"Let us not love in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth (in practice and in sincerity)." - 1 John 3:18
Friday, December 23, 2011
Merry Christ-filled Christmas
I'm not even sure if I know how to put all this together without sounding jumbled.
Our LTN family was fully staffed tonight and that was a huge blessing for many people. Some of our team members had been collecting clothing donations over time and brought a van load to distribute... others brought individualized gift packs... while others presented a variety of sweets for dessert. It is so neat to see the team working together, allowing GOD to use their gifts in whatever capacity He wills.
Amanda and I were blessed with a couple Christmas cards from our neighbors. Actually reading what some of them wrote to our team has touched my heart in ways that I can not explain. My last entry, I shared 1 John 4:19... not that this even comes close to such a thing, but somehow I'm drawn back to this verse because in all reality, our friends in PB would not love us, had we not first showed them love.
It was a long night. Lots of ministry went on, people sought prayer, others wanted bibles and counseling... hopefully those seeds with bring forth good-solid fruit for Him.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Lights out...
It was a very windy night. So much so, that the wind caused one of the electrical wires above to arc. The authorities were notified immediately but for just over an hour, the bright flashes lit up the area, giving all of us an exciting show wondering what was going to happen next...
Eventually, all power to the PB area went down. Nobody likes to stay indoors with no power, so numerous folks came out on their balconies or on the pier. Our brother, Jason continued to play worship music with his guitar in the thick of the black night. The wind seemed to wind-down and the waves started to calm, and everybody was able to hear the delight of worship to our Creator on this night.
Because we had such a small attendance, there was PLENTY of food to go around, but we try our best to be good stewards of GOD's provision, so the majority of our team stayed with us for the long haul. I think we stayed on the boardwalk until around 8:30 or so.
People often ask us why we do what we do. The answer is so simple- "We love, because GOD first loved us." (1 John 4:19)
Friday, December 9, 2011
Double post for the past 2 weeks
Amanda shared her testimony to the smaller crowd of approximately 75 folks. The LORD used her to be of great encouragement to those we serve, and have gotten to know through time. It was a blessing for me to see my beautiful wife sharing her heart and what Jesus has done in her life, to such a crowd.
It's always a treat to see other brothers & sisters from our church (who are not part of our team)coming out to give our Ministry a hand. As was the case this week, with our brother Richard. It's very encouraging to see how GOD has taken our small steps of faith and turned it into a full blown Ministry that He continues to provide for each week.
December 9, 2011
We have been collecting blankets for this cold weather season. I can't recall another time that has been as cold as it has been this year. Tonight we handed out all that we had, which wasn't very many... maybe 15 or so, but at least we know that 15 or so people can now sleep just a bit warmer, and with full stomachs.
It was a relief to be near full restoration in my health. Tonight I was able to again speak, and share what the LORD put on my heart for our guests. I received confirmation that the LORD was indeed speaking, when 5 people came forward after the message. One man in particular, Tobin, stands out from that group. He is back-slidden, and was convicted by the Holy Spirit of GOD tonight to repent and move forward in His relationship with our LORD. Together he and I prayed, and I was able to direct him to a church in the area that he sleeps. It's really sweet to be a part of something so amazing that GOD is doing. I'm humbled by His love.
The gathering attendance was nowhere as large as it's been in the recent past. I stopped trying to count and keep a toll. There is no importance in numbers when it comes to Ministry. Jesus even makes mention of this in Luke 15 - "In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” I only speak of the size tonight for the sake of mentioning how warm & full the people were tonight. Im pretty sure that everybody was able to have a second plate, while some even got thirds.
While we were setting up, I met a couple, from out-of-town, that showed interest in volunteering with us. That was a real blessing! We just so happened to be short handed a few folks. It worked out perfectly, and I'm sure that the couple were blessed to help out too. It's so beautiful that our team is so flexible and isn't caught up on who we allow to participate. (I'm not much for being a 'red tape' kinda guy.) I didn't get a chance to speak with the couple before we parted ways, but I was happy to see our team receiving them well as they served together.
*A praise report! I'm told that Quentin was welcomed into the home of brothers from a church he used to attend. These men have been loving on him, encouraging him, and building him back up in the LORD. Quentin has again stepped away from the alcohol and is back on the narrow path. That is such an answered prayer... Praise Jesus!Friday, November 25, 2011
I've never been so thankful for them...
As usual, we parked and were greeted by those who have grown faithful to help unload and set up. As I walked over to the tables, one of the women came up to me and handed me an envelope. With a bright smile, she said "This is from all of us. It's not much, but it's all that we can give."
It was the most beautiful Christmas card! It was full of names signed by our neighbors. I was completely taken back for a moment and started to get teary-eyed, so I had to walk away. Talk about the effect love has on people...
The night went without any problems. In fact, everybody seemed to be on their best behavior. There are times when we can not only feel the presence of GOD, but there are also those times where we feel the thickness of oppression lingering in the air. Tonight was not of the latter.
Our team has gained a few more volunteers which has allowed others to freely be available for prayer needs (as they come) or for opportunities to simply sit and minister to one another. One of our newer volunteers, Nicole, has come from Horizon Christian Academy, where I was privileged to speak at chapel a few weeks ago. It is so encouraging to see young people catch the vision to love our neighbors through action and not words.
As the winter air strikes the our coastal sands, it's a reminder of how cold it can get on the streets without any shelter. The biggest demand at the moment is for SLEEPING BAGS. (If anybody reading this, feels like helping to meet that need... please contact us through email.)
Tonight GOD really showed me something... two things actually.
The first is very sad. Our dear brother in Christ, Quentin, has fallen back into alcoholism and is once again back on the streets and has given up on hope. (I urge all prayer warriors to please pray for him!) GOD showed me the importance it is to dilgently seek Him, not only each day, but every hour, every minute, and every breathe that is given to us, because we are all at risk of falling if we're not.
The second thing He showed me that it's not always about the outward appearance that defines 'bearing fruit', but how the hearts of those we serve has transformed.
I am truly humbled by their act of kindness to us.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Be watchful!
I'm completely trusting GOD and what I feel is Him telling me to share. Returning this week felt good. Amanda and I felt refreshed. One of the high school students from the week before, returned to join us this week. She was a great deal of help at the clothing and hygeine tables.
There was a minor incident of commotion from one of the women. I realize it's the enemy using her to cause the disturbance to our area. Please pray for us! There were quite a few neighbors from the surrounding condo's who witnessed what happened, and I fear that they will soon be calling the city to report our presence as a nuisance of some sort.
In all that... GOD is still so good. He provided for another week's worth of supplies. He's still ruling all creation. He is sovereign and loving and patient and kind and slow to anger. His mercy is eternal... and we get to serve Him through this Ministry. What a joy!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Staying updated -
November 4th
Things were good. It was a very small crowd due to the rain. Traveling on the way down to PB it was real ugly, with dark skies all around. We were praying for GOD to miraculously give us a break in the weather... He did just that! Exactly where we set up, there was an opening in the clouds with magnificent rays of sunshine beaming down from Heaven. The newest of the photos are some shots I took with my phone. Notice the awesome rainbow!
The very few down there who truly believe our motives, trusted that we would still show up, and when they saw we'd arrived, they were all so joyful and praised GOD when I shared that the sunlight is no coincidence. I'm sure they understood what I meant. As the evening went on, and the weather was kind to us, more people started showing up for dinner.
There was surely an attitude of gratefulness in the air this cold night. I thank The LORD for His continual provisions.
A few hours after this, Amanda and I left town for our anniversary trip.
November 11th
Amanda and I were still out of town, so we obviously made other arrangements to assure that LTN would continue without us. (It's never been about us) I have yet to hear reports of the evening, but when I do... I'll probably update that.
*I heard such positive things regarding this night! It was a sweet time of worship, where some of our dinner guests joined in with whatever instruments they had and sang together with the youth group. There was enough food for everyone to eat, including some left-overs. The menu had changed for the week, from Italian to Mexican - with burritos, beans, and such.
It was said the this experience really touched the hearts of the youth and alot of them would like to participate more often. We welcome that!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Jesus Freaks!!
With word spreading about out gatherings, churches and other organizations have included us on a list, without our consent and that has been drawing the larger crowds more regularly. Those large crowds keep us from having that intimate time building relationships with our neighbors.
