me to see them.

Dan, one of the guys from Campus Crusade for Chirst brought a team with him to help serve. There was about 6 of them I think. It was awesome to have the manpower now to have stations fully ready to take what the night had in store.

We fed a great multitude of people tonight. Somewhere between 50-60 people. It's nice to have more than just food to offer them now with the constant clothing donations for them to browse through.

Chicago, was sober as a butterfly tonight! Today was his 3rd day of not drinking and he felt great. I didn't get a chance to hear how it came about, but all glory to GOD none-the-less. (He's been drunk everytime I've seen him, he's never not had alcohol on his breath before.) He was fully aware of all discussion tonight and we had the privilage of praying with him. There was absolutely no obnoxiousness to be found anywhere around us. It was a calm and amazing night. (I need to up my vocabulary... I feel like I say amazing & awesome wayyyyy too much.)I encouraged him some and invited him to church. Be on the look out for good ol' Chicago at 1st service people.

The police stopped by to actually encourage me, calling me by name like we've been buddies for years. As always, I offered the Deserving, a hot meal & cold water to enjoy before they rode off on their bicycles.

We were set up and serving by 6:00pm, food was gone by 6:52pm. We all hung out and shared thoughts about life. Alot of new faces came tonight and I feel bad not remembering everyone's name. I did meet a man, whom I'll leave nameless, who's only had 1 week to experience the street life. He's a believer too. He's beating himself up for this hard part in his life. I did my best to encourage him and advised him to get rooted in a Bible teaching church immediately. I offered to pick him up if need be. He respectfully declined. Please pray for the man I shall call "Spike".

There is so much more to share, but I'll leave you followers on the edge for a few days. I love you and thank you for following along and most importantly for your prayer support.