There was a wave of new faces tonight. The way I've been looking at that is like this... I have no clue if those people will ever return, so this might be my one & only chance to share Jesus with them, so I go for it. I must take every opportunity that GOD puts before me, and use it for Him. It's too easy to get caught up in doing something nice or good, and forget the main goal. I do not want to be the one to let that slip.
The message came from Luke 14:24-35. I also shared a testimony of a martyred church group from North Korea. The story was from the book Jesus Freaks. I feel that story along with the message touched alot of people tonight. A handful of people asked where they can get the book. It's encouraging to see people taking a deeper interest in hearing about our faith.
The LORD has been so faithful to the Ministry... especially lately... actually He's never been any less faithful, but it is us who are now seeing His blessings from other angles. We serve a GOD who is far beyond greater than any of us could ever put into words. It is a true blessing for our team to represent Him through this Ministry of love. My prayer is that many more would come to know Him through it. So many lives have already, but there will always be more who do not yet know.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Psalm 25:4-11
The LORD has given us such a beautiful gift. The free gift of Salvation & Forgiveness through His Son, Jesus Christ. It is by His power that lives are transformed!
Earlier in the week, I was blessed to speak with the Horizon Christian Academy student body. It was there that I shared how the LORD Jesus Christ worked in my own life, and how He is now using this wretched man, to show love to a less desirable group of people. Yesterday our Ministry was blessed far more than we could have ever imagined, by the youth of the Academy. They graciously gave to the Ministry, which will help further the work we are doing. I am personally very grateful for the generosity they showed us. We look forward to working with the student body in the future!
Tonight our good brother, Jeremy came along. Most who follow our blog should recall Jeremy. His life now is such a tremendous encouragement to those he used to drink with on the beach. The LORD has been doing awesome things in his life. He is maturing in the LORD each day, and I'm sooooo blessed to see the fruits of our labor.
We had another near record breaking attendance again. Thankfully the LORD put it on Amanda's heart to make additional food tonight. I'd guess we were just shy of 200 people tonight. As this Ministry takes on a life of itself, it's really cool to watch everything work together so well. Our volunteer team has grown. Our financial support has multiplied, simply by word of mouth. We have faithful people praying for us as we serve and throughout the week.
Not a single mouth went away hungry, nor did anybody walk away without hearing the Word of GOD with direction how to receive eternal forgiveness. I thank GOD that He has given me such boldness in these days. It's very encouraging to conquer my own silly fears and reap the benefits of people sharing how the message GOD has put on my heart, has touched them in a certain way.
I'm thankful for GOD's unfailing love. I'm thankful for His faithful direction & instruction. I'm thankful that GOD has found anything in me to use for His sake, no matter how difficult it was for me. I'm thankful for the cross and the life He paid...
My prayer is for others to see that we indeed are different then this world, and a curiosity would stir in their hearts, and a door would open allowing us to share of Him, The Author of Salvation!
Friday, October 14, 2011
His Spirit was present...
Not only was there peace, in the sense of no violent outbreaks or loud foul mouthed slander, but a genuine peace was present that only GOD could provide, as if He came down from Heaven and was sitting among us. I can't think of any other way to put it.
Both Amanda and myself were somewhat frazzled in route to PB, because we knew ahead of time that our team was going to be short handed at least 6 people this week. (Every helping hand really counts here.) But of course, that was our stupid flesh thinking inside a small box...
Upon arrival, we saw some familiar faces who decided to come down to help out. The Lord used my mistake, to bring somebody else to the Ministry to drop off a utensil, and she was led to help serve with us once she saw what was going on.
There are many news faces in the crowd these days. It seems that if you're going to be in a season of living on the streets, San Diego is the ideal place to do so. Lots of folks come from out of state just to enjoy this weather.
I met a fellow brother in Christ, named Charles. He walked here from (I think) Tennessee! He knew the only reason he was able to survive the journey was because Jesus was with him. I'm going to enjoy getting to know Charles more throughout time.
A few of the guys are interested in coming to church with us. I sincerely pray that GOD would not allow the enemy to hinder that from happening. It has been awhile since anyone has come with us.
There is some fruit bearing from the Ministry, although we would love to see more, we will gladly accept what we have so far. GOD is still working in PB and we have no plans to go anywhere until He decides to move us.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Psalm 136
His provision came through the donation of our church kitchen this week. Tonight we served a few hundred hot dogs, accompanied with fresh salad, home-made macaroni salad, and potato salad. Every once in awhile, the change up is nice. The donation was helpful, not only for our budget but for the sake of giving Amanda a break, as she's been carrying a heavy load lately.
Danna spent time with a gentleman named Frank. He's observed us over the time and finally came to speak with us this afternoon. Frank donated a bunch of clothing to the Ministry.
I'm confident to say that each member of our team has been called to this Ministry, and I thank GOD the Father for their faithfulness. This is a Ministry of love. That being said, GOD really stretches our patience at times to see how we will react to circumstances. I myself still struggle with certain people we serve, but by His strength I am able to endure.
What I noticed tonight was, more and more people are talking about GOD down there now. Before, the majority was about booze or whatever. It is a great honor to partake in such a cool change for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
He will never leave us nor forsake us, but will bless us...
We had extra hands on deck last night, which is always a blessing because the more Believers we have, the more we are free to mobilize and minister as lead by The Holy Spirit of GOD. We don't always have that capability, so it's really nice when we do. There is always a desire from the people to pray with them or simply sit back and allow them to share their story. Homeless or not, we all enjoy conversation, and this gives them an opportunity to partake in such.
We handed out 8 or 9 Bibles to those who wanted them. I'm thankful that we had some with us.
The worship music was amazing and encouraging as it grew into a small jam session with multiple instruments last night. Jason had his acoustic guitar, Eddie brought down his cajon, and one of our guests joined in with his tambourine and then some bongos, while the a handful of us sang praises unto The Lord.
Our gathering wasn't as big as last week, so a few people were able to have a second plate of food. I can't help but wonder what GOD has in store for this Ministry. Over all, majority of the attitudes (and hopefully the hearts) of the homeless community has changed for the positive having heard about Jesus and how He loves them.
Some still have their struggles to addiction, but now they have something hopeful to look forward to if they make the choice to change (surrender). GOD can not lie, what He says is a promise... and His Word says: "As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Joshua 1:5)
Friday, September 23, 2011
Jesus ministered to so many....
Obviously we didn't plan for that size, but in all her wisdom from the kitchen, Amanda made additional pan of pasta, and that was perfect up until the very last plate... every person was able to eat tonight, and whether or not they chose to indulge in His Word, some feasted and some nibbled.
The things that Jesus does through this Ministry trip me out! Being that we are set up in the complete wide openness of Pacific Beach (one of San Diego's most popular beaches), we are constantly being observed by tourists on vacation, or the locals out walking their dogs... and so many people are totally blown away by what they see. It's really cool for us to not only tell them about Jesus, but it's something they can visually see too. It seems like every week, I meet a person or two who are interested in getting involved somehow/someway. Tonight I met a local couple who have a large amount of clothes they'd like to contribute towards the Ministry. They said they'd rather see where it's going, rather than hand it over to a charity.
Our guest line for dinner is possibly getting too big. I took a look while the food was being served and although we have the outcove as our stationary position, the line wrapped up the stairs and clear onto the boardwalk. I'm afraid that it's only a matter of time...
Talking with a brother from our church tonight, who came to bless us with some photos, he brought up a valid point that had never crossed my mind before. Yes there are those who walk by, and show signs of possible disapproval because it might possibly be due to self conviction.
I'm not an advocate for the Homeless population. I am an advocate for Jesus Christ and spreading His love to those the world has no pity on. I sincerely pray that GOD would have mercy on the souls of those who discriminate such people for their lack of shelter. Not all people on the streets are drug addicts, not all are drunkards, not all are Schizophrenic, not all are lazy, not all are violent... but yes, all of them need Jesus just like the person living next door to you, or the person standing in line behind you at Starbucks... and that is why we have been called.
We all need Jesus. Know Jesus, Know Peace... No Jesus, No Peace. Plainly put.
Friday, September 16, 2011
The battle belongs to The LORD...
One of the regulars, came just shy of rebuking us (LTN) for being there while in route to the line... but once in the line, this individual was a completely different and grateful man... even thanking us for being there.
Another man, known to be a problem among the homeless community was violent and harsh. He jump down from above, behind our tables spitting and grabbing things that were not his. He even pulled a knife out when I asked to speak with him privately.
I thank the good LORD for keeping us safe and for not allowing us to see how much He protects us from the enemy.
Other than those two events, it was another night where Jesus was able to let His light shine through this Ministry.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Because love compels us...
When Amanda and I first started this, we agreed that it would be beneficial to not turn anyone who had the heart to help away, because of their belief or lack of, simply embracing the hope that in those encounters Jesus would be able to let His light shine and win others to Him.
Looking back now, GOD has worked so much through this Ministry, not only in the lives of those we feed, but for myself, Amanda, our brothers & sisters from church serving with us, and those who pass by and have it on their hearts to somehow help or contribute. It blows my mind. We are entering the 29th month of LTN's existence and I can not count how many lives have been changed.... GOD knows, and that's the only real thing that's of any importance anyways. Please keep it up Lord!
I bring all that up because some pretty cool things have happened the past few weeks, that I forgot to mention. I have no clue where the following people stand in their faith or beliefs, but something has stirred their hearts to partake in this...
One woman walking by noticed that in our gathering, there are a handful of dogs which belong to our friends living on the streets. This kind and thoughtful woman took it upon herself to buy dog food and distribute it out to the dogs while they stood in line. That (to me) is such an incredibly selfless act of kindness.
Another woman who was once just passing by, inquired what we're doing... for the past 4 weeks, she has been dropping off bags & boxes of pastries from Starbucks... then she casually walks off. She's like a vapor in the wind, I've yet had an opportunity to speak with her, even for a moment.
Tonight another woman passing by asked about getting involved. She confessed that she'd been watching us for a few weeks now and finally took the step to talk with us. For now, she's made plans to help serve next week. Praise GOD for everything!!!
There were no out of the ordinary events tonight... in fact, it all went rather smoothly. I shared with the group, my thoughts on the Ministry and how I feel it's becoming more & more like a church gathering. There were no objections, and I was encouraged as I noticed more people nodding in agreement if anything. After giving the message, I took a daring step and asked if anybody else would like to say grace and ask for GOD's blessing over the meal. (I say 'daring' because you do not know what to expect here.) and after a moment of hesitation... Michael came up and lead us in an amazing prayer.
The Lord's faithful provision allowed all attendees to leave with a full stomach and some warm clothing as the cooler nights approach the shore. Above all else, after the county wide power outage yesterday.... I'm thankful that we were even able to help do our part to physically pour out GOD's love on the community tonight. Had we not got the power back on, we wouldn't have been able to cook the dinner. It's time to start saving up for a generator just as a back up plan... plus it's just a smart thing to be prepared for anyways.
GOD is good all the time, and all the time GOD is good.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Surreal (Friday)
I shared why it is good for us to meditate on His Word and the effect it will have in our lives. The verse focused tonight was from Philippians 4:8,9 -"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." It was received well.
There are lots of new faces coming through the line as we mark another season. For me, this so encouraging to see the growth from day one! I love having the chance to sit and speak with some of the new people and explaining why we are there.
One of the newer guys, Ricky, and I spoke the entire evening. He opened up with what he's going through. He's not like most of the people I run into. He genuinely does NOT want to be on the streets. He brought to me an incredible idea that has never been discussed before. "Why not come up with a list for those who actually want to find some work? If you have a list with names & numbers of guys you know that want to earn some money to make life more bare able... and happen to come across anybody looking for an extra hand, you could make some calls." It's genius! As Ricky and I talked, I was asking GOD to show me anything hidden in this man's words. I feel he is genuine and truly wants to work his way 'out of the gutter'. Ricky has fallen on hard times (due to discreet circumstances) and is ready to pick himself up and try again... he does no drugs, he is sane, and has a gentleness in his eyes.
Over all, there was a real peace covering us. GOD's love was present, people are praising Jesus together through Jason and his guitar. Our neighbors might not have a roof over their heads, but they have the Holy Spirit residing in alot of them.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Lemon Grove - expansion #1
Amanda, James, Dina, and myself all met with the home of The Brown family. There we met with their home fellowship group, eager to go out as foot soldiers for the sake of Jesus Christ. The previous night they had spend time building these goodie bags that we could easily pass out once we hit the streets. The Lord provided the following items for the packs: Socks, toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, bottled waters, bars of soap, and of course small Gospel tracks, including the book of John.
Weeks before, I had 'scouted the land' and discovered that majority of the neighbors hang out near Food-4-Less, we once we were all prayed up, we made a caravan to see who was waiting for us. Our first encounter was with 3 gentlemen who were happy to meet us. Each received a bag and an invitation to dinner at a near by park. Then another guy showed up, got the exact same items and invitation too. There were close to 15 of us, so we decided to break up in groups and do some foot work spreading out.
My particular group did not have any more run-in's but other groups did and even got the opportunity to pray with some folks. After about an hour, I ran over to pick up a generous food donation from Papa Johns Pizza. Our rally point for dinner was a local park in the historical part of Lemon Grove. Once we got set up, slowly came walking around the corner was one of the guys who accepted the invitation for a free dinner. His name is Rick.
Rick was full of helpful information regarding the locals in the area. He confessed that nobody else would be attending our dinner, due to the location of the park behind next door to the Sheriff's station. (I understood why, but only because I have some time under my belt.) Our friends had a good time getting to know Rick. I hope that he felt comfortable with us. I know he enjoyed the hot pizza! He allowed us to pray for him and his physical healing.
We certainly did not want all this food to go to waste, so we opted to drive around and just depend on the Holy Spirit to direct us where He wanted us to go. By this time, the sun had set and the coolness of the night was starting to creep in.
We were led behind a liquor store. There we met a group of guys all drinking some booze. Surprisingly enough, they already had a Papa Johns Pizza box with them. The alpha of that group was named "T". He was very suspicious of us at first, even hesitant to accept anything from us, but eventually opened up and admitted that the pizza box was empty. He was hungry. One of the 4 men sitting with him, needed a blanket. Surely enough, one of the volunteers had one readily available to bless him. The man couldn't believe it. He even shouted out: Thank you GOD, and said he loved us. It was neat for our new team to see the pleasure that something so simple could bring to somebody who is in need. It's all done in love and under the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our next encounter was our last for the night but only because it took a decent amount of time. We met 2 younger men slouched behind another liquor store beside a dumpster, drinking some beer. They too suspected us to be Police, but I assured him we are only there to love on them and tell them about Jesus. The first guy, Sean, claimed to be a Christian and a "weekend drinker". He wasn't really trying to hear what we were talking about. His friend, Henry, was more interested in hearing about this love we spoke of....
Henry has alot of hurt deep inside him. He told us that he tries to hurt himself when he drinks because he cares nothing about his own life. We prayed with Henry. As we laid hands on him, huddled around, he started to convulse and shake violently. I continued to pray without ceasing or interruption. I'm confident that something unseen and spiritual was happening in our presence. Henry broke down and started crying. I took a step back and wanted the other 2 men with me to experience this, as this would be their regional Ministry (if that's what GOD plans). Before we left for the night, Rudy told me that Henry and he prayed again. It was then that Henry fell to his knees. We do not know whether Henry will remember what he experienced this night, but we pray that GOD would make Himself known to Henry and to Sean.
This was a great experience for the home fellowship. I know that this Ministry can be a real culture-shock to most, but I guarantee that this group will never see "Homeless people" the same again.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Our GOD is an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G GOD!!!
The man who runs the kitchen at our church, called me mid-week, saying he tons of left-over food and instantly thought of us. So tonight we served somewhere between 300-400 hot dogs, baked beans, coleslaw, and potato salad. This was obviously GOD's perfect planning because had we been able to stick to our norm, we would have run out long before the line finished coming through, but instead we had an abundance of food!!!! It was completely amazing to see all the puzzle pieces fall into place.
I thought it was appropriate due to the hot dogs, to talk about condiments, which lead to sharing about the mustard seed parable. For the most part this group is starting to pay attention to scripture and the seeds are growing. The feed-back I receive from our neighbors is very encouraging. Although I'm not ordained, they all see me as their Pastor... in fact they call me "Pastor", which I think is kinda cute because they took it upon themselves to start that. I strongly feel called to become a Pastor but only want what GOD has planned for me.
We've made some new friends who've become a part of the LTN team. I truly appreciate every person that GOD gives us to serve with. Each individual brings such a unique element to the team. I love how GOD orchestrates all those things.
We are still praying where GOD wants us (location wise). I'm on the fence about staying where we are. My flesh wants to 'make a stand for our freedom to be here', while I feel a gentleness inside telling me to love all our neighbors and to keep a peace between those who have and those who have not. Is it time to relocate? We just don't know. The Lord has given me people who want to help us from an administrative perspective, which could lead us to far greater things. For now, we shall take things one day at a time.
Tomorrow, we start a brand new branch of LTN out in Lemon Grove, CA. I'll be sure to share how that goes afterwards! Until then...
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Friday (8/19/11)...
Marci joined us again and brought down a large birthday cake so we can celebrate all those for the month of August. Her idea is so thoughtful and loving. As the majority of 100+ people sang together, you could see the incredible joy it brought to those we sang to. It's not always about preaching or distributing materials down here.... to sum everything we do up.... it's all about loving our neighbors.
What baffles me is the tremendous encouragement we receive from all people passing by and yet there are select people who still oppose what we do. I've been reading alot from Proverbs this month and there is a repeated theme talking about those who oppose the helping hand of the needy. Shame on them.
I do wonder what GOD has in store for us next...
Monday, August 15, 2011
Blessed (Friday 8/12/11)
We had a few extra hands helping out. Some of our team members haven't been able to make it lately, so those who come unexpectedly really help make a difference. Our new friend Gary and his wife helped distribute the clothing. Being positioned there, really opened his eyes to the needs some of the men have. I enjoy hearing how GOD reveals things to those that help us and to hear the empathy in their voice.
We had an encouraging encounter with somebody who manages a local business. The woman said our Ministry was such a blessing to see such love for those in need and to keep up the good work. That blew my mind due to the opposition we faced last week. All we can do is continue to trust in our Heavenly Father. He will either have His hand on this Ministry and keep us in this location, or He will shut the door and make it clear to us where we should go next.
It breaks my heart to see some of our friends on this roller coaster of sobriety & spirituality. Stephen has fallen again. Jeff has fallen again. Pockets continues to fall and has stopped showing up. There are so many people who just can't let GOD do the work in them. They all fall and feel too condemned to ask Him for help again. It's almost overwhelming to see so many people in such pain and sadness. I know the best thing we can do is to pray for them all, but there comes a point where even I struggle with the question "When is enough, enough?" Alcohol & drugs are slowly killing these men & women.
At the end of the night, all of us agreed that for the time being.... GOD's hand is still on us and there is still plenty of work to be done here.
In closing, I'd like to share a line from one of my favorite Chris Tomlin songs:
"And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us... And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?"
For the full song, check out this cool youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlA5IDnpGhc
Friday, August 5, 2011
Where one door closes, another is opened....
This afternoon, I was informed by the owner of a surrounding business, that he is losing some serious money, and he claims it's because of our ministry... Not due to 'us' but rather the gathering of people who are "a problem for the area".
It's been a very long time since we've had an issue from a neighbor complaining. The man has a valid excuse, and rather it's true or not, is strictly between him and GOD. I admitted to the upset man, that I never once took into consideration that angle in respect to the businesses. Again... this is all a learning process. Homeless or rich... Jesus called us to love all neighbors, and that includes respecting them as well. We wish to cause no harm to anybody or their livelihood.
Praying for guidance from my heavenly Father, I wondered what His plan is for us as a Ministry. I prepared those we serve, that there may come a time where we are no longer coming to the boardwalk. I passed around a notepad for those that wish to stay in touch with us via email and some wrote words of encouragement. It was very touching to see the positive impact we've had on their lives. Thank you Lord!
Stephen is really moving forward in his walk with Jesus! For the past week, he has donated his time in helping with Ministry stuff. He's completely sober and going to church on his own. Please keep him in your prayers. GOD used His own power, through Stephen to show the rest of the crowd standing in line, that He can work in anybody... that nobody down there is unreachable. Stephen is now reaching out to his old friends, praying with them, for them, and sharing words of encouragement and trying to get others to come to church! It's really amazing.
Other than the phone call, our evening went well. There are other things that our team is praying about, but I'll share that another time. We're just trusting Jesus that When one doors closes, it's an opportunity to step in faith and walk through the next open door.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
On rare occasions....
I don't typically share during the week on here (as most of you can tell) but after reading this morning's devotional from an awesome book titled 'Breakfast with God', I was really blessed by what I read and wanted to share this with others.
The following is exactly what I read-
Feeding the Poor
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3 NASB
One day a young executive was asked to share with his fellowees employees how he felt about participating in the company's voluntary "feeding the poor" program. He took one early-morning slot each week to ladle soup and pass out sandwiches to nearly 400 homeless and street people in his city. The young man said:
"I go on Tuesdays to feed those we call poor, and in fact, they are poor in material things. Some of them are poor in many ways, and we also try to help them with encouragement, advice, and on occasion, a word of prayer. But in many ways, these hungry and poor men and women have nurtured something in me - they have made me more aware of the pritual side of my life and they have led me to be aware that we all 'feed' each other in many ways every day - either good nourishment for the sould, or poison.
"I have a new understanding that when I go home and genuinely compliment my wife, or sit down to read a story to my daughter, or toss a ball with my son, I am feeding something inside them. I no longer see myself as part of the Tuesday-morning feeding team, but as a 24-hour-a-day feeding volunteer."
Who will you feed today?
And what will you feed them?
Mother Teresa wrote in A Gift for God, "People are hungry for something more beautiful, for something greater than people round about can give. There is a great hunger for God in the world today. Everywhere there is much suffering, but there is also great hunger for God and love for each other."
Today you will encounter people who are hungry - outwardly and inwardly. God has equipped you in unique ways to "feed" them with natural food as well as His Word, His love, and His presence. He invites you to volunteer to participate in His feeding program.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Faith like a child....
I'm just coming off of a spiritual high.
These past few days, I've been blessed to spend some time with an incredible youth group of God-loving teenagers called Identity, based out near Palm Springs, CA. For those that know anything about HSE, this program is pretty much just like that.
There were 20 teenagers: Servants, Bold, Eager to bless, Prayer Warriors... who came out to give a hand with us. The Lord used this group to speak to the lives of our neighbors, through a drama skit 'The SIN chair', through some powerful testimonies, and a full night of worship music teamed up with my buddy Jason. The sound of 2 acoustic guitars and 2 sweet voices leading, with others singing along was amazing. I know our neighbors enjoyed it.
Before we served dinner, an invitation was given to accept Jesus... 3 or 4 people embraced that free gift and became part of our Eternal Family in Christ Jesus. Bibles were given out to those that wanted them.
Our weekly volunteer team has grown as well. To see others catch the vision and following the calling the Lord has put on their hearts to come participate with us, is touching. The men we serve, have become regulars at helping with the unloading and setting up. All the extra help and ministering going on was nothing else than the work of our Good Lord. I tell ya, it's no coincidence that all those young soldiers came the same week that we had another record breaking attendance... and of course, The Lord multiplied the food enough so that not 1 person went away hungry.
All in all, it was both encouraging & refreshing to see such love & compassion for the lost from the next generation. Those kids wear their full Armor of God, and they wear it proudly. I had the honor of joining them on other occasions while they were in town, and as we said our good-byes, I kept hearing the Jars of Clay song 'Faith like a child' playing in my head.
Friday, July 22, 2011
What's in a name anyways?
Prayerfully, the living word of GOD penetrated the core of the hearts of our neighbors. I sure hope that our presence thus far has been successful in representing the 'name' of Jesus Christ... I testify that we have seen people who we may not have ever expected to, be moved.
I'm so thankful for the team of friends the Lord has given us! All of us have different angles of Love to share. Marci (bless her heart) had it on her heart to make things a bit more family orientated, by celebrating birthdays from now on. She and Carl bought a giant cake and we all sang Happy Birthday to the crowd for those who's birthdays fall in July, including myself. It was fun!
Unfortunately we ran out of food this week. It's really hard for us to cope with the fact that homeless or the 'down & out' are traveling to where we are, just so they can have a hot, filling meal.... and then to get to the front of the line, only to see an empty pan. That was the case for an elderly woman named Eva. She took a 1.5hr bus ride, had to transfer at least twice. Broken-hearted Amanda, offered to buy her dinner but all Eva did was gently say 'No, it's okay. I could use the fresh ocean breeze.' It's really sad!
I'm asking for some prayer personally, because there are often times where I'm at a lose for words, when I see people taking advantage of all this. A good handful of the guys have started helping with unloading and set-up, and most are grateful for our help, but there are a few who blatantly express a sense of entitlement... and that's really hard for me to deal with. So please... if you remember to... pray for GOD's gentleness and patience to fill me in such trials.
For the most part things are well in Pacific Beach. There is now Light shining where there was once darkness. All glory to The Father, The Host of Heaven, and His Son The Lord Jesus Christ!
Friday, July 15, 2011
1 Chronicles 16:9-11
The Lord Jesus Christ has been very faithful to this Ministry. The Holy Spirit is moving at a rapid pace, not necessarily where we would have first guessed, but it is He who sends His Spirit where He chooses. All of the LTN volunteers have been blessed by what we are witnessing and experiencing on a weekly basis. We can't help but direct our focus on our neighbors, hoping that some of them may turn their hearts to The Lord, but in doing so... we often miss the full shot of what He is doing in the hearts of those who just pass by or witness from afar.
Tonight, we had the opportunity to serve side by side with a small youth group, giving them first hand experience in serving the community and giving them an eye opening chance to see what a blessing it is to bring some happiness to the homeless population on a large scale.
I love how GOD's heart will never stretch too thin. His love is eternally overflowing for those who seek His face. This blog was never intended to boast about what good works any of us are doing, it was created specifically to 'tell all of His wonderful acts'. I hope that has never stumbled anybody who may have come across our link.
The thing about our Ministry is this... there are people who have been there (never going anywhere) the entire time, some have come & gone, and few pass through... never to be seen again. It is a great privilege to build some rapport with those that allow us into their lives. Tonight, an old face came through our line. Unfortunately this guy brought sad news with him. He will need prayer. He'd been in jail for the past 4 months, and released this afternoon, only to learn that his girlfriend had died while he was away. She was also somebody that we served semi-regularly. He is heartbroken and at the moment upset with GOD. That is not something these guys expect to hear, when they are looking for hope. He rejected my offer for prayer, but he will need it none-the-less. His name is Frank.
In GOD's perfect planning, we had a EMT trained person with us today. Alexandra used her training during a sudden emergency. One of the men had a seizure, just as he was sitting down to eat his dinner. Sadly he collapsed and split his head open on the concrete. Alexandra knew exactly what to do and stayed calm in the midst of all the commotion and people panicking. GOD being 'all knowing' knew who needed to be there at that specific time to help that individual until the paramedics arrived to take the man to the ER. I'm glad she was there, because I would've not known how to handle that.
In closing, things have been going so well for this Ministry. For us, it just proves that GOD has His hand on this. I am so thankful to serve with such an incredible & loving group of Believers!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Down with the old and up with the new!
I was honored to baptize one of our very own from PB, Alexandra and her 7 year old son, Julian! She is a very brand new Believer, but is growing in her spiritual walk daily. I am very proud of her for stepping out in faith and allowing GOD to take control of her new life in San Diego.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Wonderful, Powerful....
Hello readers... Where do I even start tonight?
This Ministry has been such a blessing for me and has given me tremendous growth in my own walk. I love sharing the heart of Jesus with anybody that will listen (or watch).
So this afternoon, Sid and I sat down and chopped up chapter 3 in the book of Mark. He shared with me what the Lord is doing in his life and for his own personal walk with Him. There is fruit! Being totally transparent about this, at first I was discouraged that only one person showed up for the study, but while Sid and I sat there reading together.... GOD's gentle spirit spoke to me. He softly whispered to me that this is the very thing that I wanted from the beginning! GOD has given me the opportunity to disciple/mentor somebody without the distractions of multi-tasking. Not to mention GOD has given Sid the undivided attention, with the freedom to ask what 'that' means. It's been really cool. Before I left to come back home to prepare for tonight, Sid made a decision to join us in the baptism this Sunday.
Onto what happened when I returned @ 5pm.
We had plenty of volunteers again this week... which is a huge blessing in more ways than one. The message was about trusting GOD. My prayer is that more and more of the neighbors whom we serve, would realize that is trustworthy. I've noticed that more and more people have been responsive to the messages. GOD is stirring the hearts of the men & women of Pacific Beach... maybe not at a speed that I would like to see just yet, but His ways are certainly not my ways. I'm cool with slowing things down and waiting for GOD. There are times that I must remind myself to slow down and to not move too fast, or else I'd be in my own will.
So going back to the watching part that I'd earlier mentioned. Our team does not do what we do to be seen by anybody, but given the location where we do what we do, it's kinda difficult to not be seen. Summer has officially arrived, and the crowd flooding the boardwalk reminds us of that. We have no clue how many people have their hearts touched by the things they see as they pass by, that's between them and GOD. Tonight our Heavenly Father introduced us to a generous man who is also involved in Ministry. His contribution is paying for the entire dinner next week! Now keep in mind, our average attendance for dinner is 100 people. Through this one man, GOD showed some of our team members (including myself) just how faithful He is to those who follow Him. I only mention this because had this man not seen the work GOD is doing through our Ministry, none of that would have happened.
Another person I've mentioned in the past blogs is Ron, those who follow us on here know him. The Lord called him to the baptism this Sunday as well. We shall see how that goes. Again... fruit!
Now finally to the part that I would call the highlight of the evening... Jeremy. Jeremy has been part of our life for nearly 2 years now. He has grown so much in his walk with Jesus! We met Jeremy while he found himself in our line for some hot food. He's had his ups & downs (like all of us) but he's learned to call on the saving grace of Jesus Christ. He eventually surrendered to the rules of the SDRM, where he's spent 22 months of his life abiding and growing in GOD's word. Tonight he finally graduated the SDRM program! It was a great honor to be there and see the fruits of our labor!!!! I am so very proud of Jeremy. This is just the beginning of a whole new life for him... a sober, truly happy life... a life that will not cease after his body deteriorates and returns to the dust from which we are formed. He know has a life with Jesus and is spreading the Good News through his new life. During the graduation ceremony, Amanda and I were introduced to a man, who is the fruit of another man's obedience in sharing the Good News. We were blown away at the love that pours from the walls of the SDRM. This was actually our first time inside the building. I encourage those who are reading this, to open another tab or page and take a moment to look up the San Diego Rescue Mission.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Our imperfections are loved by a Perfect God ...
I wanted to make that very clear to the readers of this blog... I love the Word of GOD.
"For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12)
Earlier this afternoon, I came down to PB and spent time reading chapter 2 of Mark's gospel with Sid. I'm very encouraged to see the excitement on his face, as Sid is learning the scripture and the significance of each detail. After the study, I went back home to load up for tonight, which leads to the following...
Having the benefit of reading about the mistakes & failures of others, and the lessons taught from them, really gives helpful insight for all of us to learn whether or not we should do something. Tonight I used "Imperfect Pete" as the perfect example of somebody that failed in many ways; as somebody who struggled with keeping promises; and fell short of being a faithful friend... and more importantly how in the 3 years Peter had spent with Jesus, how Jesus was always there to continue loving on him and still helping to teach him. The Lord used the example of Imperfect Pete tonight, in a way that I couldn't have even imagined.... it was a real blessing to see the response from those that paid attention to the message.
The Lord brought us another strong team of people willing to serve for His sake.
Today being the first of a new month, means a few things for us- 1) It used to be customary that our gatherings were smaller due to people receiving their SSI checks and what not. 2) Summer is officially here, which brings lots of tourists to the beach... more availability to plant that much more seeds as people witness what GOD is doing. 3) This marks the 27th month of GOD's faithfulness through Loving Thy Neighbor Ministry, serving the people of Pacific Beach. It's cool to think back and see what GOD has brought us through over the course of time.
New faces came through the lines. I had the opportunity to pray with a few of them. One guy that sticks out, goes by the name of 'Sage'. He would not shake my hand... he's a hugger! He has a gentle and peaceful spirit, and he loves our Lord Jesus Christ.
From the reports of the night, everybody was able to eat today.
We were blessed by a generous donor who provided men's clothing, of which we desperately needed. I heard that one of our regulars was very happy to find some shorts that were an exact fit for him. I find that particularly awesome... the man is of some foreign decent. We think maybe Yugoslavian, but it's hard to tell because he speaks 0% English. James and this man have worked out a fun system of communication through hand gestures since his arrival nearly a year ago. Amanda's friend James, is a valued asset to the Ministry. He has built an incredible rapport with most of the people unlike any of us. I couldn't do that if I tried... but GOD has chosen to use his gifts for that very purpose.
One of the man we serve, has given back to us what GOD has given him, and my prayer is that GOD would bless Tommy for his giving towards the Ministry to further His works. Tommy is another clear sign of good fruit this Ministry has produced.
Each week, a handful of our neighbors ask which bus route would get them to our church. Today was no different. I wish there was a way to make it easily accessible (and financially wise) for more of the neighbors to make it to service Sunday mornings. I simply just can not pick them up.
I mentioned of an upcoming Baptism that our church is doing in Mission Bay and got an interest from a few folks. Most of them already know the area, due to the 'feeds' that happen throughout the week on whichever day they meet at this particular spot. I'm curious to see who will come out and take those steps into the water.... 'excited' might be a better word to describe what I'm feeling inside.
Even with all my imperfections over the time I've spent with this group, they somehow see what I've been sharing with them. Jesus loves us regardless of how many times we mess up or fall short of success. As long as we are willing to reach up and call out to Jesus (like Peter in the lake)... He (Jesus) is there to reach down and lift us up on solid ground, through faith.
I'm sorry for going on and on.... it's been a long day and I'm exhausted. As I turn around to stare at my bed calling my name, I can't help but thank GOD for what He's given me. I pray that GOD would soften the concrete for our neighbors, and turn their cardboard mattresses into temporary mansions for the night.
Good night and GOD bless!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Summer is here!
The unfortunate thing about the larger gatherings, is that it's more likely that we would run out of food before everybody gets something to eat. It is our custom to start the evening in prayer and ask for GOD's blessing. We ask for Him to multiply the meals, and for the most part... He does just that. This week He had others plans...
Amanda and I were so blessed to see so many of our family from church come out to support and serve with us tonight. We had an additional 9 people help give a hand, not counting our regular team that consists between 7-10 of us! Each of us have different gifts to bring to forth. That's the beauty of GOD's design for us as individuals... no two people are exactly alike. We all see things under the same Light (Jesus Christ), but from different angles & vantage points. Some of us sense things that others don't see and vice verse.
Enough about us though..... "not to us, but to His name be the glory!"
We kicked off the mid-afternoon Bible study today at 1pm. It was a success! I had the privilege of spending an uninterrupted hour with Sid. It was really sweet to have that time, to help build him up in the Word, and to be of encouragement to him, and to pray for him.
GOD is continuously teaching me how to see things as He sees them, and not so much as to how I see them. It's not about numbers. I am 100% happy that 1 person came to the first study this week. I was totally blessed, because I was just obedient to the call that He had laid before me.
His love was present when I returned a few hours later.
We witnessed how GOD touched the heart of a regular, who usually is somewhat of a problem, and how that man served one of his peers. We witnessed the power of Him, as we stood and listened to Pockets share that he's been sober since last Saturday, where he met with the people for his SSI. We heard the gratitude in the voices of those that spoke as they humbly passed down the line... and we even saw them as some held back their tears.
For me, to be a part of something that has such a positive impact in some one's life... it blows my mind! Over the time, we've had people we've long since seen, come back just to say thank you for helping them during their hard times... Several have moved on, gotten jobs, are off the streets, sober, going to church or bible studies.
I'm often reminded by family from church, of the impact that my life has on those serving next to me. Knowing for myself, of that which I was delivered from... I can sit here and testify that Jesus Christ is alive and well and living inside of me. My own life has been impacted by those I serve with. I am very encouraged to see how GOD uses people for His kingdom and feel very honored to be a witness of that.
As long as it's in His plan, we will continue to come back week after week, to be used by Him, to pour out His love on the needy, less-loved, house-less, and lost people of Pacific Beach.
Friday, June 17, 2011
He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins...
GOD has been putting it on my heart for the past several weeks, to start a Bible Study in PB... I tossed the idea to the crowd a few weeks ago, and a few said they were interested in joining that... but I hadn't brought it up again. Tonight one of the guys asked me when that was going to start because he's really eager to have that time getting to learn GOD's word with me. Seven other guys heard us discussing it and also want to get in on the study!
We will be starting that next week at 1pm, right on the grassy area above where we serve dinner. (Please pray with me about this and GOD's plans.)
I discovered that GOD provided transportation for Pockets and helped meet his needs. Sadly, Pockets was in & out of the hospital for the past few weeks. His drinking is wrecking him. His health is deteriorating and unless he fully surrenders and allows Jesus to work in his life, his days on Earth are numbered.
Our precious friend, Lisa, made it out tonight! She is always a joy to see. I thank GOD that He has given her strength and for Him healing her fragile body. Weeks ago, she fell while she was at home and broke a bone.
We had a great number of volunteers tonight. It freed some of us regulars up, which allowed us to move around as the Spirit led and minister to our neighbors.
Jason was able to make it out again and bless us with his anointed worship music. Through worship music, GOD brings an indescribable peace to the area. You can almost feel the presence of His angels standing guard and singing with us.
Something very interesting happened with Amanda and a regular attendee...
Trials and tribulation hit all of us at certain times. There is no escaping it, but comfort comes to those who put their trust in The Lord when they come your way. The time for Amanda and I is now. I've chosen to withhold burdening those close to us with what we are experiencing, but GOD knows. For whatever reason, Jesus sent Eva, an elderly woman, to share His good news to Amanda. It was delivered in the form of Psalm 41:1 - "Blessed is he who considers the poor; The LORD will deliver him in time of trouble".
I look forward to seeing what happens next. I'm thankful that I have a Heavenly Father who promises to look after His children and provide our needs. I'm thankful to be in a position where we can serve and share our hope in Jesus Christ with others.
GOD is so good!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
A new season has started... (Friday 6/10/11)
Though in the 26 months we've been done in PB, there is still a majority of the same people coming through our lines... we always have a sea of new faces from time to time. We call those seasons.
The Lord showed Himself faithful again. He stretched the amount of food so that those who came were able to fill up, literally... some got 2nds and some even got 3rds. Although the crowd seemed smaller last night, the food logically couldn't have spread out as much as it did, without Him doing it. Thank you Lord!
We were able to sit and pray with those who asked for prayer.
Our worship leader, Jason was able to bless us with a few songs towards the tail end of the evening. His anointed guitar playing and singing really blesses all of us. I can't even begin to think how much it pleases GOD.
We've been running really low on men's clothing the past few weeks, and last night I met a local resident of the area, who shared with me that he would like to donate some things to our Ministry.... including clothes! GOD is so rad. He doesn't always use "Christians" to provide for the needs of the people, but He is still the GOD of all things, and this is just another way He gets the glory. GOD rocks!
As I shared the devo with the group, I was really encouraged to see more and more people listening to what the Bible has to say. Another proven sign that GOD answers prayers.
While we were packing things up for the night, I stood back and took a long glance at what we have going on down there. I couldn't help but laugh with joy. Amanda and I started with just the 2 of us, 1 small pan of spaghetti, 1 loaf of bread, and 1 table. Now we have a full blown team of volunteers, 3 large pans of pasta, a crock pot full of meatballs, bowls of salads, 4 loaves of bread, dessert, an assortment of hygiene materials, misc clothing, and 5 tables.
I've also discovered that the local churches have added us to a list of 'feeds' for people to come to find a hot meal of Friday nights. As encouraging as that might be... I really wish that those who did that would have at least spoken to us first. Many people show up later than 5pm, because "the list" says we start serving at 6pm. I really need to straighten that out. Understandbly, alot of hungry people get angry when they arrive by 6 and the food is gone. It's not their fault, nor is it ours. This is still a learning process for us, so I've learned that communication is essential.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Jude 1:22-23
This week I struggled with concentrating what to share with our neighbors. Just this very morning, GOD gave me what was to be shared, through a daily devotion that my Pastor shares, via email. I asked GOD if that was what I was supposed to share, and tonight He proved that it was exactly what somebody needed to hear. The devotional was from the Gospel according to Mark, where Jesus warns about the one & only unforgivable sin... blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
GOD spoke directly to an older gentleman named Rupert. He and I discussed in detail what that really meant. After explaining it to him, he asked for prayer to be cleansed of all his sins and made a decision to accept Jesus Christ into his heart. Praise be to the King of Kings!!!!
We had a smaller crowd... probably about half of what we're used to serving. Once in a while we enjoy those smaller gathering, because it allows us to slow things down and everything seems a bit more intimate & personal.
Jason blessed the immediate area with his beautiful worshipping to the Lord with his acoustic guitar. Our sister Dina just returned from a mission trip to Scotland and surprised us with her presence and assistance. It still amazes me how well our entire team flows as far as the Ministry is concerned.
We celebrated our sister, Danna's birthday tonight. I was able to have a handful of the neighbors join us in song to bless her..... Lord knows I have a horrible voice, so getting others to drown me out worked really well.
Over all, it was a really fun night. I announced my future plans to have a mid-day Bible study before all the food arrives. I asked to see who may be interested in attending and got some positive feedback, so I will soon be adding that to the Ministry.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Sweet Fruit...
I see now that it was in His plan, to give me the strength and compassion to see what would come this week. Being a holiday weekend, Amanda suggested we arrive early for the sake of parking, which we did... Even arriving at 4:30, I was surprised to see such a large crowd waiting for us! I could easily sit here and share of the discouraging events of the evening, but I won't. I'd love to share what Jesus did and how He was able to work through everything.
My good friend, Jason, blessed us with some sweet worship music. It was a real treat, as it was totally unexpected. Many people passing by stopped and listened, while a handful of those we serve, joined in the praise songs! A few people received prayer, at their personal request, in which all of us were more than happy to lift to the Lord.
Another surprise was our friend, Mark, who is such a gentle spirited guy came down and was able to spend good, quality time one-on-one with individuals as was needed. It was great to have him back for the time being.
One might look at our Ministry as a waste of time serving a group of ungrateful people, but when we see the results of those few that are starting to bear fruits in their lives, and we see the slow transformation.... it is so worth it!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.... this is surely a hard, difficult Ministry. It is ONLY by the grace of GOD and through His strength alone, that we are able to endure. Jesus never gave up on us, so we should we give up on them.
Monday, May 23, 2011
May 20th 2011 - Spring in The Air
Our fearless pioneers, Beau and Amanda were gifted anonymously by someone at Horizon Christian Fellowship to attend a married couples retreat. If that wasn't awesome enough on its own........the men and women who regularly come down to the beach were excited and happy for Beau and Amanda. We know the people we serve missed Beau and Amanda because we must have answered the question "Beau and Amanda aren't here. Where are they? Are they alright?" about a dozen or more times. It was so sweet to see people who are poor, homeless, and possibly living in terrible addiction be so genuinely happy for someone else.
More victory to report: 10 highschool kids from Ohio came to help us serve and they were such an incredible blessing. Sometimes the "regulars" allow the clothes giveaway table to be overwhelming. The sweetest high school girl worked that table with not only the skill of folding clothes faster than anyone but more importantly she had a pure servant's heart. She said she was a Senior and never wanted to leave San Diego. We laughed because once you've spent much time here; it truly is hard to leave.
It seems to us that God does things differently sometimes just to surprise us. The kids were so excited to serve that they started almost before the devotion was given but the man appointed to give the devotion did manage to read some scripture. It just meant the line started probably 10-15 minutes earlier than normal. That meant those that habitually come late came too late. Hopefully it teaches them to come earlier so that not only do they get fed physically but also hopefully feed their souls. It is sad to see someone rush up at the very end and give us their reasons for being late but have to tell them there is no more food when we know they are really physically hungry. Sometimes we think they probably could arrive on time but chose not to do so. It is all in God's hands and that is one of the biggest lessons we are learning at the beach.
Knowing God has annointed this ministry is what makes it so easy sometimes and yet so challenging. We always start with prayer and we did so as usual. The prayer circle was large and more of those we serve joined us in the prayer circle than on most usual Friday nights. Occasionally we have 3-4 homeless join us in the prayer circle but it seemed like that number was almost doubled this week. We look forward to the day when everyone we serve will join hands with us in prayer.
One sad note is that for the known time; pregnant women were in line to be served. Three pregnant women. It broke our hearts. Especially when Danna would recommend the San Diego Rescue Mission as a safe place to live and encourage them to check it out because they could keep their baby with them at SDRM and the women would say they didn't want to go to SDRM because they'd couldn't live with their boyfriend there. At SDRM, the men and women are seperated. Our Core Group prayed for the women and their babies that night at bible study. The lies of the enemy blind people and it is so sad. Blindness physically can be sometimes be overcompensated with skillsets and technology. Blindness of the heart can bring about problems here on earth but more importantly eternal devastation. This is what breaks our heart.
Oh, back to spring.........We rejoice in those 10 teenagers who joined us with joy and energy! They were the fresh air of Spring!!! May God always keep them close and may they sense His Presence in their lives. Our prayer is Col 2:2-3 and Isaiah 33:6 will continued to be manifested in these young peoples lives and God will always be glorified in their lives.
We remind Beau frequently how this ministry teaches those of us that serve as much as those we serve. It could just as easily in the blink of an eye be us on the other side of the serving table.
Thank you Lord for Your mighty acts at Crystal Pier every Friday night! You are GOOD!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Where there is faith, hope is found...
We got a late start tonight due to parking. Thankfully the security guard at local parking structure is generous enough to allow us to park there while Ministering. Parking is always an issue when the summer is around.... it is the beach.
Before I started my message, I'd asked for a show of hands for all who call upon the Lord Jesus Christ. To my surprise, a little more than 1/3 of the group raised their hands. Now please keep in mind, this had to be one of the biggets crowds we've had in a very long time... so I'm talking about 40 or 50 people raising their hands. I was really taken back when I saw that, but GOD is so good and I realized that just because somebody doesn't bear as much fruit as the person next to them, doesn't make it any less authentic. I now know the direction in which to prepare my future messages. This is church!
It's so funny that the crowd was this large... (that might not actually be "funny" the more I think about it) But what I mean is this- My wife usually cooks the same amount fo food each week, and for the most part everyone gets to eat... unless they show up an hour later and others have had second plates or what have you. There was a ton of people waiting in line and I for sure thought we were going to disappoint alot of people and run out before they got to the front of the line. We had just enough pasta in the pans up to the last person, and for whatever reason, that individual passed on the opportunity to eat just in case another person was still hungry. Considerate, huh??
GOD is doing an amazing thing down here! We had a few extra people (who I deeply care about) show up to help out, one way or another. My mom helped out with the cheesing, while a good friend and brother in Christ stayed up top. He was able to see things from a different perspective, and share with those who were passing by when curiousity got the best of them. I'm thankful that we don't always see how GOD is working, because it allows room for us to figure things out while He works.
The dynamics have started to change and GOD is opening up new doors, so prayfully things will become better. All glory be to GOD!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Praise be to The King!
After I'd shared the message, one of the guys gave me some criticizing feedback. It was good to hear what he had to say, because it showed me that he was actually paying attention to what was said in the first place. I appreciate the fact that he came up to me and shared what was on his heart.
There is still so much sadness down in PB. We are still seeing some of the same faces from when we first started this. A few have moved on, some have passed away, and then we're always confronted with another sea of new faces... as it was this week. The homeless population is only growing. I'll be the first to admit that I'm far from a "homeless advocate". That is not my passion, nor my job. I am only called to share the Hope that my friends and I possess... and that is only found through Jesus Christ The LORD. Yes these people need help, and yes it sometimes feels overwhelming to be asked repeatedly if I can help get this or do that.
I've discovered that there are plenty of people down there who have an excuse for everything. I've given suggestions and offered ways to help when I can and unfortunately the majority don't want it. This Ministry gets harder and harder each week. That being said... we who continue to endure this each week must continue to look to the Scriptures for our strength and guidance:
"If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn't love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God's secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn't love others, I would be nothing." (1 Cor 13:1,2)
"With all gentle and quiet behaviour, taking whatever comes, putting up with one another in love..." (Eph 4:2)
May GOD, the gracious and merciful Redeemer of our souls grant us the Love & Patience that He has for us.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Regarding last Friday (4/29/11)
It probably has alot to do with running out of things to share about.
Everything has been running smoothly, without incident... and sadly enough, the same could be said for seeing fresh fruit coming forth (without incident).
Patience is key, so we ask GOD The Father, to grant us the strength to continue for another week in hopes that He may call another person to repentance.
I am very thankful for my salvation and His mercy & grace.
Friday, April 22, 2011
A real Good Friday
It is such an amazing act of love on His part, for all of us. Today is all about Him and it was a beautiful day in The Lord, indeed.
Our neighbors received the message with no disruptions today. All went smoothly and again GOD showed all of us His faithfulness.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Gathering together (Friday)
It felt really good to have Amanda back with us! It was obvious that the crowd missed her... and her cooking. We started the night off with communion for what I had planned to be for our LTN Team, but 2 people from the crowd wanted to join us. I made sure they understood that taking communion was not meant to be done as a 'religious act' but a very real meaningful purpose for our Lord Jesus Christ... they understood and partook with us. It was sweet. I think we had a total of 21 people breaking bread this night. Last year it was on my heart to do this annually, to celebrate another year that the Lord has provided and been faithful to the Ministry.
The vision long ago became a reality this evening. With so many of our Believing friends coming down to not only be available to help serve but to allow themselves to be used to share their faith with others... I glanced down the crowded row of people and noticed my brothers & sisters all spread out, showing His love in gentle conversations, with love & humility.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
He is in control
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Perspective (Friday)
Another shocker was seeing Stephen on the boardwalk. He also decided to ditch the SDRM after 6 months! It's so heartbreaking to see somebody do so well for so long, and then give it up when they are so close to getting back into a normal productive life. I have no choice but to continue to pray for him as well... but it breaks my heart to see how the devil's lies of temptation get the best of the people I've grown to know.
The spirit of GOD was with us! His peace & protection was felt. I literally saw darkness flee from the Light for the first time in my life. As I shared what GOD had put on my heart to the crowd, the encouraging responses were amazing. This time it wasn't just a handful of people paying attention... it was only a few in the group of nearly 100 that were not. It was almost like preaching at church! I heard "Amen!" shouts from the crowd a few times and GOD wanted me to share my view with them. Whether they sleep under a roof or have a warm bed to sleep in, they are our neighbors and we are there to love them in the name of Jesus Christ! I don't do it every week, but I felt as though I was supposed to last night... so I brought a backpack full of Bibles. I was able to pass out 7 new Bibles to people who desperately wanted to read what GOD has to say. (Sometimes all it takes for a person to get saved, is right there in black & white!)
Once I was able to walk among the group and speak with individuals, I realized there was a deep anger floating around, probably just inches away from 'rage'. Those who were angry could not explain to me why they were feeling this way. It felt really weird & uncomfortable. When I'd asked each person if I could pray for them, they almost immediately said they had to go. One of the guys wanted a ride to his 'camp'. I was reluctant to have a team member give him a ride, in fear of their own safety, but Joey offered to take care of it. Needless to say I was relieved to get a call and debrief with Joey an hour later.
Over all it was a sweet night. Things seem to be improving in that area. The fruit is starting to show after some long seasons, but it is so worth it. The LTN team is amazing. GOD has really blessed us with people that love to serve Him and can work well with other Christians.
After the food was gone and the truck was packed, I realized I hadn't had much availability to hang out with one of my buddies, Sid. I invited him over to our home to play some video games.
It was nice to have that fellowship and just hang out without being on the go-go-go and in work mode. I learned that he's growing in his walk, been attending a church regularly on Sunday nights. That is an answered prayer! He's made the decision to get plugged in and his desire to get more and grow. He mentioned that he'd heard good things about Horizon from those that have come with me and wants to start coming with me.
Looking back to last night. I am soooooooooooooo encouraged at what GOD has done to me. He's completely changed who I am and is using me to bring hope to the hopeless. I love you LORD!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Blessed be His name...
The Ministry has been almost overloaded with the amount of clothing being donated these days. As the tables were being set up with the neatly folded stacks of items, you could see the eagerness in the eyes of those who waited to see what they might obtain. I know anyone reading this blog can testify that it feels good to have something new to wear. It's a huge blessing for me to be a part of something that will glorify God and make somebody else happy... even if the happiness only lasts temporarily.
We had extra volunteers join our team this evening. The word about our Ministry has started to trickle to the congregation at our home church. It's very encouraging to see the hearts of so many, who want to get off the pews and outside of the 4 walls and actually put His love into action. I thank God for His provisions and for His faithfulness.
Although, we witnessed the typical drunkenness and unhealthy lifestyles that some live, we also were given the opportunity to see fruits from the Ministry. More people have shown interest in getting off the streets, with plans made to enter into the SDRM on Monday morning. Another amazing incident is about a man named "Tunaboat Jim", a retired Veteran who will be having surgery in a few days. I'll share that in the next few weeks.
God was glorified tonight and His word went out with the promise that it does not return void.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
"Who So Ever"...
As I was thinking about what to write a few things came to mind. One was regarding the message at our church on Sunday and the other was about a conversation I had with one of my roommates.
I was reminded on Sunday that whosoever believes will be saved and I really considered what was being said. Whosoever... Color; race; social or economic status; gender; weight; height, anyone. I know as a christian I have heard this many times but this week it took on a different importance to me and it gave me hope. This great gift that some of us have already discovered is available for anyone who chooses it. I am motivated, more so today, to tell people about HIM, that whosoever believes will be saved!
Sometimes it's easy to get into a routine (in life, in ministry, with relationships) and lose sight of the importance of things/people/time. I thought about the people we minister to and how important it is for us to seize these moments and opportunities to truly show them Jesus. It's so easy to take advantage of time, to think there will be another day, another chance, more opportunities. But in all reality, for some of the men and women we minister they don't have more time. They are sick and weak and broken hearted. They are wounded and ripped apart by this world and the lies of the devil. For some, they are physically close to death or so emotionally ravaged that suicide seems like the only escape. If we really stop and consider that some of these people may not have a tomorrow how can we (I) sit back and say/do nothing. As my roommate said, we have to be intentional! We need to redeem the time and opportunities we have been given and not be sidetracked by this world. Our one goal and purpose should be to tell people about Jesus and his saving grace and love for us. I know in my own life I am so easily distracted from what truly matters. I want to be more "intentional" with my time; my actions; my thoughts; my love; my prayers.
My hope and prayer is that we will be an intentional people, filled with the Holy spirit, ready and willing to serve, love and tell people about our savior.
God Bless!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
He is greater than any of us.
We came prepared for the storm that was supposed to hit Friday night, but there was no need to assemble to pop-up canopies after all. I'm pretty sure we were all thankful for the rain to be held back.
We had a large youth group team up with us this week. There were kids from every age down there with us, all handing out baggies of items, compiled of His great Love for men & women alike. It was really neat to see so many young children telling older folks that Jesus loves them!
There are rare occasions when we actually see families with small children standing in our lines, but they do happen, and that was our experience this week. An out of work father, a disabled mother, and their 3 children: 3, 6, 8... all living in a mini van. It had been a long time since they've eaten a hot home-cooked meal. My heart broke when I saw the excitement on the children's faces as they shoveled the pasta into the little mouths with their little hands.
My special highlight for the evening was when a group of maybe 6 or 7 young ladies loved on these kids. Their group leader went to the local store and picked up a few coloring books for the children. (When it rains, the kids have no choice but to sit stuck inside their family mini van.) The older girls had the children sitting on their laps, hugging them, and doing what they could to keep the kids warm. When I noticed this, the verse that immediately came to mind was Mark 9:36, 37 - He took a little child whom he placed among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”
We serve a Mighty God who knows exactly what is needed and when it's needed. I'm confident without a shadow of doubt, that those little children will not forget the love that they experienced on Friday night.
I do not know whether or not, if the family will return... or if we will ever see them again. That is why it's so important to 'see' every moment as an opportunity available to share the Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ.